wp sidebar and footer (widget areas) disappeared - wordpress

I am using the Adapt theme by wp-explorer. Though I have done quite a few css edits, everything was working fine until recently. Now my wp theme is missing the sidebar and footer areas. For example http://www.mipsmusic.com/media/ should have a sidebar on the right and a footer on the bottom. In the wp-admin area the widget area is gone. (There are still widgets, but no widget areas to drag n drop the widgets into)
I have tried:
deactivating all plugins
checking single.php for <?php get_sidebar(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> and the tags are right there at the bottom of the page.
switching to the twenty eleven theme to see if it was a theme problem.
The results were the same in each case: no sidebar, no footer, and no widget areas in the back end.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to do a fresh wp install manually? If so, does anyone know a good tutorial for it - I don't want to lose all my edits.
Thanks in advance!
I tried the wordpress debugging and in the widget area and I believe this is my problem...but what do I do to fix this?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dynamic_sidebar()

There is a fatal PHP error right as your sidebar begins. You can see this if you look at the source of the page (View Source):
<!-- /post -->
<aside id="sidebar" class="clearfix">
That is the very end of your document. Those are the last lines. That is where the fatal error occurs, which stops the generation of the page. Either there is an error in your theme, or in a widget. Enable debugging and it should give you a hint. Edit your answer to include that information and I will try to help more. Until then, this is the best answer I've got.
The undefined function error you posted suggests a broken WordPress install, not a problem with the widgets themselves. dynamic_sidebar is a core WordPress function. It should not ever really be 'undefined'. I would suggest re-uploading the wp-includes and wp-admin folders to your site. Sounds like you have missing or corrupt files.


Elementor on Wordpress not loading due to

I'm still pretty new to Wordpress but I started rebuilding a website and I want to edit the homepage elements.
Unfortunately when i click on "edit with Elementor" i get this error:
can anyone help me please?
I want to edit my header search bar and re-order the elements in this homepage...
Can you please check the page code if
<?php echo the_content();?>
is added in your page code?

Visual composer WordPress plugin tabs not working

After I updated my WordPress, the content of the visual composer plugins in tabs are not displaying properly. They are showing up as a sequential list. Can anyone direct me on how to go about fixing it?
The tabs in the backend editor look ok:
The actual page shows them as a list:
may be you forgot to add body class, for reference check this <body <?php body_class(); ?>>`

Fields disappear for a specific theme

I'm new to drupal, so sorry in advance or any mistake, feel free to correct.
I don't really know what exactly that I have done cause the problem, but content's fields (for all content types)
is not being shown (the pages are empty beside the title).
When I edit the information it appears.
In the past the information appeared.
It happens only for a specific theme (business_theme), for other themes (drupal's default) the info' appears.
any idea or help will be great
You need to assign Main page content block to a region that already exists in your theme.
First; Declare the region in your theme's .info file.
regions[content] = Main Content
Second; Print the region inside your page.tpl.php file.
print render($page['content']);
Last; Assign the Main page content to the region from the Blocks manager page. ?q=admin/structure/block
After further investigation, It seems that when our own theme is being the default, no node.tpl.php is being called (does that makes sense?).
I add the code
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
to each node*.tpl.php file and cleared all caches.
when our theme is working no changes appeared,
when enabling batrick theme the added code was working.
This happens only in the page itself, i.e. when entering to localhost/drupal/node...
in the front page the added code worked for both themes.
any ideas?

Only the left menu toolbar is showing up on Wordpress admin

When I log in to my Wordpress admin, only the left menu toolbar is showing. Nothing else is displaying. The website front end works fine.
What I've done so far to investigate:
Renamed plugins folder to pluginz to make sure none of the plugins are doing this
Made sure there is no javascript error on the page
Made sure there is no 404 errors
Temporarily removed .htaccess to eliminate possible htaccess issues
Made sure there is no fatal php error thrown on admin
Any idea what might be going on?
I was able to fix the issue with help from here :
To fix the bug:
Open file blog/wp-admin/includes/screen.php in your favorite text editor.
On line 706 find the following PHP statement: <?php echo self::$this->_help_sidebar; ?>
Replace it with the statement: <?php echo $this->_help_sidebar; ?>
Save your changes.

how come the wordpress admin bar isn't being displayed properly?

i just upgraded to wordpress 3.3 and built a really basic template for some reason the wordpress admin bar on the site is displaying really weird. on the backend (dashboard) it is fine though.
i have attached an image, but is there a better way to view my problem? or has anyone else had it?
it wont let me upload an image, so to see my screen shot: http://www.keganquimby.com/dev/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Screen-Shot-2011-12-15-at-3.07.29-PM.png
I didn't know you could actually disable the admin bar for the front end of your site altogether, which is what I needed. Clicking on users then toggling the "Show Toolbar when viewing site" option off did it!
If you have already included wp_head(); & wp_footer();
Check function.php for show_admin_bar(FALSE); and change it to show_admin_bar(TRUE);
Have you made sure that your header.php contains the wp_head(); function call as last line of your head container and that you have wp_footer(); as the last line of your body container?
It's hard to diagnose the issue since your error probably lies server-side (PHP code).
