*Perfect* vertical image alignment - css

I have a square div of fixed size and wish to place an arbitrary size image inside so that it is centred both horizontally and vertically, using CSS. Horizontally is easy:
.container { text-align: center }
For the vertical, the common solution is:
.container {
height: 50px;
line-height: 50px;
img {
vertical-align: middle;
But this is not perfect, depending on the font size, the image will be around 2-4px too far down.
To my understanding, this is because the "middle" used for vertical-align is not really the middle, but a particular position on the font that is close to the middle. A (slightly hacky) workaround would be:
container {
font-size: 0;
and this works in Chrome and IE7, but not IE8. We are hoping to make all font lines the same point, in the middle, but it seems to be hit-and-miss depending on the browser and, probably, the font used.
The only solution I can think of is to hack the line-height, making it slightly shorter, to make the image appear in the right location, but it seems extremely fragile. Is there a better solution?
See a demo of all three solutions here:
Those without IE8 may find this screenshot useful:

If css3 is an option, then flexbox does a good job at vertical and horizontal aligning:
.container {
align-items: center; /* align vertical */
justify-content: center; /* align horizontal */

How about using your image as a background? This way you could center it consistently everywhere. Something along these lines:
background:url(http://dummyimage.com/50) no-repeat center center red;

This is REALLY hacky, but it is what we used to do in the ie6 days.
.container {
position: relative;
img {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-top: -12px; // half of whatever the image's height is, assuming 24px
margin-left: -12px; // half of whatever the image's width is, assuming 24px
I may be missing something in this example, but you get the idea.

Have you tried the following:
img {
display: block;
line-height: 0;
I usually use this hack, but I haven't really checked it that thoroughly in IE8.

Here is a small JS Fiddle I have made: http://jsfiddle.net/rachit5/Ge4YH/
I believe it matches your requirement.
<img src=""/>
div{height:400px;width:400px;position:relative;border:1px solid #000;}


Vertically align text

Im having problem vertically aligning a text with CSS. I have tried probably everything but it just doesnt want to work. You can see my demo jsfiddle demo here:
.section {
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
With this code it should work but something is wrong.
How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Updated demo: http://jsfiddle.net/zcU7M/7/
.section {
display: table-cell;
Updated Fiddle.
The .section needs the display: table-cell
.section {
height: 200px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
The display:table-cell is what allows an element to have children vertically aligned, so it has to be on the parent to be able to have the children aligned vertically.
Here's a Working Demo.
For a vertical paragraph align use that:
p {
vertical-align: middle;
JSFiddle example: Exemple
The problem is, that the <p>-Tag just adds some margin at the bottom. You can see this, when inspecting with firebug. Simply add a margin: 0 to your .section p selector:
.section p {
font-size: 15px;
font-family: Arial;
font-style: italic;
margin: 0;
all credit goes to this link owner #Sebastian Ekström Link, please go through this.
see it in action codepen,
by reading above article I crated a demo fiddle also.
With just 3 lines of CSS (excluding vendor prefixes) we can with the help of transform: translateY vertically center whatever we want, even if we don’t know its height.
The CSS property transform is usally used for rotating and scaling elements, but with its translateY function we can now vertically align elements. Usually this must be done with absolute positioning or setting line-heights, but these require you to either know the height of the element or only works on single-line text etc.
So, to do this we write:
.element {
position: relative;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
That’s all you need. It is a similar technique to the absolute-position method, but with the upside that we don’t have to set any height on the element or position-property on the parent. It works straight out of the box, even in IE9!
To make it even more simple, we can write it as a mixin with its vendor prefixes:

How to center a single character both vertically and horizontally in a square div

