Meteor templates with CSS transitions - meteor

Meteor seems to skip CSS transitions when these are triggered through a template helper.
Is there a way to work around this?
<template name="example-template">
<div class="example {{myhelper}}"></div>
Then, "myhelper" would get assigned, through a template helper, a classname that triggers a css transition. But, for some reason, the class is applied but skipping the transition.
I assume this conflicts with Meteor's auto-rendering when the template data sources change, but I don't know how to get around it (I'd like to avoid using jquery for this).

CSS transitions after rendering a new template aren't yet supported by Meteor. The reason is that when rendering the template example-template again, the new HTML is just appended to the DOM with the new classname. Since the DOM changes, the transition doesn't happen.
Your best bet is to use the rendered event in combination with a loading classname:
<template name="example-template">
<div class="example loading"></div>
Template['example-template'].rendered = function() {
// remove the loading classname here, and have that trigger a transition

This is supposed to get easier after new Meteor UI lands (see, but until then you can do this with a preserve directive for your template:
<template name="example">
<div id="example-div" class="example {{myhelper}}"></div>
See for more info.


How to reflect BEM blocks in Aurelia views

I'm about to start a new project using Aurelia and I'm considering to use it in conjunction with CSS BEM methodology.
First question: Is this basically considered a good match or are there any alternatives which "fit" better with Aurelia?
Main question:
Best explained with an example for some custom Aurelia view (an app header):
<div class="AppHeader">
<span class="AppHeader-logo"></span>
<span class="AppHeader-text"></span>
When embedded into another view, this leads to a resulting DOM like this (simplified):
<div class="AppHeader">
<span class="AppHeader-logo"></span>
<span class="AppHeader-text"></span>
<!-- ... -->
Obviously, the wrapper div with the AppHeader class is kind of superfluous since there's also the app-header tag. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to assign the CSS class AppHeader (which is needed for BEM) to the base element of the view (the template tag in the view file).
Are there any alternative ways that I'm not aware of or is it considered "good" practice (or at least acceptable) to have many wrapper elements inside views which somehow bloat the DOM?
I just realized, that putting custom classes on the custom elements themselves (the template) actually works, so I can simply write something like this:
<template class="AppHeader">
<span class="AppHeader-logo"></span>
<span class="AppHeader-text"></span>
Edit / Additional info
This won't work if the view is a "base view" of a route since the template element won't be rendered at all in this scenario but is replaced by the router-view element.
I believe that even a hundred extra DOM nodes is not a problem for contemporary browsers but if it's really important to avoid them you may try custom tags instead of classes (see list of restrictions here
Perhaps the #containerless will solve your problems:
In your view model:
export class AppHeader {
In this way, the <app-header> container will not be rendered.
If your component is a view-only component, you can declare containerless in the <template> tag:
<template containerless>
<div class="AppHeader">
<span class="AppHeader-logo"></span>
<span class="AppHeader-text"></span>

how to create a css class that makes an element link to another page

super css noob here.
I'm using a wordpress plugin called visual composer which allows you to name a Row (it's like a block element) with a Row ID or a Class name. I'm trying to have it so when a user hovers over this row and when they click it, this clicking will simply take them to another page within my website.
It allows for an area to have the css for this class or ID that I can associate with the tag, but after searching I'm either searching the wrong thing or can't find it but I am looking for the css that would allow me to do this!
You can't only use css to link to other page, you need javascript. For example the class name is linkPage:
document.getElementsByClassName('linkPage')[0].onclick = function(){
location.href= 'some url...'
<div class="linkPage">linkPage</div>
You'd need to inject a bit of JS into the theme that listens on window for a click with the desired ID or class, then call window.location.href = URL or something of that nature.
CSS doesn't have the power to cause browser location changes.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), as its name states, defines a set of rules and properties for an HTML page you wish to style (stuff like colors, size, asf); and user interaction (even as minor as pointing to an URL) are not part of its scope.
Talking about a giant like WordPress and a strong plugin such as Visual Composer, extremely old and standard features like link/image/table asf are always to be found. You may have a look at visual composer's "Raw HTML" feature ( in combination with a regular "a" tag (
Asking how page linking can be achieved through editing of a CSS file, then you might as well look into different editable content types of the plugin - such as HTML or JS.
Click on table row
Best approach to have table cells/rows clickable would be by the use of JavaScript; see Adding an onclick event to a table row
Link using jQuery and Javascript (easier method):
<script src=""></script>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
Link using pure Javascript (harder method):
x = document.querySelectorAll('.link').length;
y = 1;
while (x => y) {
document.getElementsByClassName("link")[y].onclick = function() {
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>

