Horizontal pull-to-refresh in HTML on iOS - css

How can I implement pull to refresh for iOS in HTML for a horizontal list?
That is, a list that scrolls horizontally, but when you pull it to the right it reveals a hidden div that can trigger a javascript callback?

I think I've worked out a solution, but it has the odd characteristic of hiding the .pull-to-refresh span if I position it completely to the left of the scrolling content. If I position it 1px shy of all the way, however, it works fine.
Here's the pastebin of my horizontal pull to refresh solution. Note that this only works on browsers that support -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch, like those on iOS devices. You can load just the result of the jsfiddle on a mobile device here: http://fiddle.jshell.net/mhBd2/show/
Is there a better way, or did I discover a webkit bug?
For anyone else along this path, this was part of a bigger solution to get a horizontally scrolling list to dynamically fill the rest of a line (like How to make an inline-block element fill the remainder of the line?), which I got working here: http://jsfiddle.net/fuWcr/


Z-index issue in mozila firefox, in a css only page

I know this has been asked many times, and I have been searching for the answer in a lot of places but I can't seem to fix my code. Thank you for reading this because I'm going crazy here! First I had a different z-index problem with safari, than another with explorer, but now the z-index problem I'm having with mozila I can't fix in any way. I code in chrome, where it seems to work perfectly (for me it seems at least!)
I believe now it works more or less fine in most browsers but not on mozila. The idea of the page is to make (only with CSS because that's the only language supported by the website) a flipping book of several pages. I see some examples around of CSS only flipping cards (only one page), but not a book of more than one page. So I essentially overlap several "cards", in order to give this effect. You can see the demo from codepen here: pkrein/pen/qBOewem
Btw I do know this code is not as clean as it could be, but that's the way I figured to make a fuction like that works only with CSS, and I hope it will make sense for you.
Ok, so the matter is, the content inside the book pages is not "scrollable" on firefox. I guess this is indeed a z-index problem, because when I move any page outside the book, that is, from behind the rest of the content, it scrolls fine.
Let me know if I can give any more info that could help you understand my issue!
I figured a possible solution for this. It's not quite the solution for the problem itself but it's something that can make what I want to do work.
The problem was: (what I had to remove in order to make it work):
(1) The div #content-holder holding all the text inside the flap
(2) The div .preparation-text inside the .preparation (that's the text I want to scroll). That was a scrolling div (.preparation) inside a non-scrolling div (.preparation-text). I always add a scrolling div inside a non-scrolling div in order to hide the scrollbar, by adding a high padding-right to the inside div. I know I can use code to hide the scrollbar but it do not work in all browsers.
How I fixed:
(1) I just removed the #content-holedr divs, since it was not strictly necessary.
(2) I removed the .preparation-text and transformed .preparation into a scrolling div. Then I just covered the scrollbar with an image of the same size and colors as the background (a print of the layout).

Unnecessary scrollbars appear in Chrome and IE only

I'm tearing my hair out for a couple of days on a "simple" css case with two nested div.
Basically, I have two div; a container and a content. To reproduce the case, I've attached a jsfiddle link below. The width and the height in pixels of the content are deduced from the container size and you need to input these values by hand by using chrome developer tool for instance. At the end, if you take a look to the size of the content via a developer tool, the container and the content have the same size in pixel. Under Chrome and IE, scrollbars appears whereas the two div have the same size but with FF they don't.
Of course, I could get rid of the overflow: auto but I'd rather like to understand what's wrong and what could be solved my issue.
See an example below.
Link to the example: Scrollbars issue with Chrome&IE
Thanks for your help.
You should use overflow:hidden to hide the scrollbars.
if you want to hide both scroll you should use overflow:hidden .

bootstrap offcanvas example is buggy

I am trying to make a similar offcanvas element in one of my projects. I found few examples, but since I am using bootstrap 3 I went on with this one: http://getbootstrap.com/examples/offcanvas/ I replicate it in my project, but instead of the toggle button on mobile I use Hammer.js like this:
Hammer("body").on("hold", function() {
The tricky part is that whenever my content inside the visible div, is shorter than the div containing the list of links (on the right) the page is scrolling. Once I add more content to the visible div, I do not get any scrolling and everything works as it should. I made a simple example here http://florin-cosmin.dk/offcanvas/index1.html , but it can only be tested on mobile, if you really want to see the scrolling (just HOLD not click anywhere in the body). The working example is here: http://florin-cosmin.dk/offcanvas/itworks.html
I tried to set overflow-x: hidden on the visible div, but that doesn't help.
Again, how can I remove scrolling on mobile even when the content on the left is shorter than the one on the right side?
It is very frustrating. Please help :)
UPDATE: I am testing it on default Android browser on 4.3 and 4.1.2. I need to use the default browser as my Android app uses a webview.

How do I get scrollbars to show in Mobile Safari?

