MVC 4 mobile styles stopped working after script update - css

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET MVC programming. I've been using default MVC 4 mobile application template for my experiments. At some point I've decided to update the scripts to their latest versions (from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 in case of jquery-mobile). For some reason the styling of the page is now gone. I know that this has nothing to do with my changes since I'm pretty much made none, so it has to be solely due to update. I was wondering if someone could point out to me what should I look at in order to figure out this problem, because honestly, at the moment I'm completely lost and don't even have a clue where to start looking or how to "debug" these kinds of problems. There's just too many "magic strings" in this template for me to wrap my head around.

Oh, just use lower jQuery version.
jQuery Mobile 1.2 dont work with jQuery 1.9.1 and above. They have locked 1.2 to use jQuery versions from 1.6.4 up to 1.8.2.
Proof :
Take a look at this jsFiddle example:, change jQuery version in top left corner and see a difference. Don't forge to run it after change.
With version 1.9.1. you will get something like this:
First Page
Second Page


Is there any way to make Brackets' Live Preview feature work on Meteor projects?

I am styling a project built on Meteor and using LESS. I use Brackets for styling because its Live Preview feature makes working with CSS a lot quicker and more pleasurable, but by Meteor's nature it doesn't seem possible to use this feature.
Every little change I make on the code has to be detected by Meteor, who will in turn refresh the project on the browser for me, and this process is now taking anything between 5 and 10 seconds, which is entirely too much.
Does anyone know if it's possible to work on "live" CSS/LESS, using Brackets, in a Meteor project, without having to wait for Meteor to notice my changes and take its sweet time to refresh the whole thing for me?
Or at the very least least if there's anything I can do to shorten the time Meteor takes to update?
I don't think it is possible unless the developers of Brackets go an extra mile and implement a specific support tailored for Meteor.
Brackets works on top of raw CSS and HTML files and uses Chrome Dev Tools API to manipulate the page.
Meteor doesn't send raw files to the client. HTML templates in Meteor get compiled to JS DSL and CSS is concatenated and sent in a manipulated form, too.
Bracket's live preview feature would work only with quick page layout prototyping and will not play well with any modern front-end tool chain that involves compiling pages and stylesheets or preprocessing.

Air 3 for Mobile - StageText example?

Air 3 for mobile introduces a nice feature - StageText. I have seen a few videos showing what the end result looks like, but I cannot find how to actually implement it in code.
There is this page here, however, when trying to add the extra properties to the s:TextInput elements, I only get errors. Obviously, something is missing.
Anyone out there have any hints or working examples?
The new TextInput enhancements are part of the Flex 4.6 SDK which has not been released yet (as of 11/3/2011). If you want access to it right now, you need to sign up for the pre-release program.

Swfaddress and IE8

Has anyone successfully gotten swfaddress to work with IE8 and above?
It seems that when using standards mode, swfaddress will appear to work fine in IE8 and IE9, however, once the user modifies the hashtag in the address bar, the history list becomes corrupted.
In cases where the user starts the application via the hash tag (, and then visits another hash (, the history is never saved.
I have tried playing around with swfaddress 2.5 in the svn repository. Interestingly,
the code is similiar to JQuery Address (by the same author). I also note that JQuery Address suffers from the same problem.
If I turn on compatibility mode in IE, the swfaddress and JQuery Address works perfectly. I have been looking into how compatiblilty mode works, and it does not seem like it would modify or affect javascript execution.
Was anyone able to successfully solve this issue? If not are there any other deep linking libraries for flex or flash that contains all the feature sets of swfaddress?
After looking at libraries such JQuery Address, other JQuery state management plugins and even the BrowserManager that ships with Flash and Flex builder, I discovered that they all ran into the same issue as SwfAddress.
At the moment, SwfAddress offers that best features and comes with a .swc and .as files to easily interface with Flash and Flex applications.
Since the other javascript libraries ended up with the same problems, I have decided to stick with SwfAddress.
On a related note, the author has stated that he is no longer working on SwfAddress, so it would be cool if someone in the community can pick up on where it was left off.

Can sites built with DW be worked on without DW?

I've got a prospect whose site was just built, but the forms don't work. The forms seem to be using a DW Extension. We don't build in DW, so I'm not familiar with how it works. If a site is built in DW, is it limited to only DW-related fixes/solutions?
Dreamweaver is just a GUI for designing and developing HTML (etc;) pages, sites.
Many devs actually utilize nothing more than an enhanced Notepad application (like Notepad++). Personally I consider Dreamweaver a crutch for people that develop in it from day 1, you take it away and they don't know anything because they rely on the program. Which is fine for most work until they run into issue where they have to solve a problem themselves.
I don't hate dreamweaver, I just don't use it as my Notepad++ is sufficient for all my PHP, HTML, CSS, JSP, etc dev
You probably mean, a javascript library of some sort to validate the forms? If so you could gut those out (or keep them) and use jQuery, or anything you are comfy with.
Yes, absolutely. Once Dreamweaver generates the code anyone who is familiar with whatever language it is in can work on the file. Dreamweaver itself is not required for anything, but if you do use it you can take advantage of the wizards and what not.
But any text editor can edit pages generated by WP.
One note of caution: DW uses regular expressions to check its code and look for patterns that correspond to the various wizards. If you edit the code, it may break that check and the behavior will no longer appear in the appropriate panel. Everything will still work fine but you will no longer be able to edit via wizards.

Plone and

I am trying to use plone 4 with deco, using this buildout:
It seems to work, but when I add the new page element nothing special happens. (No
Anyone knows what is happening? or know a way of making it work with plone 4?
Deco is still experimental as of this writing, and shouldn't be used in production just yet.
Steps to get it working (what's currently working, that is) can be found in the install docs:
As far as i am aware, there has recently been a refactoring leaving the Deco UI editor not in a workable state. It shouldn't be a lot of work to repair, but it would be best if one of the core developers would do it.
Your best bet is probably asking on the list to make someone do a small development push.
