Tools for developing Meteor - meteor

I've been watching the screencasts on the site and wondering what editor is being used? It looks like vi or vim (which one is it)? And at the bottom of the terminal says "JavaScript-IDE"? (is this a plugin for vi or vim) Thanks!

From Abigail Watson, Meteor expert:
WebStorm is no longer the Meteor-Cookbook recommended Editor or Development Environment.
We now recommend since it's a pure-javascript editor, meaning we can extend the Meteor Isomorphic API to the Editor.
Our Meteor API for the Atom Editor brings Isomorphic Meetor javascript to the editor with autocomplete, code snippets, color-coded grammar, syntax highlighting, and more! Code faster and with fewer mistakes!

Webstorm 9 has excellent Meteor support.
For Vim/Emacs
Another option would be to use TernJS and VIM/Emacs as explained by Slava Kim at Dev Shop.
A Good Write up about it here

They're using Emacs, but you can use whatever editor/IDE you want. My personal preference is Sublime Text 2.
As far as I know, there aren't any editors that help you write Meteor code. Meteor is all Javascript, so the only thing an IDE could do is provide auto completion to the Meteor namespace and show you some docs. I think the general consensus is that an IDE like that wouldn't be too helpful at this point, since the docs change so frequently while Meteor is in very early stage development.
Happy Meteoring! Growing well with community support. Have been using it few days and cannot think of anything missed for my use. The extension package system is pretty neat and available packages is growing quickly.

Codelobster has special plug-in for MeteorJS:


Cloud-based Meteor with Velocity

Being that Meteor on Windows does not currently support Velocity/Jasmine, I would like to use a cloud-based solution for running Meteor with Velocity. But so far I have not had success. I have tried Nitrous, Codeanywhere, Koding, and Cloud9.
I also use the Meteor Windows Preview and the same issue. See my SO: Easiest way to create mobile apps on official Meteor for Windows
I had the additional constraint that I want to compile Mobile Apps which is currently not supported by the Windows Preview.
I've not had success with cloud-based solutions either beyond very basic test apps. The whole chain is just too fragile, there's often something you need to configure that you can't get at in a cloud solution. Basically, your options are:
Dual-boot (thanks #sbking)
Buy a Mac
I would recommend 3 because it will save you time (and therefore money). The first 2 are fiddly, just adding more sys admin work when we should all be coding :)
Switch testing tools to Laika. See related SO: Laika vs Velocity on meteor TDD
Laika (apparently) still works for the moment, even though it is no longer officially supported. I will be using it for my current project in the next few weeks.
I'd be really interested to hear what solution you go for.
At the risk of offering you a pocket-knife when you want a power-tool, there is a meteor package, jasmine-green, that does not require Velocity and therefore works well with Cloud9. While this means that you would not have the full capabilities of a velocity-based jasmine or mocha package, it is a lot better than nothing. Just type:
meteor add fongandrew:jasmine-green
It might be a stopgap while you find a better long-run solution.

Simple working example using plugin writen in Qt and make it work with NPAPI

Can anybody show me simple working example using Qt(export DLL plugin file) and make it work with NPAPI. I want simple example to test it in Google Chrome. Any links, codes ...
Thank you
There's a nice framework called Firebreath for writing cross-platform browser plugins in C++. It comes with plenty of documentation and example projects, so it's easy to get started. As a plus, in addition to NPAPI hosts you pretty much get free support for ActiveX browsers (Internet Explorer) too.
Check out the QtBrowserPlugin solution,
There you should find information about writing your own NPAPI plugins.
I did not realize there was no useful link to the source, it can be found in gitorious at to browse online

Is there an IDE for CSS with code validation?

What's a good IDE for CSS that makes validation of the code as you type?
Netbeans also has that and is free. And for what its worth there is also dreamweaver but I have no idea how good it is compared to more "serious" ide's.
I would suggest Aptana or Visual Web Developer Express 2010
Aptana is Eclipse-based, cross-platform, needs no installation, just JRE. Pretty neat, I use it. In CSS it even provides code completion for selectors (based on what you have in HTML). If a line is invalid an error sign appears next to it, hover your cursor and read what's wrong.
Visual Web Developer is harder for me because I spent too few hours CSSing in it. From what I've seen it does a pretty decent job, but I still prefer Aptana.
All of the jetbrains IDE products (with the exception of the free CE edition) include a every good CSS editor.
If you use a Mac for any development then I would advise CSS Edit although I expect that is not the case.

Anyone know of a good free patch creator?

Does anyone know of a good patching program that is free? You know, one that can take a directory with your old program in it and compare it to a directory with your new version, and spit out a patch that is only the difference between the two?
Also, I am looking for something that can patch the entire directory, not just one exe.
Thanks for the answers, but I am looking for an end user patch for product updates. Nothing to do with the source.
There is Binary patch and diff, which is free, Windows port available.
I've never used this but it is free. It might be worth a try:
Patch Maker 1.2.
A list of tools here reveals a few marked as "free".
Dispatcher: will use an updater GUI as well. They have a quick demo video on their site.
The best tool I've seen for this purpose is Visual Patch 3.5 . It provides the same functionality that you've mentioned. Although it needs to be purchased since it's not free software.
If you are using Subversion, SmartSVN can create a patch for directories (recursive and all) for the files changed since the last commit. I understand this is only a partial answer and it's not CLI, but it's a really good tool if you deal with an SVN repo here.
SmartSVN patch

HTTP Libraries for Emacs

I recently discovered the org-mode in emacs and it works very well for me. I also like I would like to be able to sync my org-mode file and RTM list. I know that RTM has its API exposed as web services. I am currently looking for a HTTP library that I could use to write my script. I found a couple of links but I am still not entirely satisfied.
Any pointers in doing web service interactions with emacs would be very useful. Also please keep in mind that I'm not a seasoned emacs expert. I have broken the initial barriers of emacs and can find my way around elisp. So, be gentle. :-)
Emacs ships with url.el and url-http.el. Although http-get.el, http-post.el and http-cookies.el are in vogue today. Here's the GitHub link where you can get it from.
Any other suggestions are also welcome.
If I were to work on this, I'd use Pymacs to interface Emacs to Python and then use the existing Python API kit for Remember the Milk. Why re-implement all the HTTP crud yourself?
