how come the wordpress admin bar isn't being displayed properly? - css

i just upgraded to wordpress 3.3 and built a really basic template for some reason the wordpress admin bar on the site is displaying really weird. on the backend (dashboard) it is fine though.
i have attached an image, but is there a better way to view my problem? or has anyone else had it?
it wont let me upload an image, so to see my screen shot:

I didn't know you could actually disable the admin bar for the front end of your site altogether, which is what I needed. Clicking on users then toggling the "Show Toolbar when viewing site" option off did it!

If you have already included wp_head(); & wp_footer();
Check function.php for show_admin_bar(FALSE); and change it to show_admin_bar(TRUE);

Have you made sure that your header.php contains the wp_head(); function call as last line of your head container and that you have wp_footer(); as the last line of your body container?
It's hard to diagnose the issue since your error probably lies server-side (PHP code).


Visual composer WordPress plugin tabs not working

After I updated my WordPress, the content of the visual composer plugins in tabs are not displaying properly. They are showing up as a sequential list. Can anyone direct me on how to go about fixing it?
The tabs in the backend editor look ok:
The actual page shows them as a list:
may be you forgot to add body class, for reference check this <body <?php body_class(); ?>>`

wp sidebar and footer (widget areas) disappeared

I am using the Adapt theme by wp-explorer. Though I have done quite a few css edits, everything was working fine until recently. Now my wp theme is missing the sidebar and footer areas. For example should have a sidebar on the right and a footer on the bottom. In the wp-admin area the widget area is gone. (There are still widgets, but no widget areas to drag n drop the widgets into)
I have tried:
deactivating all plugins
checking single.php for <?php get_sidebar(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> and the tags are right there at the bottom of the page.
switching to the twenty eleven theme to see if it was a theme problem.
The results were the same in each case: no sidebar, no footer, and no widget areas in the back end.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to do a fresh wp install manually? If so, does anyone know a good tutorial for it - I don't want to lose all my edits.
Thanks in advance!
I tried the wordpress debugging and in the widget area and I believe this is my problem...but what do I do to fix this?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dynamic_sidebar()
There is a fatal PHP error right as your sidebar begins. You can see this if you look at the source of the page (View Source):
<!-- /post -->
<aside id="sidebar" class="clearfix">
That is the very end of your document. Those are the last lines. That is where the fatal error occurs, which stops the generation of the page. Either there is an error in your theme, or in a widget. Enable debugging and it should give you a hint. Edit your answer to include that information and I will try to help more. Until then, this is the best answer I've got.
The undefined function error you posted suggests a broken WordPress install, not a problem with the widgets themselves. dynamic_sidebar is a core WordPress function. It should not ever really be 'undefined'. I would suggest re-uploading the wp-includes and wp-admin folders to your site. Sounds like you have missing or corrupt files.

omega theme, file node--type.tpl.php

I'm using the theme of Omega 3. I would like to review the layout of certain fields inside my content type "video". I made so the file: node--video.tpl.php:
<? php print render ($ content ['body']); ?>
yet even this simple statement does not work. Does anyone know the reason? No review of the design of the node with omega 3?
for better debugging, try to install devel module and theme developer module.
Both can be your best friends till you solve this issue.
Hope this helps... Muhammad.
I understand why it did not work. Going up: structure -> content type -> manage display, the fields that I want to print with php hidden. Putting them visible both on the "teaser" that the "default" everything works as it should.

Permalink-safe way to link pages inside footer.php

I am currently building a new theme for my site and am kind of stuck not knowing the proper way to link pages together. What is the proper way to direct visitor to another page if I were to write the link straight into footer.php?
Let's consider the following inside footer.php:
A Link
That would work well up until I were to change my permalink structure to something else.
What is the proper way to do it(without using WP built in menus or anything similar)?
You can use get_permalink assuming your pages are in Wordpress.
See this link:
The above answer is 100% correct, but to save people some time when they stumble upon this question, I took the liberty of writing it out.
<?php echo get_the_title(12); ?>
This covers everything from hover text to dynamic page title, so if you decide to change "Contact" to "Contact Us," you won't have to remember to update the footer.php file.

