PowerTools items are displaying in disabled mode - tridion

I have installed the PowerTools successfully in SDL Tridion 2011. But all PowerTools menu items are disabled. I want to use Image Uploader tool.
Can any one please help me? Am I missing any setting for this?

Flush your browser cache. Also, give permissions to network service on the powertools folder. Let me know if it helps.

The power tools are contextual based on the type of 'area' you are working. For example the Image Upload is only available in Folder areas. Can you confirm you are attempting to use the power tools as intended as I've never seen this before in anyone's environment.


Can I remove/disable all Share functionality by removing share.war file?

In my new project we are going to use Alfresco as back-end and Angular as front-end, so we wish to remove/disable Share completely if possible. I read somewhat in internet and some people just removed share.war file. Is this safe? Is it the correct way for doing this? Will any errors appear in the future because of this?
Yes, you can just remove it. You will of course, not have the fancy front end. But if you are just using it for back end stuff it will be fine. There are no dependencies, and you should get no errors.
Yes, definitely you can remove share.war as it is completely separate from alfresco.war. It won't give you any error. refer this
As said above, yes you can live with only alfresco war installed. Were I work we don't use share, we only use the repo via its api.
But keep in mind that if you have a recent version of alfresco, you don't have access to the repo UI any-more and share UI give you access to lot of repo config you can change without restart. I would keep share, disable all of its service (properties in alfresco-global that enable services for share; like the thumb preview generation, swf transformers, activity feed etc...) and keep it safe private to your admins.

.dll files successfully added but are not enabled in the active designer

When I use .dll files in the ASP.net toolbox with the chosen item menu, a message displays like: "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer". I want to use this .dll (Aguage.dll file downloaded from internet & want to use in my project).
What can I do to solve this issue.
This .dll file basically contain a gauge like speed meter of car, clock etc
The following link appears to have the answer to your question (though is slightly different, it appears).
how to import a dll into a asp.net web application running on webserver
So hopefully you should find all the info you need there. However if you need more help do let me know :).
Edit: I have checked and the initial version of the file seems to have been created for .NET 2.0 rather than the version you are currently using. There may be a way to amend the DLL file but I would suggest this is problem.
Edit 2: Works fine on my system with latest version of VSEE 2015 so outdated file doesn't seem to be the issue. Suggest there is a likely a probably with user's setup. More info in comments.
I have uploaded a video to help:
(in reply to the user who previously removed reference to this question, this is not a link only answer by any stretch of the imagination; furthermore, the answer holds information which is likely useful to other users and is part of a process of ongoing inquiry into the roots of the user's issues, which we are more than happy to look into as deeply as the concerned party is willing to furnish us with additional information)
Additional note: At the current time our best information has been forthcoming regarding the problem the user is experiencing. If the user wishes additional support, and assuming Visual Studio had been installed from scratch, we would be ok to remote on to the user's system if they wish us to do so

Aptana 3.6 not showing connections

I have just update aptana into the 3.6 version but I have lost all connections that I had in my projects. Also, making new projects just won't show the connections row anymore.
I have received an answer in the ticket system of Aptana. In order to see the connections again you have to change the project format from PHP or anything that you have activated into Web. Only that. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's how it works now.
To change that you have to go to properties of the project -> project natures and check only Web and make it primary. All the rest of natures must be unchecked.
go to properties of the project -> project natures
check only Web and make it primary
All the rest of natures must be unchecked
Click Ok
go to properties of the project -> project natures
check PHP (Web should still be checked and set to primary)
Click Ok
connections now appear in my project explorer and my php files are still indexed
Had the same problem on Mac OS X 10.9.4 (Maverick).
If you click on down arrow (V) to right of Project Explorer tab and tick projects they should show up.
Hope it works for you!
Patroklo, What kind of projects is the connections missing? I believe in Aptana Studio 3.6.0, the connections are available only to Web Project.
If the primary nature of the project is set to Web, then the connections would show up in the Project/App Explorer. An alternative/workaround in your case might be to set the primary nature of the project to Web (only if it does not have any other side effects).
I tried everything on this page and nothing worked (OS X). The solution that worked was still pretty simple, so hopefully it helps someone else.
Right Click "Connections" and select "Properties".
The connection I had that was not showing local path was set to "Filesystem," but simply checking "Project" fixed everything (it's more logical too... not sure why it selected "Filesystem" this time as it's typically been set to "Project" in the past).
I right-clicked each specific connection, clicked Properties, and then clicked the Test button on the Edit the FTP connection dialog. After it succeeded I was able to click OK and then the connections worked properly.

How to add a "Whats new or whats changed" feature to my intranet project?

I work on our intranet, which is continuously being updated with new features or fixed bugs. Bugs and features are added to JIRA and then assigned to myself so that I can take care of those. Now I would like to add a new feature to the intranet, which shows the following information:
Current SVN version.
Current list of bug/fixes changes
What is the best way to achive both without hard-coding it into the website?
I am using ASP.NET.
I hope I explained everything. Please ask if anything is unclear.
Update 1:
I found the following link to solve #2: http://www.fatlemon.co.uk/2008/12/automatic-svn-revision-numbering-in-asp-net-mvc/
JIRA can generate Release Notes pretty much automatically. As for the current SVN version, take a look at the footer of this site. In bottom right it reads "svn revision: 6181". Adding this is just a matter of properly configuring your CI server.
See this for info on how to label builds.

How do I find the my version Number of MS ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit?

I know I am not running the most up-to-date version of ACT on my server. (I tried to update it recently and it broke a bunch of things.)
So I want to use a control that I have never used before and I need to look at the reference for the control to be sure I'm using it correctly. But I dont know the exact version I am running.
Where can I find this information?
Right click on the AjaxControlToolkit.dll file and view the properties. The version number there will tell you what version you are using.
