Twig equality if..else in symfony 2 gives both results - symfony

I'm using Symfony2 with Twig and when trying to determine the class that should be a div Twig says that all 4 classes are active even beeing in an if..else clause.
Redirect has only 1 value. I checked the syntax and I think it's correct so maybe I'm missing something.
It's correct my code or is something wrong in the Twig comparision (equality or if..else clause)?
Here is the Twig code:
{% if redirect == 'a' %}
{% block classA 'active' %}
{% elseif redirect == 'b' %}
{% block classB 'active' %}
{% elseif redirect == 'c' %}
{% block classC 'active' %}
{% else %}
{% block classD 'active' %}
{% endif %}
And the controller code:
$redirect = "a";
return $this->render('FrontendBundle:Default:delete.html.twig', array(
'id' => $id,
'redirect' => $redirect,
'text' => $text)
I found that it's not possible to use if clauses out of a block, so the solution goes ahead using one block for each class.
I've also thought that a better solution would be to use a dynamic name block, but i read that's not possible.
Finally I found this that solve my problem in a different way:
Kind regards.

Even though this question is old, I want to clarify a few things, since there is no real answer provided.
The underlying problem here is that block is evaluated during compile time, while if is evaluated during run-time. This means that blocks are always defined, one cannot define blocks conditionally. That is also the reason why blocks cannot have dynamic names.
With the template from the question, this is not a problem:
{% if redirect == 'a' %}
{% block classA %}active{% endblock %}
{% elseif redirect == 'b' %}
{% block classB %}active{% endblock %}
{% elseif redirect == 'c' %}
{% block classC %}active{% endblock %}
{% else %}
{% block classD %}active{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
If we render this, we get 'active', i.e. the expected output. While each block is defined, only one of them is rendered, because of the if. The problem is only revealed if we have inheritance. So let's say we have the following parent template (I assume something like that was used by the poster):
{% block classA %}{% endblock %}
{% block classB %}{% endblock %}
{% block classC %}{% endblock %}
{% block classD %}{% endblock %}
And change our extending template to extend this (also added classE for demonstration purposes):
{% extends "parent.html.twig" %}
{% if redirect == 'a' %}
{% block classA %}active{% endblock %}
{% elseif redirect == 'b' %}
{% block classB %}active{% endblock %}
{% elseif redirect == 'c' %}
{% block classC %}active{% endblock %}
{% else %}
{% block classD %}active{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% block classE %}undefined{% endblock %}
Now, if we render classes.html.twig, we get 'activeactiveactiveactive'. As before, the blocks are all defined with 'active', but the parent template has no conditional rendering, so all of them are shown. Block 'classE' is not rendered, because it is not defined in the parent template.
To fix this, one needs to essentially swap the if and block statements.
{% extends "parent.html.twig" %}
{% block classA %}
{% if redirect == 'a' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classB %}
{% if redirect != 'a' and redirect == 'b' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classC %}
{% if redirect != 'a' and redirect != 'b' and redirect == 'c' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classD %}
{% if redirect != 'a' and redirect != 'b' and redirect != 'c' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
Sadly, we lose the if/else structure when we do this, so we have to write more conditions. To fix this, we can add an intermediate step using a variable.
{% extends "classes.html.twig" %}
{% if redirect == 'a' %}
{% set render = 'a' %}
{% elseif redirect == 'b' %}
{% set render = 'b' %}
{% elseif redirect == 'c' %}
{% set render = 'c' %}
{% else %}
{% set render = 'd' %}
{% endif %}
{% block classA %}
{% if render == 'a' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classB %}
{% if render == 'b' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classC %}
{% if render == 'c' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classD %}
{% if render == 'd' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

I'm not sure if you're taking the most efficient approach for this kind of behavior, but regardless, shouldn't your blocks be defined like this?
{% block classA %}active{% endblock %}


How to change "if" condition related to a page

I would like to include tab_system.twig file in two differents files : archive.twig and blog_list.twig to have the same html in those two files.
{% include "tab_system.twig" %}
In this tab_system.twig file I have a condition to add the active class :
{% if XXX %}active{% endif %}
But this condition must be different depending on which page the user is.
For blog_list.twig :
{% if loop.first %}active{% endif %}
For archive.twig :
{% if item.term_id == term_page.term_id %}active{% endif %}
I wrote this without success :
{% set addclass = '' %}
{% if is_blog_list %}
{% set addclass = '{% if loop.first %}active{% endif %}' %}
{% elseif is_archive %}
{% set addclass = '{% if item.term_id == term_page.term_id %}active{% endif %}' %}
{% endif %}
In tab_system.twig I have a tab system with menu from a part and content to the other part. I wrote a js loop to display the corresponding content. I need to add active class on the first link and first content tab in blog_list.twig file and to add active class to the link and content tab depending on which category the user is.
<div class="tab-menu-list">
{% for item in all_posts %}
<a href="#" class="tab-menu {{ addclass }}"</a>
{% endfor %}
<div class="tab-content-list">
{% for item in all_posts %}
<div href="#" class="tab-content {{ addclass }}"</div>
{% endfor %}
is_archive and is_blog_list are variables defined elsewhere. They work
How can I create a condition ? Thank you in advance.
As I'm assuming you are looping the records, I'd say don't overcomplicate things,
{% for i in 1..5 %}
{% include 'article.twig' with { 'active' : loop.first, } %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in items %}
{% include 'article.twig' with { 'active' : item.term_id == term_page.term_id, } %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="articles__list tab-content{{ active ? ' active'}}">
demo - just change the main template
If you really wanted to keep that for inside the article template, which I think is not a great idea, you could still use the variables is_archive and is_blog_list inside article, e.g.
{% for item in items %}
{% if is_archive %}
{% set active = loop.first %}
{% elseif is_blog_list %}
{% set active = item.term_id == term_page.term_id %}
{% endif %}
<div class="articles__list tab-content{{ active ? ' active'}}">
{% endfor %}