Wordpress Admin Bar Not Showing on frontend of site

Please could anyone help me with this problem? The wordpress admin bar is not displaying on the front-end (public visible pages) of my website. It shows when I'm logged in at the backend i.e Dashboard though. User settings are ok (set to show admin bar when viewing the site). I have tried deactivating (then, re-activating ) installed plugins, still no show.
Just a background note:
I recently transferred the site to my webhost (I was developing locally and everything worked and is still working). And I have a custom folder for wordpress. I was wondering if the problem has to do with this.
Please help I have searched everywhere but seems everyone is looking to hide the admin panel instead.
Thanks in advance
Check that your theme includes a call to the function wp_footer() at some point, usually at the very bottom of footer.php. That generates the code required for the admin bar to show.
add this to the end of your footer.php in your theme folder:
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
problem solved :-)
Most of the time the wp_footer() call is right where it should be so if you still can't see the admin bar then try the following:
log out of the backend
navigate to the front-end
clear your browser cache
log back in using the absolute url i.e.
and then see if it comes up - worked for me.
Also make sure the "Show Toolbar when viewing site" box is checked in your user profile page or whatever you try ain't gonna work my friend!.
I know this is an old question, but another option - If you purchased (use) a pre-made theme make sure that theme does not remove the toolbar in its code.
Does it 'know' that you are logged in ? when in front end ? ie: meta widget shows 'logout' instead of login. if not Did you by any chance play around with the cookie paths?
I got myself confused because I was logged in at backend, but not front end. This was because I'd being playing with the cookie path and forgot to uncomment what I'd done.
First, double checked all of the other items mentioned here (wp_footer(), etc).
Three more things to check:
make sure header.php has <body <?php body_class(); ?>> not just <body>
try disabling plugins one by one if you're still having trouble. (For me, the Simplest Gallery 2.7 with WP 3.7.1 caused a conflict that made the admin bar disappear)
look for function remove_admin_bar() { return false; } in the theme's functions.php - change it to return true.
Just add in your template
<?php wp_footer(); ?> before </body> and <?php wp_head(); ?> before </head>
For me the issue was that I was using in the WordPress address but for the site address. We had added the www to the WordPress address so that GoogleAnalytics would work and that's when the Admin Bar broke.
Adding www to the WordPress address fixed the issue.
To clarify after a lot of searching for a solution, similar to MattKnowles solution but more specific: Make sure that in settings > WordPress Address (URL) and settings > Site address (URL) that if one has www then the other also does and the other way round. Otherwise it seems while you are browsing the site it is a different domain to the admin area and the admin bar does not show.
Make sure site addresses are the same! I had one set at and the other (WordPress) address set to or visa versa.
I had them set this way because I though it was needed for the site to show up when you type the url without the www.
Now that both addresses are the same (with the www) my admin bar works, I stay logged in, I can comment, see preview or draft content, cross-site authenticate and logout, wow!
an entire year of wondering why WP just never worked right across over 30 websites!
Going to change addresses to the same "www" address in the rest of my 30 sites now and enjoy error-free WordPress for the first time's a great day!
Remember to remove any admin bar code you may have added in your theme's function.php file or in your styles.CSS
Thanks to all who help us here!
wp_footer() ,
add this function to footer.php
My #wpadminbar had a z-index: 99999;
In an act of myopia I made a sticky header that was in conflict with the Admin bar's stickiness. I had a z-index greater than the admin, making it rest behind the visible div.
I made my own sticky less powerful.
Here's a solution that I found.
Need to have <? wp_head()?> and <? wp_footer(); ?>.
More info:
Still working on this, but there is a conflict with Woocommerce. if deactivated, toolbar is there. Active, no toolbar.
More info here.
I had a sitiation when the admin dashboard was opened in one Chrome tab, but I could not make front-end part opened in the other tab to enter the admin state and show the admin bar.
The front-end always opened as if I had not logged in as an admin in the other tab.
The issue was that I had the site opened in yet another Chrome window (not tab) as not-logged-in visitor.
As soon as I closed all the tabs and all the sessions and reopened the single Chrome window with two tabs (admin / front end) the admin bar appeared in the front end.
Beware of unclosed HTML tags above <?php wp_footer(); ?>. Unclosed tags in the source will have closing tags generated by the browser and can suck in the WordPress admin bar HTML.
<div class="hidden-by-css">
<span> You can't see this</span>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
That will cause the HTML generated for the admin bar to get sucked into the .hidden-by-css DIV and your admin bar won't show up.
So make sure you close all your tags. :)
I wanna leave my solution since I tried literally every possible solution on the internet. The website has LiteSpeed and is behind a reverse proxy from similar to cloudflare, it blocks and caches as well.
The problem is the default cache from Deflect is set on 10 minutes and that caused the problem. Setting it with lower settings and removing all admin caching from LiteCache solved everything.