I want to center within a square div an arbitrary character. I admit that this sounds like a very simple task, but nothing I've tried works (and I've tried a bazillion things!)1.
For concreteness, let's say that the div has height and width equal to 20ex, and let's say that the single character is the so-called "multiplication sign": ✕, nice and symmetric. I want this character to be positioned inside the 20ex-by-20ex square div such that the point where the two strokes cross is dead-center, both vertically and horizontally, within the div.
I tried the answers I've received so far, here. The solutions given by Jedidiah and by Ashok Kumar Gupta (second and third divs) produce pretty similar results, but (maybe I'm seeing things), the ✕ in the third div is just a hair above the vertical center.
1I have learned that no matter how mind-numbingly straightforward a layout task may appear, it can still take me hours and hours and hours to figure out the CSS to achieve it.
Setting the line-height to the height of the container should do it.
text-align: center;
Example here: http://codepen.io/Jedidiah/pen/rLfHz
Use display:table-cell and vertical-align:middle and text-align:center. Like this in your CSS:
The display:table-cell is required to be able to use vertical-align to center content in the on the div ( don't ask me why someone decided to make it like that :) ).
See this JSFiddle.
It is just impossible using css only to center a single character vertically and horizontally in a div because it depends of the font the browser will use to render the character.
For those who just want to center a "X", it is safer to make the "X" transparent, create :before and :after pseudo-elements, give them a thin width and a background that has the same color as the initial "X", then rotate them of + or - 45deg.
HTML code:
CSS code:
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
div {
font-size: 2em;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
color: transparent;
div:after {
content: "X";
display: block;
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
top: 0.25em;
bottom: 0.25em;
left: 0.9em;
right: 0.9em;
background-color: black;
div:before {
transform: rotate(45deg);
div:after {
transform: rotate(-45deg);
Here is a jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/z4pmu7r9/
this question is a bit old but it's the first answer when you search "center single letter in square css"
so in 2018 you can simply do
#center {
width: 0;
height: 0
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center align horizontally
align-items: center align vertically
Note that it will works regardless of the shape of the div, could be a rectangle.
This question is a bit old, but after noticing OP's edit:
I tried the answers I've received so far, here. The solutions given by Jedidiah and by Ashok Kumar Gupta (second and third divs) produce pretty similar results, but (maybe I'm seeing things), the ✕ in the third div is just a hair above the vertical center.
I wanted to post that if you used × instead of ✕, the centering looks much better.
Answer to your question:
<div style="width: 20em;height: 20em; background: red;display: table;">
<p style="display: table-cell;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;">X</p></div>
Note: background: red; is only for visualization.

Autofit and vertically center text

I think this is a different question from other "autofit"-related questions.
I have single-line text label that I'd like to auto-fit to always be half the screen width (dynamically during and after resize, etc.) as well as centered on the page vertically and horizontally. I've tried the jQuery FitText plugin, but it does not seem to work well with vertical centering (shifts up or down depending on the font size, sometimes below the viewport)
It may be due to my use of absolute positioning, but I can't find any alternate way to accomplish this.
h1 {
position: absolute;
top: 25%;
right: 25%;
left: 25%;
bottom: 25%;
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
This JSFiddle shows the block I would like to fill: http://jsfiddle.net/KFySS/6/
Edit: I've added a fake background image text to the fiddle above, which behaves very closely to what I'd like the real size behave to be.
I want the short text to fill the block outlined with dashed line. It should also be centered vertically and/or horizontally. This bounding box is just for illustration, but it was my starting point when using the Fittext plugin.
I found a solution that uses the new CSS3 vw, vh, and vmin font sizing units, which sizes fonts relative to the current viewport.
div {
text-align: center;
h1 {
font-size: 50vmin;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -25vmin;
width: 100%;
Here is an example for newer webkit browsers:
The vertical centering approach I used seems a bit ugly, but best I could do. Happy to hear if there's a better approach.
I think this is what you want.
h1 {
padding: 10%;
text-align: center;
border: 4px dashed red;
margin: 25%;
Check out the link below:

