Change tab page to iFrame - iframe

I have an old Facebook app that installs on Facebook Pages. The tab page is not being hosted in an iframe, but instead Facebook is embedding the HTML into their website (I think this is called FBML). How do I change the tab to be hosted in an iFrame like the new Apps do.

As of this writing, to change your tab to work as an iFrame instead of embedded HTML, you have to go to your app settings - advanced and under Migration enable Page Tab iFrames.

I beleive what you are referring to is one of the old "static FBML" applications that used to be around. page is not being hosted in an iframe, but instead Facebook is embedding the HTML into their website...
It would let you paste your FBML (Facebook Markup Language) code into a textarea in the settings of the static FBML app.
This is no longer a feasible option as Facebook has deprecated and is in the process of removing FBML.
FBML has been deprecated. Starting June 1, 2012 FBML apps will no longer work as all FBML endpoints will be removed...
What I believe you'll have to do is re-write your application utilizing the newer JavaScript/PHP SDK's (or any of the other non-official SDK's that are out there). You'll have to create a new app of your very own and then add it to your pages.


Office 365 web apps in iframe inside aspx page

Well am trying to open a word document from office 365 inside my aspx page.
The url is included in an iframe,however the page keeps throwing an error message "This content cannot be displayed in a frame".
example code:
<iframe width="700" height="700" src='{13438738-FBFF-4F32-A680-4BF6D47F7682}&action=default'></iframe>
I have tried the following but with no luck:
Add <WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat="server" /> to SharePoint master page
Allow external iframes in HTML Field Security in office 365 site settings.
Add the office 365 SharePoint to trusted sites in internet explorer and enabling display mixed content
Add IHttpModule to my web application to adding headers for the X-Frame-Options HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN");
Deploying Ventigrate.Shared.PermissiveXFrameHeader feature on the office 365 SharePoint site
The thing is I have added
Ignore X-frame headers extension
to my google chrome and I was able to open the word document in google chrome only.
Also if I have change the action inside the url from default to interactivepreview the page will open in IE.
Nevertheless there is no extension for IE,but if there is a solution in google chrome that means there is a possibility to make it work for IE.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

JavaScript API for Office Web Apps

Is there a JavaScript API for Office Web Apps (specifically - Word Web App) that I can use in order to get notifications from the Word doc?
My scenario is this:
I have an ASP.NET application, in which I want to display a word document using the Word Web App (on premises). I would like to embed the document in the web page using iFrame (haven't tried it yet, hope it'll work...).
I would like to get notification when the user saved the document, so that when this happens, I can remove the iFrame and display something else.
Is that possible?
I recently read MSDN article on this - Hope that helps.

AdBlock blocking CSS and Images on .NET 4.5 web site

I created a new web site using the default web-forms web site template that comes with Visual Studio 2012. Just went to File--> New Website --> C# --> Asp.Net Web Site, and let it create it's basic template.
Then I hit F5 to debug and it runs fine and I get that default welcome page with the aqua green block, etc... but when I add it to IIS and browse to it using localhost/WebsiteName in Chrome, the AdBlock plugin blocks all of the CSS and Images so all I see is black-and white un-styled text. When I disable AdBlock, the styling and images return and it looks normal just like it did when debugging.
I have a feeling it has something to do with the Bundle Referencing, but I'm not sure what's going on.
What specifically is AdBlock blocking?
Why isn't it blocking it when debugging through Visual Studio, only when browsed to it via localhost/WebsiteName?
What can I do to prevent users with AdBlock from having this content blocked when it is clearly not advertising?
I must assume you have a matching rule in your Adblock config. If you Go to Adblock - Options and turn on "I'm an advanced user, show me advanced options." you should then be able to reload your page and go to "Show the resource list" from the Adblock button. All items on the page will be displayed, the blocked items will be in red and the matching filter shown.
Good luck.
Thanks for the tip. It turns out that AdBlock blocks anything matching /advertising/* and the actual name of my app is "Advertising" because it will be an advertiser management system for my organization. Looks like I need to find a new name for that folder. When debugging is only went to localhost:5538/ but localhost/advertising/default.aspx got blocked because of the word "advertising" in the path.

Running a GWT application (including Applets) inside an IFRAME from an ASP.NET 3.5 app?

We are looking at integrating a full-blown GWT (Google Web Toolkit 2.0) application with an existing ASP.NET 3.5 application. My first gut reaction is that this is a horrible frankenstein idea. However, the customer has insisted that we use this application developed by a third-party.
I have almost NO CONTROL over the development of the GWT app.
My first thought is to actually attempt to embed this in an iFrame. Because GWT is running under Tomcat/Jakarta, it is hosted on a different server from the .NET app so the iFrame src will be to a URL on the other machine.
I need to utilize our own ASP.NET authorization scheme to restrict access to the embedded GWT application. The GWT app also uses embedded java applets, which don't seem to be working right now inside the iframe. The GWT app makes calls to a backend server (using GWT-RPC?).
Any major problems with this approach that anyone can see? Will GWT work on an iframe while hosted on a different machine?
To expound on what Tony said, GWT can live on any page. At its lowest level, GWT hooks into a div by its ID or the body element, as its RootPanel, and adds widgets to it from there.
Simply add a div to your ASP page like <div id="gwt-root" /> and in your GWT code, start with RootPanel root = RootPanel.get("gwt-root"). Then you can start adding widgets to that panel to build the GWT portion of your page.
You'll also need to bring in your GWT generated code with a script tag, like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src="gwt-app-name/gwt-app-name.nocache.js">
Also, if you want, GWT can interact with the rest of the page using regular JavaScript using JSNI.
you do not need an IFRAME. Writeyour application so that the main panel is hosted inside a div with a specific id. If your can provide a div with the same id, then all you have to do is include the generated JavaScript files (+ some style sheets) and your application will display inside the div.

Flex application bookmarking problem/"#" at end of url

I work in an area where the business users heavily depend on bookmarks to access their work-related web applications. Our standard browser is Internet Explorer v6. We have a new Flex application - when you add the site to Internet Explorer Favorites, then later try to access the site with the Favorites link, we get the following error message: "internet explorer cannot open the internet site http://our url. Operation aborted". If we then bring up the properties for the link and remove the trailing "#' from the url, the link works.
What is this trailing "#", and can it be removed? Is there a way to have Internet Explorer bookmarking to work for this site (other than manually editing the bookmark)? The problem doesn't occur in Firefox (but not everyone has access to that browser).
The trailing # is used to provide information to your client-side framework. It was originally meant to provide the ability to link to anchor points in an HTML document. It has been "hijacked" by JavaScript frameworks to provide state information to Flash and Flex applications.
The primary benefit of using # to navigate is that the browser doesn't navigate off the current page - meaning you only need to load your framework once. Traditional URLs would force an entire page reload.
Most likely you can't remove it. You should be able to provide a means for a secondary URL scheme that encodes what you need in a query string (?foobar=1).
You will need to configure server-side processing to either redirect the user to the hash URL or load the necessary information via a JavaScript hook to your Flex framework.
You might also look into the new Google Chrome plugin for IE.
You can turn this off in the compiler parameters in Flex Builder. Go into the project settings, then in "Flex Compiler" uncheck the box that says "Enable integration with browser navigation".