The jQuery time-picker plugin that I wrote uses a div as the containing block for the list of times, and on Mobile Safari there are no scrollbars to indicate that there are more available times than are visible. I know about using two fingers to scroll within the div (on the iPad at least), but that only works if the user knows that there is more content to scroll to, and there's no indication that there is. So, my question: Has anyone been able to get scrollbars to show in Mobile Safari? How'd you do it?
Assuming you are using iOS5.0 or later, I think you have to use the following:
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto (this is default style)
auto: One finger scrolling without momentum.
The other available style is
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
touch: Native-style scrolling. Specifying this style has the effect of creating a staking context (like opacity, masks, and transforms).
Using touch mode, the scrollbar will be visible when the user touches and scrolls, but disappear when not in use. If you want to make it always visible, then this old post will help you:
::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;// you need to tweak this to make it available..
width: 8px;
Another Piece of Code for Thumb by #BJMC:
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.5);
Original Source
Edit: with respect to this demo's behaviour, you should use jQuery because it will help you a lot, $(document).ready(function(){//your code with timer}) code with timer will need to reset the CSS property to normal after desired time(let's say 5 sec.)
For the demo( that you have described), this is initiated with the onhover event, please check this fiddle I have created for that.
That reproduces the results in a desktop browser, and will also work in iPad, just add your timer code to suit your requirements.
Regarding the original question: the best solution to have scrollbars would be to use an external library (already recommended iScroll is good, but even jQuery UI itself contains scrollbars). But displaying ever-present scrollbars might deviate from the general iOS UI (see below).
Alternative would be to indicate with other GUI elements that the content is scrollable. Consider small gradient fields in the end of the element (the content fades to background there) that suggest that content continues when touched and scrolled.
In iOS5 overflow: scroll functions as expected, i.e it allows the the div to be scrolled up/down with one finger within the area specified by the dimensions of the div. But scrollable div doesn't have scrollbars. This is a bit different from the general UI in iOS(5). Generally there are no scrollbars also, but they appear when user starts scrolling a content area and fade out again after the touch event has stopped.
To answer Sam Hasler comment above.
Nicescroll 3 is a jquery plugin that does just what you want with fade in/out effect and work in all major Mobile/Tablet/Desktop browsers.
Live demo
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#divexample1").niceScroll();//or styles/options below
$("#divexample3").niceScroll("#divexample3 iframe",{boxzoom:true});
If you want to have the scroll to be always visible,
Do not set -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
then set custom style for scrollbar
::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;// you need to tweak this to make it available..
width: 8px;
You loss the momentum effect, but scrollbar will always be there.
(tested under iPhone 4/ iOS 7)
Mobile safari, as far as I have seen won't support scrollbars.
The best plugin I could find to get the job done is this.
Its Demos are available here.
It also has multiple predefined skins to suit your application.
here's a sample of what you'll get -
By convention, scrollbars are not used on iOS.
For a div with overflow: scroll, the only native way to scroll is with two fingers.
You might take a look at iScroll, a JavaScript library which handles touch events and implements single-finger momentum scrolling (what users generally expect in native apps) for divs.
until ios5 you could not scroll internal divs - so you probably are not seeing a scroll bar when you try to scroll because there isn't one.
I haven't tested on ios5 but supposedly scrolling internal divs now works.
If it isn't an internal div then you should be able to see the scroll bar when it is scrolling only - this isn't just on ios anymore - lion has gotten rid of all native scroll bars too. You can only see them when a window is scrolling or when the window is first loaded.

CSS layout with max heights not working that well

So, for a website I've been trying to get a specific layout to work across the IE browsers (FF + Chrome are a plus if they work, but usually they do).
Below you can see the layout I'm trying to achieve;
alt text http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2199846/layout.png
As you can see, this is just a slight variation of a multi-column layout that you can see around the internet. Just with some added extra's.
- no div should ever exceed the page height, if they do, they should just overflow (but normally that will only happen for the middle part)
- the "toggle" link should toggle the div below visible/invisible (got the jquery code and all, no issues there), but that toggle should offcourse expand/decrease the width of the middle div.
I'm at the end of my possibility's here, and tried changing to a full table layout, but that had the problem of always expanding when content got too much...
If any of you CSS heroes out there know how to make this layout, I'll be very grateful!!
What I forgot to add is that certain parts of this design should be fixed width/height. The top part should be 60px height, right and left side should be 200px width. And the small bar (+ toggle bar) should be 30px high.
Of course I'll try to work from the example posted below, but I thought I'd add this edit just in case someone finds it challenging to make (I know I find it challenging, yet I'm not so good yet in CSS for now)
this is a mock up of what you are trying to do I believe. As it indicated by the other posters you may want to use hide() to handle the menu effect. If there is anything wrong with this mockup let me know, I do not have IE6 installed but it works on 8.
