Position of sidebar contents in relation to rest of page - wordpress

On this page of my website: http://www.herefordequestrian.co.uk/ask-the-expert/
the right hand sidebar is not positioned top right of the page as it should be (and as it is on other pages).
How do I correct it?

Make your #container 789px wide or less.


How to properly position DIVS on a page to

When developing a site in HTML/CSS how do you position divs on a page to hold content in place and exactly where you want them. Not just in a straight up in down manner. Is there a unified method/technique that everyone uses to achieve this placement? Or more generally how is it done?
Example: Here is an image of an example page I'm building with a container div and 5 other divs inside it.
IMAGE: http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/1310/image.png
I was able to place the header div at the top, I was able to place the sidebar div below it and to the left (floated left), and I was able to position the content div below the header and to the right of the sidebar div (floated right). Now I have put the footer div in but the footer floats under the sidebar but also to the left of the content div. NOT under it and at the bottom of the page.
There are so many possible options/values in Dreamweaver to a assign to each div like box, float, margin, position, padding, etc,. I have linked my code below. Is there anything I can do to facilitate positioning divs on a page more efficiently and at all for that matter. I'd like for the footer to stay at the bottom of the page.
Here is my code:
PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/xbvPEfjA
I am truly stuck on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also there are some other questions similar to this question but not the exact same of what I am asking. Thanks in advance!
in your css apply clear:both to the footer. That means floated elements are not allowed on either side of it.

Aligning footer with the sidebar

I've completely at logger heads with how I can get this footer to align with the bottom of the sidebar if zero content is in the space between the header and footer.
Sticky footer is not the solution because I don't want it to be at the bottom of the window. But inline with the bottom of the sidebar instead.
Here is an image of what it should look like but without the coloured blocks there at the moment they push the footer down where it is now.
I can't provide much code as this is on my local server, and is segmented and broken down into different files for wordpress.
screenshot http://s3.amazonaws.com/awesome_screenshot/2110547?AWSAccessKeyId=0R7FMW7AXRVCYMAPTPR2&Expires=1368128529&Signature=GjSmfhU6%2BZoYmSUj6oMEcvNXTEs%3D
as you can see the above screenshot is how I want the sidebar and footer to be with no content there.
Here is another screenshot showing my current problem, you can see how it latch's on to the bottom of any content on the page and sticks just below it.
Thanks in advance.
The sidebar needs a float:right; then create a div between sidebar and footer with clear:both;, have the css for your footer include margin-top:-xx (whatever pixels the footer height is). You might also need to throw a position:relative on there.
Fixed this by adding position relative to my container, then adding position absolute and bottom 0 to my footer.
Thanks anyway for the help

Toggling a side menu over the top of a centred web page

I have a centred web page (using margin: 0 auto; on a 'wrapper DIV') that has a long side-menu.
One page template needs a wide content area, so I am attempting to add a link at the top that will toggle showing the side menu (using jquery), so if clicked it will appear over the top of the main page content.
I can achieve this if I use 'position: absolute;' on the #sidemenucontainer DIV but if I use relative positioning (so it's in the correct place relative to the centred layout ie: not stuck in the top left corner of the browser), then it pushes the main page content down to underneath the menu, rather than appearing 'above' the page.
I can prepare some sample code if required, but I was hoping the above made sense. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
Absolute means absolute in relation to the nearest relatively positioned parent div.
By giving your wrapper a position of relative and your side menu a position of absolute you'll be positioning the side menu within the wrapper.
You'll need the side menu positioned absolutely so that you can move it over the top of other items, in this case, the main content.
Here's a sample: http://jsfiddle.net/RLcFf/

Positioning div at the bottom of the page

I am developing a website where the menu it should be the end of the page. Besides the menu, another div with two images should also sit at the bottom of the page.
Follow the link to the complete source code of the page;
In red, the menu should be aligned at the bottom of the page, aligned to the center of div#leftcontent.
In the div#blue social-networks must be aligned at the bottom of the page, aligned to the center of the div#nav.
When I say bottom, I mean right at the end of the page.
If you mean not statically positioned, but just naturally occurring at the bottom of the page even when the sidebar content causes the page to exceed beyond the main content under which the bottom nav occurs, then you are out of luck using divs. This is one of CSS 2.1's major shortcomings.
You are left with two options:
Use a table for the basic layout
Use javascript to dynamically position the div based on the length of the sidebar
It's up to which you want to choose, but the javascript option will not work for people with javascript disabled, such as older mobile browsers.

Why are these two pages displaying differently?

About page: /about.html
CSS: /saucy.css
I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious, but I can't seem to find it.
Both of these pages stem from the same HTML skeleton and use the same CSS file for formatting. Why does the About page centre differently to the homepage?
They center the same for me, but I suspect that for you it's because of the scroll bar. The home page is taller, so the scroll bar on the right pushes everything left. The about page has no scroll bar so it's actually in the middle of the screen.
Your Homepage has enough content that it gets a vertical scrollbar, but your About page does not. (The same thing was going on here: CSS pages not equal even with the same css-file.)
Here are some options to consider:
Add overflow:scroll; to each page's stylesheet, (on the body element, for
example). A scrollbar will always be
rendered even when it's not
necessary, and your layout will not
move around.
Don't center your
content; specify a left margin in ems
or pixels.
