I am trying to access the har file from my project src folder and its not working. its not storing the file to the specified path. But when i try to save the file in local drive, i am able to store and get the values from the file.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.lang.InterruptedException;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Wait;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
File firebug = new File("firebug-1.10.0a11.xpi");
File netExport = new File("netExport-0.8b22.xpi");
catch (IOException err)
// Set default Firefox preferences
profile.setPreference("app.update.enabled", false);
String domain = "extensions.firebug.";
// Set default Firebug preferences
profile.setPreference(domain + "currentVersion", "2.0");
profile.setPreference(domain + "allPagesActivation", "on");
profile.setPreference(domain + "defaultPanelName", "net");
profile.setPreference(domain + "net.enableSites", true);
// Set default NetExport preferences
profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.alwaysEnableAutoExport", true);
profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.showPreview", false);
profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.defaultLogDir", "C:\\Downloads\\_har\\");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
// Wait till Firebug is loaded
// Load test page
// Wait till HAR is exported
catch (InterruptedException err)
Instead of C:\Downloads\_har\ i need to have it in my src folder.
path = File.join(File.join(Dir.pwd), 'new_har')
if Dir.exists? path
profile['extensions.firebug.netexport.defaultLogDir'] = path.gsub('/', '\\')
profile['update_preferences'] = true
You can use above code to save to your source folder.
I am working on drool dtable xls file with spring.
i have implemented the business rules in xls file using external location and then with the help of kie services i am executing rules.
Following is the code snippet that's how i am loading rules in engine.
at the start of spring initialization i am calling init() method
see below spring configuration.
<bean id="droolsService" class="com.example.drools.DroolsServiceImpl" init-method="init">
Java Code
public void init() {
LOG.info("inside init");
KieSession kieSession;
for (RequestType type : droolsMap.keySet()) {
try {
kieSession = getKieSession(this.getDroolsMap().get(type));
droolsRules.put(type, kieSession);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to load kiesession:", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private KieSession getKieSession(final String file) throws DroolsParserException, IOException, BiffException {
KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = kieServices.newKieFileSystem();
InputStream stream = null;
String drl = null;
String RULE_PATH = "src/main/resources/";
SpreadsheetCompiler converter = new SpreadsheetCompiler();
//Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(DroolsServiceImpl.class.getResourceAsStream(file));
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file));
LOG.info("Loading rule file " + file);
for (Sheet sheet : workbook.getSheets()) {
LOG.info("Loading Sheet " + sheet.getName());
stream = new FileInputStream(file);
drl = converter.compile(stream, sheet.getName());
//StringReader reader = new StringReader(drl);
String DRL_FILE = RULE_PATH + sheet.getName() + ".drl";
System.out.println("Drool file added ::: " + DRL_FILE);
kfs.write(DRL_FILE, ResourceFactory.newReaderResource(new StringReader(drl)));
KieBuilder kieBuilder = kieServices.newKieBuilder(kfs).buildAll();
KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.newKieContainer(kieServices.getRepository().getDefaultReleaseId());
KieSessionConfiguration conf = SessionConfiguration.newInstance();
KieSession ksession = kieContainer.newKieSession(conf);
if (kieBuilder.getResults().hasMessages(Message.Level.ERROR)) {
List<Message> errors = kieBuilder.getResults().getMessages(Message.Level.ERROR);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Errors:");
for (Message msg : errors) {
sb.append("\n " + msg);
try {
throw new Exception(sb.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (stream != null)
if (workbook != null)
return ksession;
Everything working perfect but the problem is i am not able to scan the file changes. If files is modified then i have to restart the server in order to sync the changes.
I have tried listener to load specific init() method after xls dtable has any changes but its not working , same old result is coming.
I have tried kiescanner but i am not able to get the concept.
KieScanner is loading maven kjar so how do i suppose to create kjar.
I just wanted to kie api scan if any changes in the drool file and try to reload whole changes in kiecontainer without server restarting.
Found the answer myself, Posting because it will help someone who needed.
What I did , I have used apache VFS File Monitor-
DefaultFileMonitor fm = new DefaultFileMonitor(new CustomFileListener());
When file will modified , create or get deleted it will call CustomFileListener.