Symfony : "if" does not work in a twig template

I'm trying to validate the size of an array before print a value, but the if instruction doesn't work. Always pass thought the if.
This is my code:
{% set size = custodian.phoneNumbers|length %}
{% if size > 3 %}
{% block phone_number3 %}{{phoneNumbers[2].phoneNumber }}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
size is equal to 2
I try with this code and does not work as well.
{% set size = true %}
{% if size == false %}
{% endif %}
Please help!!!
Thanks in advance.
I found the answers myself
The block should be outside of the if.
{% block phone_type3 %}
{% if size >= 3 %}
{{ custodian.phoneNumbers[2].phoneType.value }}:
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block phone_number3 %}
{% if size >= 3 %}
<b>{{ custodian.phoneNumbers[2].phoneNumber }}</b>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

For every 10 records print something using Symfony2 and Twig

I'm building a page where member addresses are printed to a sheet of labels, and once a sheet is full with 14 addresses on a page, I then want to put a page break after it so that the addresses can be printed on multiple sheets of paper.
How can I achieve this using Twig?
This is my current Twig code:
{% for row in data %}
<div class="label-page">
<div class="label-section L7163">
<p>{{row.FirstName}} {{row.Surname}}</p>
{% if row.AddressLine2 != NULL or row.AddressLine2 != '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if row.Town != NULL or row.Town != '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if row.County != NULL or row.County != '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if row.Postcode != NULL or row.Postcode != '' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You can use loop.index in your twig loop which returns the current iteration of the loop and divisible by(num)
{% for row in data %}
{% if loop.index is divisible by(10) %}
/*your page break*/
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Simple Twig Logic issue

I'am using following code to set selectedGallery to a defaultValue. The default Value should be galleryData's first Element.
Sadly it doesn't work. selectedGallery does not exist after the snipped run through...
Thanks for help
{% if selectedGallery is not defined %}
{% for gallery in galleryData|keys|slice(0, 1) %}
{% set selectedGallery = gallery %}
//if i access galleryData here, it exists ?!
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
later the same file:
<div id="{{idPref}}PictureBox" class="backA">
{% block pictureBox %}
{% for picture in galleryData[selectedGallery] %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Symfony says that the variable doesn't exists.
{% if selectedGallery is not defined %}
{% set selectedGallery = galleryData|keys|first %}
{# ... #}
<div id="{{idPref}}PictureBox" class="backA">
{% block pictureBox %}
{% for picture in attribute(galleryData, selectedGallery) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{# ... #}

Conditional Inheritance in Twig

I have different layouts depending on the user. This triggers the following error:
"Multiple extends tags are forbidden". How can I manage to use different layouts depending on the role of the user?
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER_ONE') %}
{% extends "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_one.html.twig" %}
{% elseif is_granted('ROLE_USER_TWO') %}
{% extends "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_two.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
Here is the answer. I will use the case of 3 users in case people wonder how to do this. In this case admin has also userOne and userTwo privileges in case someone wonders about the else statement. I use Conditional Inheritance in this case, but as suggested in one of the answer, Dynamic Inheritance might be more readable.
{% set admin = false %}
{% set userOne = false %}
{% set userTwo = false %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
{% set admin = true %}
{% else %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER_ONE') %}
{% set userOne = true %}
{% elseif is_granted('ROLE_USER_TWO') %}
{% set userTwo = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% extends admin ? "AcmeUserBundle::layout_admin.html.twig" : userTwo ? "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_two.html.twig" : "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_one.html.twig" %}
Check out the Conditional Inheritance section in the docs.
If you need more than two options, see the Dynamic Inheritance section:
{% set parent = 'defaultLayout.html.twig' %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
{% set parent = 'userLayout.html.twig' %}
{% elseif is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
{% set parent = 'adminLayout.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{% extends parent %}
You should have two different templates
{% extends "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_one.html.twig" %}
{% extends "AcmeUserBundle::layout_user_two.html.twig" %}
Then you should have one "entry" point - some user.html.twig, in which you'll decide:
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER_ONE') %}
{% include "AcmeUserBundle::user_one.html.twig" %}
{% elseif is_granted('ROLE_USER_TWO') %}
{% include "AcmeUserBundle::user_two.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
