Autofit and vertically center text - css

I think this is a different question from other "autofit"-related questions.
I have single-line text label that I'd like to auto-fit to always be half the screen width (dynamically during and after resize, etc.) as well as centered on the page vertically and horizontally. I've tried the jQuery FitText plugin, but it does not seem to work well with vertical centering (shifts up or down depending on the font size, sometimes below the viewport)
It may be due to my use of absolute positioning, but I can't find any alternate way to accomplish this.
h1 {
position: absolute;
top: 25%;
right: 25%;
left: 25%;
bottom: 25%;
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
This JSFiddle shows the block I would like to fill:
Edit: I've added a fake background image text to the fiddle above, which behaves very closely to what I'd like the real size behave to be.
I want the short text to fill the block outlined with dashed line. It should also be centered vertically and/or horizontally. This bounding box is just for illustration, but it was my starting point when using the Fittext plugin.

I found a solution that uses the new CSS3 vw, vh, and vmin font sizing units, which sizes fonts relative to the current viewport.
div {
text-align: center;
h1 {
font-size: 50vmin;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -25vmin;
width: 100%;
Here is an example for newer webkit browsers:
The vertical centering approach I used seems a bit ugly, but best I could do. Happy to hear if there's a better approach.

I think this is what you want.
h1 {
padding: 10%;
text-align: center;
border: 4px dashed red;
margin: 25%;
Check out the link below:


Center text in a div img hover caption

Good evening,
I have this blog: where I have below the logo some last posts. It's almost done. I just can't figure out how to center the text exactly in the middle no matter how many characters have in it. For example, this blog: works exactly as I want. I already tried to copy some CSS from this blog but won't work too.
Print Screen with the difference about these two blogs
As you can see, the image from the right have all exactly perfect padding/margin and no matter the size of the text it always fill exactly. In the example from the left, depending on the size of the text it doesn't fill and it's never really centralized.
I got your problem fixed by just adding position: absolute on the <h3>, so try it out.
.caption-text h3 {
position: absolute;
.caption {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.caption-text h3 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-left: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.caption-text a {
position: absolute;
display: block;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
and the last thing to remove the existing padding you've applied on .caption-text h3
Now I'm going to tell you that the main thing to vertically align the text in middle was set on .caption-text a, you'll see transfrom and top, those do the vertical centering. Now no matter whatever the length of the text, it will be in center. The width and height on other elements were necessary so that they expand fully inside the li and then the centering can happen easily.
If you are talking about centering text horizontally, this should do it:
.class {
text-align: center;

How can I ensure that my container is centered horizontally and vertically despite user screen size?

I am relatively new to front-end dev so a bit lost as to how i can go about this. I created a container that contains a slider and some images. My supervisor has a huge screen so obviously there will be empty space at the bottom of the screen. So he doesn't want that. Instead he wants the container to be centered horizontally and vertically based on the size of the user's screen.
How can I do this properly with as minimal code as possible? I believe there is jQuery plugin but wanted to see if there is a better way or if doing this makes sense at all or not?
Due to the flow-based nature of CSS, without Javascript this can only be done if the vertical size of the centered element is fixed, by applying a position:absolute' andtop:50%` within a fixed container, and then use negative margin to offset the container. Click here for JSFiddle Sample.
Alternatively the same effect can be reached by using display:table-cell, but that's kind of messy and loses you a lot of flexibility. Sample already supplied in the other answer here so I'll save myself the effort :)
You can do it easily using a vertical-align property.
Since vertical-align works the desired way way only in a table cell, this trick with display property can give you the desired effect.
#yourDiv {
// give it a size
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 0; margin: 0;
html {
display: table;
body {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
See a fiddle with demo.
Try this:
<div class="center"></div>
.center {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -150px;
margin-top: -150px;
background-color: red;
Exactly Center an Image/Div Horizontally and Vertically:

Image is overlapping text on browser resize

I've gone through CSS validation (which did find some pesky unclosed tags, sorted now).
I'm trying to align an image to the top right side of my page, with title text on the top left.
I can do this, but when I resize the browser window the image always wants to overlap the title text before either of them resize. If I remove the margins that I've used to place the image then the image sits under the title text (and to the right) instead of just to the right of it, but I feel removing this (while keeping the positioning) might be key. I do need the image to be overlapped by some other elements though.
Here's a snippet of my code for the image:
img#site-logo {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
clear: both;
position: relative;
z-index: 0;
margin: -12.87em 2em -16em 0px;
And for the site title:
#site-title a {
font-size: 4.875em;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 78px;
padding: 0px;
margin-right: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
z-index: 2;
position: relative;
Site is live here:
There are surely several different approaches to solve your problem.
But in my eyes it would be the best solution to set a min-width for your #page element.
I have played a little bit around with the width and think a min-width of 900 px fits best in your case.