Following is the implementation of CustomFileListener.
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileChangeEvent;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader;
import org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext;
public class CustomFileListener implements FileListener {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomFileListener.class);
public void fileCreated(FileChangeEvent fileChangeEvent) throws Exception {
public void fileDeleted(FileChangeEvent fileChangeEvent) throws Exception {
public void fileChanged(FileChangeEvent fileChangeEvent) throws Exception {
LOG.debug(" Under FileChanged Method");
LOG.debug(" File has been changed hence reinitializing init method = " + fileChangeEvent.getFile().getName().getPath());
XmlWebApplicationContext xmlWebApplicationContext =
(XmlWebApplicationContext) ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();
DefaultListableBeanFactory defaultListableBeanFactory =
(DefaultListableBeanFactory) xmlWebApplicationContext.getBeanFactory();
DroolsServiceImpl droolsService = (DroolsServiceImpl) defaultListableBeanFactory.getBean("droolsService");
What i did when the file will change, It will call fileChanged method.
In that i have fetched cached bean(DroolServiceImpl) from ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext(); and called its init() method.
So this it will reload whole process and reinitialize the KieModule,KieRepository.
I'm trying to move image files from beforePath to afterPath, and below is my Code
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING;
public class ImageClass {
String fileName, beforePath, afterPath;
void moveFile() {
afterPath = afterPath + "\\" + fileName;
beforePath = beforePath + "\\" + fileName;
System.out.println(beforePath + " ,and, " + afterPath);
Path movefrom = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(beforePath);
Path target = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(afterPath);
try {
Files.move(movefrom, target, REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (IOException e) {
however the code returns java.nio.file.FileSystemException to me and it says that another process is already using the file. I tried many ways but I can't. How can I fix it?
We're developing a system that we're basing on OrientDB graphs (OrientDB 2.1.3). In the application, we have a thin pojo->graph persistence layer that should do the work properly, but I get OConcurrentModificationException when having multiple threads updating the database.
Here's an example scenario:
Create a Product vertex with edge to Color "Blue"
Simultaneously (while the transaction for creating Product 1 is open) create another Product vertex is created and also adds an edge to Color "Blue".
OConcurrentModificationException is thrown since the version of Color "Blue" vertex is updated. Note that I'm not trying to save or modify the Color "Blue" vertex itself.
As I understood the docs at http://orientdb.com/docs/2.1/Concurrency.html#concurrency-on-adding-edges setting -DridBag.embeddedToSbtreeBonsaiThreshold=-1 should help me avoid my problem, although it still doesn't work.
What am I missing? Is there anything else I can do to avoid this?
Stacktrace of the exception:
Error on releasing database 'infogileorientdatabasetest' in pool
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException: Cannot UPDATE the record #40:1 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user (db=v34 your=v33)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.conflict.OVersionRecordConflictStrategy.checkVersions(OVersionRecordConflictStrategy.java:55)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.conflict.OVersionRecordConflictStrategy.onUpdate(OVersionRecordConflictStrategy.java:42)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.OAbstractPaginatedStorage.checkAndIncrementVersion(OAbstractPaginatedStorage.java:2279)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.OAbstractPaginatedStorage.doUpdateRecord(OAbstractPaginatedStorage.java:1911)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.OAbstractPaginatedStorage.commitEntry(OAbstractPaginatedStorage.java:2364)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.OAbstractPaginatedStorage.commit(OAbstractPaginatedStorage.java:1111)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.tx.OTransactionOptimistic.doCommit(OTransactionOptimistic.java:609)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.tx.OTransactionOptimistic.commit(OTransactionOptimistic.java:156)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx.commit(ODatabaseDocumentTx.java:2582)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx.commit(ODatabaseDocumentTx.java:2551)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.server.network.protocol.binary.ONetworkProtocolBinary.commit(ONetworkProtocolBinary.java:1221)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.server.network.protocol.binary.ONetworkProtocolBinary.executeRequest(ONetworkProtocolBinary.java:400)
at com.orientechnologies.orient.server.network.protocol.binary.OBinaryNetworkProtocolAbstract.execute(OBinaryNetworkProtocolAbstract.java:223)
at com.orientechnologies.common.thread.OSoftThread.run(OSoftThread.java:77)
Update 2 - test case
I have reproduced the error using this test case. I would be delighted if there's something else I've done wrong to cause the problem... :-)
Update 3 Updated test case with OGlobalConfiguration.RID_BAG_EMBEDDED_TO_SBTREEBONSAI_THRESHOLD.setValue(-1) in a static block.
