Can I whitelist a domain for unencrypted traffic from a page served over HTTPS? - http

I've got an internal web application that's designed to work in concert with a server running locally on the client machine. (For the curious: the local server is used to decrypt data retrieved from the server using the client machine's GPG key.)
The internal web app is served over HTTPS while the local app is accessible via localhost. It used to be that I could make unencrypted AJAX requests from the page to localhost without any issues; but it seems that recently Chrome was updated to disallow HTTP requests to any destination from pages served over HTTPS.
I understand that in the vast majority of cases, HTTP requests from a page served via HTTPS constitute a security hole. However, since I have complete control over the endpoint in this case (i.e., localhost), it seems to me that it should still be perfectly safe to make HTTP requests to that one destination even when the host page has been served via HTTPS.
Is this possible? To whitelist localhost somehow?

Since you are in control of both the client and the server, it sounds like a good candidate for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). The server will have to set a few response headers to give access to the client. You can learn more here:


Encryption in Transit: HTTP to HTTPS

When sending data from a server / device through HTTP, to a destination that is enforced by https, is that data encrypted in transit?
Or does the source and the destination both have to enforce HTTPS?
A protocol is the language between a client and the server. This language might have features including ones related to security. HTTP is basically for browsers requesting web resources from web servers without any encryption, authentication or integrity protection. HTTPS is the same, but one that provides these features (HTTPS is actually HTTP, protected by TLS).
Each tcp connection between components uses one protocol (it's sometimes a little more difficult than that, but let's stick with this, it's good enough for now). In case of web components, it's typically either http or https. Each resource that is downloaded (a page, an image, a javascript file, any resource) is typically downloaded in its own separate connection. Whether that will be http or https depends on how the page references it.
So in practice, if you have a look at a html page that you downloaded over http, it can still reference resources with https urls, in which case those will be downloaded by your browser via https. It can also happen the other way round, a page downloaded over https can reference resources over plain http, but your browser will then warn you.
In short, your question doesn't make sense because you don't "send data through http, to a https destination". If the destination is https, the connection will be using https. In a web application, the page itself can be downloaded via http (in which case the html code and any data embedded in the html itself will not be protected against man-in-the-middle attackers), but it can reference further resources, images, css, javascripts via https, which your browser will then download securely.

How to handle https requests to a local http server

We are implementing an application that uses ssl certificate (https), and the application could be used to send printing requests to intelligent printers on local network of the user, the problem is, our website uses http(s) and it sends http requests to the printers, but chrome blocks the request stating that we cannot send http requests from an https website, how to get around that ?
There is an option to enable ssl certificate, but i am not sure how will this identify a server/printer on the local network, because AFAIK ssl is tied to domains. does that i mean that i need a static ip for the printer ? if that's the case, how will i be able to send requests to the printer if the internet is down ?
I am wondering how Odoo solves this problem in their application, because they send requests to printers too.

IIS 7 adding SSL to one site, all other sites responds to https request

I have multiple sites running on my IIS, now for one of the websites (SiteB) we need to support ssl requests. I have enabled it editing bindings for the website, but the problem is when I selected protocol SSL editing bindings HostName field is disabled, being unable to set hostname to respond to https request, this causes that all sites of my IIS if are requested with https:// loads web site of siteB.
For example my bidings are the next
Site A
IP Port HostName
* 80
Site B
IP Port Hostname
* 443
* 80
If I type in my browser it works correctly, but if I type in the browser, siteb webpage is loaded with the hostname of sitea.
How Can I make that only responds to https requests on my IIS?
I have tried with command appcmd too but It't doesnt work.
appcmd set site /{sitB} /bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:*'].bindingInformation:*
Thanks for your help.
The Root Problem
This unexpected behavior isn't because of IIS so much as it is because of the web encryption protocols.
The two major web encryption protocols are SSL and TLS. Both of these protocols negotiate a secure connection before passing any request information to the server. This means that, on secure requests, servers don't actually learn the hostname until after the secure connection is made.
An extension to TLS and SSL has been created to address this limitation. It's called SNI (Server Name Identification). The problem is that this extension needs to be supported on both the server and client machines. Currently the client browser support is somewhat spotty. See the SNI article for a browser list.
IIS's Handling Of The Problem
It is because of the above mentioned hostname limitation that IIS doesn't allow you to bind hostnames to HTTPS bindings. There is no way for IIS to route HTTPS requests to a particular hostname since it doesn't know the requested hostname when it first begins to negotiate the connection.
Once IIS has negotiated a secure connection with a client and learns that their requested hostname is for a site other than the one with the HTTPS binding (e.g. a request for IIS can either return a failure code or try to fail gracefully. IIS chooses the latter and tries to fail gracefully by serving up the site with the HTTPS binding even though the user is requesting a different site.
Create a rewrite rule to redirect all HTTPS requests for nonsecure websites to HTTP.
Upgrade to IIS 8 to use the SNI extension. Then ask visitors to upgrade to browsers that suport SNI.
Have your secure site return an error message when it receives a request for a different domain.
Bind by IP address instead of hostname since IIS can route HTTPS requests by IP address
Most of my information came from the Wikipedia article on SNI
We run webservers with multiple sites requiring SSL with no problem.
If I understand your problem correctly - you'll need to set up a binding instead of a host name - which won't work. So, for each SSL-enabled site we host, we require a distinct external IP address. Then, enter that IP address as the binding when setting up the site in IIS.

Where is origin of HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host?

Why does HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host return a different URL than the URL used in the Web browser? For example, when entering "" in the browser, the HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host variable is equal to "".
HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host is the contents of the Host header that the application receives. (see for more info about HTTP headers like Host).
Usually the header that ASP.NET sees is identical to the Host header sent by the browser. However, it's possible they won't match if software or hardware is sitting in between the browser and your code and is rewriting the Host header.
For example, large-scale budget hosters like GoDaddy do this so they can support multiple top-level domains on a single IIS website, even on their cheaper hosting plans. Instead of creating a separate IIS website (which adds to server load and hence cost), GoDaddy remaps requests for to a virtual directory on your "main" hosted site, e.g. They will change both the Host: header as well as the URL.
BTW, you can easily verify that this is what's happening by dumping the contents of HTTP Request Headers that your app is receiving.
Anyway, if you want to figure out who is changing the Host header, start with the people who host your web app (or the team which is responsible for your load balancer and/or reverse proxy), since they're likely the ones responsible for rewriting your Host header.

ASP.NET Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT_SECURE"] and proxy SSL by load balancer

We have some legacy ASP.NET code that detects if a request is secure, and redirects to the https version of the page if required.
This code uses Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT_SECURE"] to detect if SSL is needed.
Our operations team has suggested doing proxy SSL at the load balancer (F5 Big-IP) instead of on the web servers (assume for the purposes of this question that this is a requirement).
The consequence would be that all requests appear as HTTP to the web server.
My question: how can we let the web servers known that the incoming connection was secure before it hit the load balancer? Can we continue to use Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT_SECURE"]?
Do you know of a load balancer config that will send headers so that no application code changes are needed?
Use an iRule to effectively add a custom element to the HTTP header and then detect it in the ASP.NET code via Request.Headers. Dig into the collection of the Request.Headers object as well as your F5 hardware may already be marking itself on one of the HTTP Headers anyway.