*Perfect* vertical image alignment

I have a square div of fixed size and wish to place an arbitrary size image inside so that it is centred both horizontally and vertically, using CSS. Horizontally is easy:
.container { text-align: center }
For the vertical, the common solution is:
.container {
height: 50px;
line-height: 50px;
img {
vertical-align: middle;
But this is not perfect, depending on the font size, the image will be around 2-4px too far down.
To my understanding, this is because the "middle" used for vertical-align is not really the middle, but a particular position on the font that is close to the middle. A (slightly hacky) workaround would be:
container {
font-size: 0;
and this works in Chrome and IE7, but not IE8. We are hoping to make all font lines the same point, in the middle, but it seems to be hit-and-miss depending on the browser and, probably, the font used.
The only solution I can think of is to hack the line-height, making it slightly shorter, to make the image appear in the right location, but it seems extremely fragile. Is there a better solution?
See a demo of all three solutions here:
Those without IE8 may find this screenshot useful:
If css3 is an option, then flexbox does a good job at vertical and horizontal aligning:
.container {
align-items: center; /* align vertical */
justify-content: center; /* align horizontal */
How about using your image as a background? This way you could center it consistently everywhere. Something along these lines:
background:url( no-repeat center center red;
This is REALLY hacky, but it is what we used to do in the ie6 days.
.container {
position: relative;
img {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-top: -12px; // half of whatever the image's height is, assuming 24px
margin-left: -12px; // half of whatever the image's width is, assuming 24px
I may be missing something in this example, but you get the idea.
Have you tried the following:
img {
display: block;
line-height: 0;
I usually use this hack, but I haven't really checked it that thoroughly in IE8.
Here is a small JS Fiddle I have made:
I believe it matches your requirement.
<img src=""/>
div{height:400px;width:400px;position:relative;border:1px solid #000;}

align icons with text

What's the best way to align icons (left) and text (right) or the opposite text on left and icon on right?
Does the icon image and text have to be the same size? Ideally I would like them to be different but be on the same vertical alignment.
I am using background-position css property to get the icons from a larger image.
Here is how I do it now, but I am struggling with either getting them to be on the same line or be vertically aligned to the bottom.
This is what I get after I try your suggestions.
Though the text is now aligned with the icon, it is superimposed over the icon to the right of the icon that I want. Please note that i am using the background position to show the icon from a larger set of images.
Basically I am getting
<span class="group3_drops_icon group3_l_icon" style="">50</span>
group3_drops_icon {
background-position:-50px -111px;
.group3_l_icon {
background:transparent url(/images/group3.png) no-repeat scroll left center;
I usually use background:
<style type="text/css">
.icon {
background-image: url(path/to/my/icon.jpg);
background-position: left center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 16px; /* Or size of icon + spacing */
<span class="icon">Some text here</span>
You can do it on the same line using vertical-align and line-height
<p style='line-height: 30px'>
<img src='icon.gif' style='vertical-align: middle' />Icon Text
Alternatively, you can go the background approach with no-repeat and positioning:
span.icontext {
background: transparent url(icon.gif) no-repeat inherit left center;
padding-left: 10px /* at least the width of the icon */
<span class="icontext">
Icon Text
Sadly, neither of these answers are bullet proof and each have one big flaw.
I used to implement all my icons this way and it works quite well. But, and this is a big but, it does not work with sprites, since you're using the background-position property to position the icon inside the container that includes your text.
And not using sprites where you can is bad for performance and SEO, making them imperative for any good modern website.
#Jamie Wong
The first solution has two markup flaws. Using elements semantically correctly is sadly underrated by some, but you'll see the benefits in prioritizing form in your search engine ranking. So first of all, you shouldn't use a p-tag when the content is not a paragraph. Use span instead. Secondly, the img-tag is meant for content only. In very specific cases, you might have to ignore this rule, but this isn't one of them.
My Solution:
I won't lie to you, I've checked in a lot of places in my time and IMHO there is no optimal solution. These two solutions are the ones that come closest to that, though:
Inline-Block Solution
<div class="container">
<div class="icon"></div>
<span class="content">Hello</span>
.container {
margin-top: 50px;
.container .icon {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
background: #000;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
.container .content {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
"display:inline-block;" is a beautiful thing. You can do so much with it and it plays very nicely with responsive design.
But it depends on your client. Inline-Block does not work well with IE6, IE7 and still causes problems with IE8. I personally no longer support IE6 and 7, but IE8 is still out there. If your client really needs his website to be usable in IE8, inline-block is sadly no option. Assess this first. Replace the black background of the icon-element with your sprite, position it, throw no-repeat in there and voilĂ , there you have it.
Oh yeah, and as a plus, you can align the text any way you want with vertical-align.
P.S.: I am aware that there's an empty HTML-tag in there, if anyone has a suggestion as to how to fill it, I'd be thankful.
Fixed Height Solution
.clearfix:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
line-height: 0;
height: 0;
.clearfix {
display: inline-block;
html[xmlns] .clearfix {
display: block;
* html .clearfix {
height: 1%;
.container {
margin-top: 50px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.container .icon {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
background: #000;
.container .content {
line-height: 30px;
float: left;
display: block;
I hate this one. It uses a fixed line height for the text, and if you choose the same height as the Icon's box, the text is centered to that height. To align the text to the top, cut the line height, and as to the bottom, you'll have to fix that with position: absolute and a fixed width and height for the container. I'm not going to get into that unless someone requests it, because it's a whole issue for itself, and brings with it a lot of disadvantages.
The main disadvantage of this path is the fixed height. Fixed heights are always unflexible and especially with text, it can cause a bunch of problems (You can no longer scale the text as a user without it being cut off, plus different browsers render text differently). So be sure that in no browser the text is cut off and that it has some wiggle room inside its line height.
P.S.: Don't forget the clearfix for the container. And, of course, replace the black background with your sprite and according position + no-repeat.
Use inline-block if at all possible. ;) If it's not, breath deeply and try the second solution.