package se.infogile.persistence.orientdb;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OServerAdmin;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OGlobalConfiguration;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.OPartitionedDatabasePool;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConcurrentModificationException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConfigurationException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.tx.OTransaction;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.enterprise.channel.binary.OResponseProcessingException;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.server.OServer;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.server.OServerMain;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.server.config.OServerConfiguration;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.server.config.OServerConfigurationLoaderXml;
import com.orientechnologies.orient.server.config.OServerNetworkListenerConfiguration;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraph;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* Created by heintz on 14/10/15.
public class OrientDBEdgeProblemTest {
static {
private static OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory dbPoolFactory = new OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory(100);
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrientDBEdgeProblemTest.class);
private OServer server = null;
private static ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
private static final String dbName = "edgeproblemtest";
public void testVersionIncrementError() throws Throwable {
OrientGraph graph = getGraph(dbName);
// graph.begin();
Vertex v1 = graph.addVertex("Color", "name", "Blue");
char[] alphabet = new char[] {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G'};
List<Future> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int pos = i;
futures.add(executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
OrientGraph g = getGraph(dbName);
try {
Vertex v2 = g.addVertex("Product", "name", "Product "+alphabet[pos]);
g.addEdge(null, v2, v1, "HasColor");
} catch (OConcurrentModificationException ocme) {
logger.error("Exception while saving: ", ocme);
} finally {
return null;
for (Future f : futures) {
executorService.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
logger.info("Shutting down OrientDB");
if (server != null) {
private OrientGraph getGraph(String dbName) {
String _db = "remote:localhost:3424";
String url = _db + "/" + dbName;
ODatabaseDocumentTx db = null;
try {
OPartitionedDatabasePool pool = dbPoolFactory.get(url,
db = pool.acquire();
} catch (OResponseProcessingException | OConfigurationException | OStorageException oce) {
try {
logger.info("creating new database named " + dbName);
System.err.println("Before DB creation");
OServerAdmin serverAdmin = new OServerAdmin(_db).connect(
serverAdmin.createDatabase(dbName, "document", "plocal");
System.err.println("After DB creation");
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.error("Unable to create database " + dbName, ex);
OPartitionedDatabasePool pool = dbPoolFactory.get(url,
db = pool.acquire();
return new OrientGraph(db);
public void setUpDatabase() throws Exception {
File f = new File(".");
InputStream is = GraphPersistenceServiceTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/orientdb.config");
logger.info("Starting OrientDB");
server = OServerMain.create();
OServerConfigurationLoaderXml loaderXml = new OServerConfigurationLoaderXml(OServerConfiguration.class, GraphPersistenceServiceTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/orientdb.config"));
OServerConfiguration oServerConfiguration = new OServerConfiguration(loaderXml);
System.setProperty("ORIENTDB_ROOT_PASSWORD", "admin");
System.setProperty("RUNMODE", "UNITTEST");
OServerNetworkListenerConfiguration networkConfig = oServerConfiguration.network.listeners.iterator().next();
networkConfig.portRange = "3424-3430";
File serverDir = new File("./target/orientdb");
if (serverDir.exists()) {
File dbDir = new File(serverDir, "databases");
Hi that is because when you add edges to the vertex, vertex itself is modified to store this information, but you may work in mode when information about edges is stored in separate object. Merely use property
-DridBag.embeddedToSbtreeBonsaiThreshold=true and you will rid off this exception.
I am trying to delete a node in Alfresco(CE, v. 2.1) permanently(without moving it to trash can first) using web service.
