How to configure WebStorm to debug meteor server files? - meteor

How can I configure webstorm to debug meteor server files?

I got it working with PHPStorm. See: WEB-6264 I did have to make a slight modification to the configuration though.
Install NodeJS plugin from the Plugin Repository
Create a Node.js Remote Debug run configuration and fill in the fields:
Host : (host of meteor app running, leave untouched if meteor is running on your local machine)
Debug port : 5858
Local directory : /path/to/your/meteor/project
Remote path : app
NODE_OPTIONS="--debug" meteor


Trouble for deploy Symfony 4 on my ftp server

I'm a dev from symfony 3.3 and i would like to have migrate on symfony 4 but everything i try didn't word for having a working build on my ftp server.
I have install composer
Download the demonstration project from symfony with composer
Install apache bundle with composer
I verify the .htaccess and is there in the "public" folder
With my ssh access, i have launch the server: bin/console server:run
after that i go to my domain, go to the public folder
The toobar is loading perfectly but i don't have any css/js loading
I send a screenshot with what i see on my website
I saw a lot of people speaking about the virtual host but i don't have access to the file with my ftp provider, is it necessary to modify this? Everything was working with symfony 3 so i hope i can still use this provider with symfony 4 (hostinger)
One more thing, when i put the bin/console server:run i got this
[OK] Server listening on
don't know if it's normal :)
and when i navigate on my website, there is nothing mark on my ssh console

Access linux-hosted ASP.NET Core 2.x webapp (without nginx)

My ASP.NET Core 2.1 webapp works perfectly on my dev setup. Now I want to test it in production.
The production server is Ubuntu 18. I followed the instructions. I don't want to setup nginx yet, just do some quick tests, and the instructions say:
"Either configuration—with or without a reverse proxy server—is a valid and supported hosting configuration for ASP.NET Core 2.0 or later apps".
So I built and published my project: dotnet publish --configuration Release.
Then on the server:
install the dotnet runtime
copied files to server (/var/www/myapp)
opened ports: sudo uwf allow 5000/tcp 80/tcp
run dotnet MyApp.dll (also tried sudo dotnet MyApp.dll)
It runs without errors/warnings, and says it's listening on http://localhost:5000.
On my local machine I tried http://serveripaddress (and http://serveripaddress:5000) but get nothing ("can't connect"). I can access that server with ssh, sftp, etc - only http isn't working.
What am I doing wrong?
the host default bind is , so you can only access the app locally. if you want to access it from Network, please add --urls parameter. for example :
for development, you can run:
dotnet run --urls
and for deployed project, you can run:
dotnet MyApp.dll --urls
The dotnet core sdk I use is version 2.1.400.
Found the problem. I needed to use:
ASPNETCORE_URLS="" sudo dotnet MyApp.dll
Then it logs Now listening on: And I can access that from a remote client.

How do I read a file from the local file system from inside a meteor app?

I have a meteor app that needs to periodically read a file located on the host's file system, outside of the app package. I am using node's fs to accomplish this, and it works fine on my (macOS) development machine.
However, when I run mup deploy to deploy it to my (Ubuntu 14) server, mup returns the following error after starting meteor:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/sam/data/all_data.json'
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:652:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:553:33)
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
you should follow mup documentation closely. Have you seen volumes setup in mup config? Try this to solve your issue.
Reason: mup runs app in docker without any access to host file system unless specified. Volumes setup does this for you with mup deployment.
Below is the part of mup config from, Everything Configured, read more to get a better idea.
name: 'app',
path: '../app',
// lets you add docker volumes (optional). Can be used to
// store files between app deploys and restarts.
volumes: {
// passed as '-v /host/path:/container/path' to the docker run command
'/host/path': '/container/path',
'/second/host/path': '/second/container/path'
The user you have that is running your meteor build on the server needs to have access to that folder - read access. I would store the file in a different directory than the home one, because you don't want to mess it up. Either way doing something like chmod -R 444 /home/sam/data should give read access to any user for all files in that directory. You are probably running meteor as your local user(sam?) in development mode on your macOS, but the built up gets run as meteor or some other user on ubuntu, because of mup and forever.

Homestead installation updating my host machine

Ok, I want to use a virtual machine with Vagrant and Homestead on my computer to work on my websites in the same context as their production server. That's the all point of using a virtual host isnt it ? To get rid of dependencies conflicts between your host mahcine and your projects requirements.
The production server of my project A needs PHP5.6, i want my virtual
machine to run PHP5.6, while my host machine can run another version
of PHP. Am i right ?
Following Symfony and Homestead documentations, I must run "composer require laravel/homestead" into my project folder to install homestead... which leads to install my project dependencies on my host machine !!
Am I missunderstanding virtual machine purpose or what ?
I guess I could put my project folder into a sub directory, so there would be 2 composer.(json|lock) files, but it breaks my git structure
Homestead is not the virtual machine, but a CLI tool and Vagrant box to setup a virtual machine for PHP projects easily.
It configures Vagrant for you in such a way that you can create virtual machines for your PHP projects easily, it's not the virtual machine itself.
Install homestead as a global Composer dependency (it's just a CLI application) and use the homestead command to configure, start and shutdown the Vagrant virtual machine.

How to install symfony2 project existing in github repository to local instance

I'm having a symfony2 project in github repository. I want to install it to my local instance. I'm using Xampp on Windows 7. How can I achieve it?
if your using xampp the easiest way is to use symfony build in server.
clone or download the symfony project to your xampp htdocs.
start your xampp and open the shell, (shell button on the right)
locate yourself in the root symfony dir. and type:
php app/console server:run
a local php server should start on http://localhost:8000
i recomment using this because (dev mode is loaded by default).
its faster then a VM because you dont sync files.
you can also add verbose arguments
php app/console server:run -vvv
that way you get more output info when debugging.
