Targeting Sources With Google Analytics Experiments - google-analytics

I am curious if Google Analytics Content Experiments supports targeting based on the traffic source, in particular, certain Google Adwords campaigns.
For example, I have two Adwords campaigns pointed to the same destination url but would like a Content Experiment to only run for one of these two campaigns.
Even targeting the experiment based on the referring url would be helpful but I don't see an option to do so when setting up the experiment. Does anyone know if this is possible through the set up, or if I would need to create some kind of gateway that my campaigns funnel through and then get routed to the experiment URL based on the source?

Google does not currently provide this function by default.
I'd try (easier) and/or patching up custom bucketing code (more difficult)


View Google Analytics Data of Multiple Sites?

On the Google Analytics account I use, we collect analytics for multiple websites. We can see users and sessions for each website, that's great.
So far, every feature of Analytics I've come across only allows me to view information from just one site at a time, but now I'd like to see multiple sites.
What we are looking for, is a way to simultaneously view the number of users and sessions of all the websites under our account. I have google searched the problem, I've messed with every single setting I can think of. No progress.
How can we do this?
You could use Data Studio for this. You can either have separate tables on one page for all of the sites you want to report, or to make it more seamless, make a data blend to get stats from multiple sites with multiple GA accounts into one table
It is impossible to create a single view for different trackers in GA.
But you can download data from different trackers to one scheduled report in Google Spreadsheets using Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on
Or create one new tracker and implement on all your websites.
You need to set up cross-domain measurement.
Cross-domain measurement makes it possible for Analytics to see sessions on two related sites as a single session. This is sometimes called site linking.

E Commerce and cross domain tracking on universal analytics?

I am running into an issue where my client's website (can refer to uses a third party checkout site called rezovation that we can refer to I went through this doc here and the google setup e-commerce doc (for universal analytics) and I still find it confusing so here are my questions:
1) According to my understanding I need a customized GATC to link both domains and
2) If yes(above), do we setup one customized GATC for cross domain tracking on all pages from and if it is the case can someone provide detail steps on how to set it up (I am not a coder so the easier the guideline, the better)
3) Once cross domain tracking is set up, e commerce tracking code should be only on thank you page should be looking like the image below?
4) Should I add manually all the extra code for the e-commerce tracking code or I can get it done via a third party website?
The question really is: Will they (Rezovation) allow a customized version of the GATC? From what I've seen from them, the answer to that is no. Again, from what I've seen, which is only a a screenshot of the interface where you enter your GAUA number. Ultimately you get in-actionable data that doesn't even pass room nights booked and cannot be attributed to the proper source.
Perhaps they offer another plan that allows true cross domain tracking. It's a shame they don't have it built in because with Universal Analytics it's an extremely easy and consistent customization that would only require one additional input from their clients.

Best way to set up Google Analytics for domain, subdomain and subdirectories

I have a website with following domain and folder structure:
Main Website:
I have just started setting up Google Analytics for this and I am totally confused as to what are the best practices that should be followed? Should I consider them as individual properties or just 1 property. Should I be setting up a different GA code for each one of these?
Ideally, I would like to track all of it at one place but at the same time, using some filters be able to see the traffic on any one of the subdomains/subdirectories.
I started reading up about Universal Analytics but got totally confused and some of the posts were outdated as GA and UA seems to have changed significantly in the recent times.
Please advise me about how to set this up or point me to any good blogs or urls that are a rich resource.
This is one of the most complete answers I've found for this question.

Fake a subdomain in google analytics

I am currently working on a web app that will be running in an iframe on the webpages of our customers. Now i would like to setup google analytics tracking in a way that i that i can easily distinguish one customer from the other. My plan is to "fake" subdomains, even though it is always the same TLD, so that i can setup a profile for each customer, but still have overall analytics as well.
For example my URL is where 3 is the customer id. Now i would like to see that in google analytics as
Is that possible by doing something like this:
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXX-1', '');
ga('set', 'location', '');
or do i have to go about this in another way? My google analytics knowledge is limited to reading the stats and tracking events and pageviews, so maybe there is a whole different and better way to do this - i am open for suggestions.
It will be much better to use custom variables for this purpose. They give you additional segmentation possibilities on any values and metrics you need, such as customer names or IDs (or both ...)

Tracking displays of iframe component in Google Analytics

Site A gives their affiliates an interactive component (traffic map based on Google Maps), which they in turn put on their sites (Site B) in an iframe. The component is dynamic, doesn't change the URL of parent site, and has an id for each affiliate site.
What I would like to do is track the displays of the component. (Price of using Google Maps for the component depends on number of views).
At the moment the component is in <iframe src=",18.910,10&cm=1"></iframe>.
I have looked at the other topics but didn't found a solution to that problem. I would really appreciate any help, I had no experience with cross-site tracking yet.
You as siteA owner want to count number of displays of iframe on other sites, correct?
The basic way to do it is logs analysis — every time your server returns page,18.910,10&cm=1 or similar it adds an entry to your server's log files. The can be count when. There is a number of solutions for analyzing log data. Some of them opensource and free, other are paid services. For exmaple:
There is other ways to count it, but it's probably easiest way of all.