My use case is this: create a standalone job that queries the repo for files older than 2 years and delete them permanently using web service. Then the cleanup job moves the deleted files to content.deleted which I can safely delete.
Below is my code
import org.alfresco.webservice.repository.RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.CML;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.CMLAddAspect;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.CMLDelete;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Node;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Predicate;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Reference;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Store;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.AuthenticationUtils;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.Constants;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.ContentUtils;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.WebServiceFactory;
public class NodeDeletionService {
protected static final Store STORE = new Store(Constants.WORKSPACE_STORE,
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
AuthenticationUtils.startSession("admin", "admin");
RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub repositoryService = WebServiceFactory
Reference reference = new Reference(STORE,
"8abb6223-11bb-11e4-a335-65e3a9c8626a", null);
Predicate predicate = new Predicate(new Reference[] { reference },
null, null);
Node[] nodes = repositoryService.get(predicate);
CMLDelete delete = new CMLDelete(predicate);
CML cml = new CML();
cml.setDelete(new CMLDelete[] { delete });
CMLAddAspect addAspect = new CMLAddAspect("temporary", null, predicate, null);
cml.setAddAspect(new CMLAddAspect[]{addAspect});
// Execute the CMLDelete statement
try {
System.out.println("Deleted succesfully");
} catch (Exception e2) {
System.err.println("Can not delete the space.");
throw e2;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
But I get an exception
{http://www.alfresco.org/ws/service/repository/1.0}RepositoryFault:<ns1:errorCode>0</ns1:errorCode><ns1:message>org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.InvalidAspectException: The aspect is invalid: {}temporary</ns1:message>
I tried different aspects like temporary, cm:temporary, sys:temporary - but all in vain. Any idea?
I am very new to Flex. I want to retrieve file's binary content using flex but failed. Here is the code so far:
// ActionScript file
package source.fileApi{
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import flash.net.FileReference;
import flash.net.FileFilter;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import mx.utils.URLUtil;
public class FileAPIMain {
private var debug:Boolean = false;
private var dataReaded:String;
private var fr:FileReference;
public function FileAPIMain():void{
ExternalInterface.addCallback("setDebug", setDebug);
ExternalInterface.addCallback("onLoadFileClick", onLoadFileClick);
public function log(message:String):void {
if (debug) {
ExternalInterface.call("FileReader.__log", encodeURIComponent("[FileReader] " + message));
public function setDebug(val:Boolean):void {
debug = val;
if (val) {
log("debug enabled");
public function onLoadFileClick():void{
//create the FileReference instance
fr = new FileReference();
//listen for when they select a file
fr.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelect);
//listen for when then cancel out of the browse dialog
//open a native browse dialog that filters for text files
private function onFileSelect(e:Event):void{
fr.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelect);
//listen for when the file has loaded
fr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
//listen for any errors reading the file
fr.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError);
//load the content of the file
private function onCancel(e:Event):void{
log("File Browse Canceled");
fr = null;
private function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{
fr.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
//get the data from the file as a ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = fr.data as ByteArray;
dataReaded = data.readUTFBytes(data.bytesAvailable);
ExternalInterface.call("FileReader.__getSize", fr.size);
ExternalInterface.call("FileReader.__getName", fr.name);
ExternalInterface.call("FileReader.__getData", dataReaded);
//clean up the FileReference instance
fr = null;
private function onLoadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
log("Error loading file : " + e.text);
But this did not give me the binary content of the file.. Could any one please tell me how to retrieve the full binary content of the given file using Flex (I am using FP 10.0).....
If you user FLashPlayer 10+ then make use of FileReference.
See the pure AS3 sample below
var buttonShape:Shape = new Shape();
buttonShape.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 25);
var button = new SimpleButton(buttonShape, buttonShape, buttonShape, buttonShape);
var fileRef:FileReference= new FileReference();
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);
function onButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void
fileRef.browse([new FileFilter("Images", "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png")]);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelected);
function onFileSelected(e:Event):void
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoaded);
function onFileLoaded(e:Event):void
// here we get the data
var theData:Object = e.target.data;
// next you can manipulate the data as you like! ;) depending on the type