Where is origin of HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host? - asp.net

Why does HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host return a different URL than the URL used in the Web browser? For example, when entering "www.someurl.com" in the browser, the HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host variable is equal to "www.someotherurl.com".

HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host is the contents of the Host header that the ASP.net application receives. (see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html for more info about HTTP headers like Host).
Usually the header that ASP.NET sees is identical to the Host header sent by the browser. However, it's possible they won't match if software or hardware is sitting in between the browser and your ASP.net code and is rewriting the Host header.
For example, large-scale budget hosters like GoDaddy do this so they can support multiple top-level domains on a single IIS website, even on their cheaper hosting plans. Instead of creating a separate IIS website (which adds to server load and hence cost), GoDaddy remaps requests for http://secondsite.com/ to a virtual directory on your "main" hosted site, e.g. http://firstsite.com/secondsite). They will change both the Host: header as well as the URL.
BTW, you can easily verify that this is what's happening by dumping the contents of HTTP Request Headers that your app is receiving.
Anyway, if you want to figure out who is changing the Host header, start with the people who host your web app (or the team which is responsible for your load balancer and/or reverse proxy), since they're likely the ones responsible for rewriting your Host header.


Why would a webserver need to rely on "Host" header?

I'm trying to understand vulnerabilities arising from HTTP(S) header Host. I heard that webservers may use the value of the Host header from incoming requests to do different stuff such as constructing URLs. For example here is a excerpt from Django documentation:
Django uses the Host header provided by the client to construct URLs in certain cases.
I know that any information in HTTP(S) requests may not be trusted. Web servers know what host name they are behind. So why would they take it from Host header that cannot be trusted if they can have their host name configured manually?

nginx reverse proxy based on response header

I have a setup of the website that powered by 2 web applications under the hood.
One application (fast) is supposed to handle catalog pages.
Another application (slow) is supposed to handle customer/cart/checkout pages.
Both applications should run on the same host:
example.com:80 (fast) and example.com:8000 (slow)
Of course, port 8000 is not exposed for the visitor and used internally by nginx.
I want that web requests reach slow application only if fast application returned specific response header, for example X-catalog-not-found.
The expected result is following:
all requests go to fast application example.com:80
if fast application found a product by uri - it renders the page
if fast application did not find a product by uri - it sends empty body and response header X-catalog-not-found
based on the header received in prev step, nginx performs proxy pass to slow application example.com:8000
I feel that ngx_http_proxy_module or/and nginx_upstream module should be used, but haven't found a working solution after reading the docs.

Can I forge the HTTP HOST-header param in order to fake a request to a non-mapped subdomain?

Scenario: I want a staging environment at a customer's site. The customer owns www.example.com. I want to map the site to staging.example.com reachable from the outside, but I haven't got time to wait for the bureaucracy surrounding either the purchase of the new subdomain or opening of secondary HTTP ports.
Assumption: If I spoof the HTTP Header param Host to be staging.example.com on the client side, but actually make the request to the IP of www.example.com, IIS will redirect the request to the configured site for staging.example.com. Am I right?
So is there any client tool that can help me with that? I'm fairly famailiar with Fiddler, but it seem to override my rewrites of the host parameter. Also I would need to configure it to do it for every request, not just one, to make it trivial to test.
Are there simpler solutions to this problem?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.
Inside Fiddler, by clicking Tools > HOSTS and you can send all traffic targeting one site, e.g. dev.example.com to the IP of your choice. The target site (namely dev.example.com) doesn't need to exist at all in this case. Your client (e.g. the browser) has no idea that Fiddler is retargeting the traffic, it just thinks that it is talking to dev.example.com.
If you have the Fiddler book, check out the Retargeting Traffic section for many other ways to retarget traffic.

Can I whitelist a domain for unencrypted traffic from a page served over HTTPS?

I've got an internal web application that's designed to work in concert with a server running locally on the client machine. (For the curious: the local server is used to decrypt data retrieved from the server using the client machine's GPG key.)
The internal web app is served over HTTPS while the local app is accessible via localhost. It used to be that I could make unencrypted AJAX requests from the page to localhost without any issues; but it seems that recently Chrome was updated to disallow HTTP requests to any destination from pages served over HTTPS.
I understand that in the vast majority of cases, HTTP requests from a page served via HTTPS constitute a security hole. However, since I have complete control over the endpoint in this case (i.e., localhost), it seems to me that it should still be perfectly safe to make HTTP requests to that one destination even when the host page has been served via HTTPS.
Is this possible? To whitelist localhost somehow?
Since you are in control of both the client and the server, it sounds like a good candidate for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). The server will have to set a few response headers to give access to the client. You can learn more here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/cors/

Weird IIS7 http redirection behavior

I have a web server running Windows Server 2008 with IIS7. I have a bunch of websites which are all bound to the same IP address, but with different host header values. Most of the host headers are something like www.sitename.com.
I also have a corresponding website entry for each which listens for the host "sitename.com" and does a redirect to "www.sitename.com" within IIS7 (to cater for non-www requests). Now this is all pretty straight forward, but I've noticed the when setting up the Http Redirection, some wierd things happen:
Firstly, the "redirect" website entries must be pointed at a different physical directory than the site it's trying to redirect to, otherwise the redirection settings get set for both sites at once.
Secondly, sometimes whilst setting up Http Redirection on an individual site, Http Redirection gets set at a server level, and all sites start redirecting to that one URL.
How does this happen? Under what circumstances could setting Http Redirection on an individual site affect all sites? This is scary!!!
You need to point each of the websites to different physical location so that Http Redirection module can make a webconfig file for each of them.
