S2Member Wordpress Plugin Configuration - wordpress

Hi I am a newbie in Wordpress.
I want a registration form and paypal button in a page.
User will fill in the details and click the paypal payment button .
The user information gets saved and the url will be redirected to the paypal website for
I have installed the s2member plugin ,read the configurations but somehow unable to achieve the same.

TO ANSWER NEED YOU TO CONFIRM WHETHER you will need different access levels, will you want any free users BEFOR paying and your subscription model. no point using sledge hammer to crack a nut user registration and payment can just be setup with Gravity forms and PayPal but need to know more to answer properly.
Let us know and can then help .


Donation Page on Wordpress Website integrated with CCAvenue

I'm trying to create a webpage on Wordpress website, where a potential donor can write their name, contact details and the amount (in USD) that they would like to donate.
Once the user clicks on the Donate button, they should be able to make the donation through CCAvenue Payment Gateway.
The problem is, none of the solutions that I have found so far tell me how can I keep the field of Donation Amount open to the user and how can I send these variables to CCAvenue API.
Any suggestions on how to do it, would be greatly appreciated.
I am also trying to do the same I found one cool plugin which is GiveWP you can create a donate forms and integrate plenty of payment gateway addons, including the CCAvenue Gateway addon.
Check it out here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/give/
Hope this helps you :)

Payment Gateway Integration Error using PayUMoney in Wordpress?

I am using Woocommerce Word press plugin to integrate payment gateway.
Created my Test Mode account in Pay U Money and recieved key and salt id to configure in the plugin.
After adding product to page in test mode, post view cart when go ahead for checkout, it says thank you ....and then redirect page to https://test.payu.in/_payment with message as "Sorry, Some Problem Occurred."
the problem was with payUmoney Test Account key/salt id.
I have tried with Live Mode key and salt id, it seems to be working.
integrate Payumoney in woocommerce "PayU" provides a simple plugin to
integrate. Install it, enter your credential and that’s all.. Done..
If you want to integrate it in wordpress non e-commerce site, it needs customization. Install PHP kit provided by payumoney through FTP or File Manager in hosting control panel.
After that, the
most important thing is you have to pass the values of all required parameter as
mentioned in their documentation. Pass these values with $_POST. That’s
You have to activate your account before you can do a test payment on PayU

Express checkout is not returning to website (currently in sandbox)

I don't use paypal all the time but I have a wordpress plugin I built to handle some basic payments. I have started to implement this plugin on a new site and new paypal account and am running into some issues. I am using a technique very similar to the selected answer in this post: Easier way to integrate PayPal express checkout? (that's me, actually).
I'm not sure if there was a change with Paypal that is affecting the redirect after payment but I am setting the return, notify, etc url's in the form before passing it off to Paypal. I have tried to match up the settings with the other paypal accounts I use this plugin with but the "Profile" page on Paypal seems much different on this new account (? did it change, maybe I signed up for the wrong type of account or have a settings misaligned). I know one obvious solution would be to enable the auto return url within the profile page but my other Paypal accounts do not have this option enabled and also when I attempt this it does not help.
I am also having trouble locating the proper settings for changing the shop name (currently showing my email address) on the Paypal checkout page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sandbox settings are not tied to account settings at all, I just needed to make the changes when logged into sandbox.paypal.com when I was making them on paypal.com only.. Maybe this will help someone else in the future. Feel free to delete.

wordpress user registration/profile plugin

I am trying to make a wordpress site which will allow users to register by themselves and log into the site and have a profile. IS there such a plugin that will allow me to incorporate this into my site? I have looked around and being that I have very little experience with making sites/wordpress I have decided to ask some experts.
I know with wordpress you get a "blog" sort of site, but i'm hoping that if the plug-in i'm looking for exists then I can make my site to look different. The reason I am asking for each individual member to have their own "profile page/ private page" is because I want to be able to upload data to their specific pages and they should be able to see the data without seeing others'.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide me.
If I can't find a suitable solution, I will try to build a site with joomla, I had gone with wordpress because I had heard that it was easier to use.
Yeah, There is one plugin to do all these in wordpress. Plugin name: Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile
plugin Link: http://wordpress.org/plugins/profile-builder/
Yeah, There is one plugin to do with all the things which you want. Plugin Name : "Theme My Login"
Plugin Features :
Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match
the rest of your website
Includes a customizable widget to login anywhere from your blog
Redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role
Show gravatar to users who are logged in.
Assign custom links to users who are logged in based on their role
Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery
Send user emails in HTML format
Allow users to set their own password upon registration
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon
Theme user profiles
Please refer the following Location :
Theme My Login

WordPress WP Ecommerce User Registration

I’m interesting if there is a way to add registration directly to my registration page and not with checkout.
For example I don’t want to have Username at all and instead I want to use email address as one. Whereas in usual WP registration page I need to fill Username and Email and password will be emailed to me, I want to have just a page where I fill nor full blank with email and wp e-commerce details or just email -> then comes my password and I go to page where I fill the rest of the details.
thank you in advance
There are many ways to do this, like hardcoding form for yourself with right inputs and plugins with many custom forms.
In my case in the end I used plugin as I have Multisite
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/s8-custom-login-and-registration/ S8
Which works perfect for WordPress 3.5
