JavaScript API for Office Web Apps -

Is there a JavaScript API for Office Web Apps (specifically - Word Web App) that I can use in order to get notifications from the Word doc?
My scenario is this:
I have an ASP.NET application, in which I want to display a word document using the Word Web App (on premises). I would like to embed the document in the web page using iFrame (haven't tried it yet, hope it'll work...).
I would like to get notification when the user saved the document, so that when this happens, I can remove the iFrame and display something else.
Is that possible?

I recently read MSDN article on this - Hope that helps.


Scrape, upload and notify

I am making an app which sends a notifications to users as soon as a new item is available on an external website
Currently this process is Manual, where I check the update myself and send out a notification. I then update my website to show the new item.
I am trying to use a web scraper to run on my website to extract the information and display it in the app but even that is run manually.
Are there any tools that I can use to automate this process?
So something that will:
check the external website for updates, periodically.
Get the change and update my website (WordPress)
Send out a notification to users
I have automated something similar (excluding the WordPress part).
It was also an automation for monitoring a website for new items (apartments for rent): when a new apartment was available - the automation would send me notification on my mobile.
As an automation tool, I used Easybots Studio ( - simple, free, had all the functionality I needed out of the box and I could write my own 'bots'.
1. HTML Monitoring
In a nutshell, the automation solution looks something like:
On 15 minutes Elapsed
[HTML Bot] Get HTML of the page
[HTML Bot] GetAllBySelector(".someHtmlElementClass") (get all html elements in the list of apartments)
foreach new listing
Pushbullet Bot.Send Notification on my mobile
Click to see picture from the actual implementation in Easybots Studio
The automation is based on the their blog entry ("monitoring a web site for fast-selling theater tickets"), which might be helpful here as well.
So, if you go that path, you will need to explore the HTML of your external website, and see how are the items listed. That is needed for the HTML bot can get all items either by 'SelectAllByXPath' or by 'GetAllBySelector'.
2. WordPress Automation
As for automating the WordPress part - I can't find bot doing that on their web site, nut you can develop your own app (WordPress has REST API possibility), or even maybe contact the easybots support to see if they have such bot in pipeline.
If you are a .Net dev - here is a starting point to using WordPress Rest APIs:
3. Sending Notificatons
In Easybots, there are Email bots that you can use to send emails, but also some mobile notifications bots (pushbullet, pushover, ..).
In the question it is not specified what kind of notification is needed, but this should be easy with Easybots.
Other tools out there: WinAutomation, Automation Anywhere, UiPath..

How to display/embed Microsoft word Document(docx) in web page?

I am developer. i am developing a web application, in which, i need to display/embed docx file in div/web page part.
I have tried google api with using iframe code but not working like -
<iframe src="" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
but my application can not access by outside of my company. so this is not public documents. we can not upload the documents on google server.
So i am very confuse about the case ago a lot of time.
Can we dispaly docx file into web page ?
Please give a suggestion to resolve this issue.
As of just now, you can try
Native Documents has a component you can embed to view or edit Word (doc/docx) files in a web app. You can host it, so your documents aren't transmitted over the public internet.
It is commercial software, but there are free tiers which may be enough for you.
Disclosure: I have an interest in Native Documents.

Sharepoint like Edit a document in Microsoft Word using ASP.NET - Office Integration

I am working on a document management project and client wants to edit a document just like how one can do in sharepoint. So when a user click edit document in word and makes modification and saves, it should save on the server.
Any ideas?
For Word, I would use a third part UI control like this one.

Change tab page to iFrame

I have an old Facebook app that installs on Facebook Pages. The tab page is not being hosted in an iframe, but instead Facebook is embedding the HTML into their website (I think this is called FBML). How do I change the tab to be hosted in an iFrame like the new Apps do.
As of this writing, to change your tab to work as an iFrame instead of embedded HTML, you have to go to your app settings - advanced and under Migration enable Page Tab iFrames.
I beleive what you are referring to is one of the old "static FBML" applications that used to be around. page is not being hosted in an iframe, but instead Facebook is embedding the HTML into their website...
It would let you paste your FBML (Facebook Markup Language) code into a textarea in the settings of the static FBML app.
This is no longer a feasible option as Facebook has deprecated and is in the process of removing FBML.
FBML has been deprecated. Starting June 1, 2012 FBML apps will no longer work as all FBML endpoints will be removed...
What I believe you'll have to do is re-write your application utilizing the newer JavaScript/PHP SDK's (or any of the other non-official SDK's that are out there). You'll have to create a new app of your very own and then add it to your pages.

can we see html localstorage content through client browser?

supppose I use html5 local storage for my website.
1)can End user see my local storage values through browser using view source code etc?
2)How can we enter data for HTML5 local storage as domain level, i dont want to add my records manually when page loads everytime?
3where will HTML5 local storage content be saved?
I)in client side?
II)in server side(webserver)
anyhelp please?
Not through view source, but many Developer Tools support this. So yes, a user could very easy figure out what the contents of their browser's localStorage is. For example, in Chrome, open the Developer Tools, and on the Resources tab select "Local Storage"
I think what you are asking for is "How to I add local storage without writing the code in every page". You would typically then put that code in a common .js file - and reference it whenever you needed it. If you need it in every page, then depending on which platform you are using, they probably have some sort of "master". ASP.NET WebForms has Master Pages, ASP.NET MVC has ViewStart, etc.
Client side. It's local storage - as in it is local to the browser.