Work with complex animations on Blaze

I actually looking for a good way to play animations on my app context with Blaze.
To be more explicit, I wrote this super simple example:
<template name="global">
<h1>Hi guys!</h1>
{{> foo}}
<template name="foo">
<h2>I'm a foo!</h2>
{{#each elements}}
{{> bar}}
<button name="btnAdd">Add new elem</button>
<button name="btnDel">Delete an elem</button>
<template name="bar">
Let's assume we got an Iron-router route which render the global Template.
On this particular render (from "navigate") I want each templates to render with fadeIn.
When click on btnAdd button, a new element created. I wish it would render with SlideInLeft effect.
When click on btnDel button, an element is deleted. I wish it would be destroyed with SlideOutRight effect.
When user navigate to another route, I want all template disappear with fadeOut effect.
Every of my attempt so far wouldn't allow me to do this kind of distinction... I couldn't find any package resolving this problem neither.
I'm actually just playing animation by adding/removing Animate.css class (pretty simple to use and good looking!)
To resume, I want a different animation played depending on the source of the rendering.
Does someone had already face this problem?
BONUS QUESTION: Do you know how to chain animations, like:
render global with fadeIn Effect >> then >> render foo with rotateIn Effect >> then >> render every bar with bounceIn effect
For timing, you can use Meteor.setInterval. For example, you can do $('.elementClass').hide('fast') outside setInterval. It will run first and setInterval will run when you want it to.
For the initial effects, you can use:
$('.elementClass').fadeIn('fast') //note that element is initially hidden (display:none in CSS). you can use effects from jquery and jquery-ui for more effects. You have to add jquery-ui additionally
You can also use jQuery in your router.js, using iron:router.
Router.route('/the-url', function() {
this.render('templateName', {
data: function () {
$('.htmlElement').toggle('slide', {direction:'right'}, 200); //note that the element is initially invisible
}, {
name: 'routeName'

Ractive transition not working for partial on update

Here's a fiddle. It works a little better than my own real app, but still highlights a potential bug (or my misunderstanding). Notice that the "outro" transition doesn't work.
This is a partial I'm using inside of a parent Ractive:
<script id="session_tpl" type="text/ractive">
<a href="#" on-tap="showDetail">
{{#if p.project !== null}}
<p intro-outro="fly">
Here's how I'm trying to then update the data (which is changed from a different ractive that represents a detail view):
daysRac.set('days[1].sessions[2].project', null);
The <p> tag in in the template successfully disappears, but without the transition. I've tried other transitions and tweaked duration and delay, but it always is just instantly removed.
Ideally I want different outro and intro transitions, which I thought I could achieve with something like this:
daysRac.set(keypathToProject, null, function(){
daysRac.set(keypathToProject, "The New Value");
Again, that works to update the project value displayed in the <p>, but without transitions.
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm after?
This is probably a bug, I submitted an issue on GitHub.
The problem is that Ractive updates {{description}} to null before the transition starts. It works correctly if you don't use an expression, i.e. if you change {{#if description !== null}} to {{#if describtion}}.

Handlebars {{#if}} does not render as expected

I observe some very strage behavior. When using {{#if}} inside a div class tag:
<div class="gallery-row {{#if helper}}class2{{/if}}">
I get the following DOM fragment:
<div class="gallery-row <!--data:Hb4bubiKDcedk9Z85-->">
I have similar {{#if}} clauses in other class definitions. When I use the {{#if}} outside the div tag it seems to work fine. I guess I did some silly mistake or there is a bug here.
The comment is a spark (meteor's templating system) annotation, which don't work well inside HTML tags (as html comments are invalid inside them). This is known issue, see:
Move your helpers outside the tags.
{{#if helper}}
<div class="class1 class2">
<div class="class1">
Or create a helper for classes and use <div class="{{classes}}"> instead