Trouble (vertically) Centering Text in another DIV with relative % sizing

Disclaimer: I don't believe this is a duplicate as I'm using relative sizes to produce a full screen grid layout without using px.
Problem: In this jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/X3ZDy/73/ I have four equally proportioned boxes. They are designed to span the screen width and remain square. Contained within them are some sample square DIVs (40% x 40%). I'm struggling though to get a text label lbl horizontally and vertically centered within bbl.
All the examples I've seen (and tried) don't work as they require me to know the height of my label, or they use browser restricted table-layout tricks. I need to do this with all relative sizes as per the fiddle.
Can anyone assist? I need to this to work on ALL browsers with a pure CSS (no JS) solution. I'm astonished that it appears to be quite so tricky to vertically align text in a div. I don't mind if we use block or inline elements as the text label.
Please note that I'm NOT looking for a TABLE solution, this is a DIV & CSS puzzle that requires a working jsFiddle.
Thanks all for your answers, but for future posters, note that (width == padding-bottom) is the magic that allows my DIVs to be square. It's key to a grid-layout system so I need to maintain that.
It's pretty tricky working with relative sizes and no fixed heights, but I think I've finally found an answer to the problem (below).
I think I finally found an answer to the problem that works. The issue is that almost every other solution I've seen can't cope when the child size changes and none of the heights are known. I needed this to work for a responsive all % design where there are no fixed heights anywhere.
I stumbled across this SO answer Align vertically using CSS 3 which was my inspiration.
Firstly, using an all % design, you need a zero height wrapper element to act as a positioning placeholder within the parent element;
<div class="container">
<div class="divWrapper">
<div class="tx">This text will center align no matter how many lines there are</div>
My Container in this case is a simple box tile;
padding-bottom:30%; /* relative size and position on page */
float: left;
position:relative; /* coord system stop */
top: 0px; /* IE? */
So nothing special about that except that it has no height which makes this general problem of centering elements tricky. It needs to be absolutely positioned so that we can uses positioning coordinates in the child elements (I think this may require a 'top' in IE).
Next, the wrapper which is absolutely positioned to exactly overlay the parent element and fill it out completely.
padding-top:50%; /* center the top of child elements vetically */
The padding means that any child elements will start in exactly the middle of the parent element but this wrapper itself has no height and takes up no space on the page.
Nothing new yet.
Finally, the child element we want to center. The trick here to this was to have the child element slide up vertically based on it's own height. You can't use 50%, because that's 50% of the parent container not ourself. The deceptively simple answer is to use a transform. I can't believe I didn't spot this before;
position: relative;
background-color: transparent;
text-align: center; /* horizontal centering */
-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); /* child now centers itself relative to the midline based on own contents */
-moz-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.5, M12=0, M21=0, M22=0.5, SizingMethod="auto expand")'; /*IE8 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.5, M12=0, M21=0, M22=0.5, SizingMethod='auto expand'); /*IE6, IE7*/
transform: translateY(-50%);
Here's the Fiddle
However, I haven't tested this on IE6+ so if somebody would like to verify my Matrix transform I'd appreciate it.
It turns out that the wrapper isn't even needed. This is all you need to properly vertically center;
width:100%; // +1 to #RonM
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); /* child now centers itself relative to the midline based on own contents */
-moz-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
-o-transform: translateY(-50%);
-ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(Dx=0,Dy=0)'; /*IE8 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(Dx=0,Dy=0); /*IE6, IE7*/
transform: translateY(-50%);
And the updated Fiddle
But still not working in IE6 yet - looking at those transforms, I don't think this can be done for that legacy without JavaScript.
The reality is, that the only tags in HTML that have native fluid vertical alignment are the table cells.
CSS does not have anything that would get you what you want. Not today.
If the requirements are:
1. Works with every browser
2. fluid height
3. vertical centering
4. no scripting
5. No TABLEs
6. You want the solution today, not in few years
You are left with 1 option:
1. Drop ONE of your requirements
Otherwise this "puzzle" is not completable. And this is the only complete acceptable answer to your request.
... if only I could get all the salaries for the wasted hours on this particular challenge :)
Don't self-abuse; let IE7 go... :) (According to this, not very many people are using it.)
I gave this a shot with two approaches, one uses display: table and the other uses line-height. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a PC, so they're only tested in Chrome 25.0.1365.1 canary, FF 18, and Safari 6.0 on Mac 10.8.1, iOS 6.0.1 Safari, and iOS Simulator 5.0 and 5.1 Safari.
The display: table approach has issues on iOS Simulator 5.0 and 5.1, the text isn't quite centered, vertically.
According to quirksmode, the display:table method should be compatitible with IE8 and up. Theorectically, the line-height method might be compatible with IE 6/7.
To create the centered box within each square, I set .box6 to position: relative and changed the .bc style to:
.bc {
top: 30%;
bottom: 30%;
left: 30%;
right: 30%;
overflow: hidden;
Each approach creates a very tall container with a static height inside the .bc element. The exact value for the static height is arbitrary, it just needs to be taller than the content it will contain.
The display: table method changes the .bbl and .bbl .lbl styles to:
.bbl {
display: table;
height: 500px;
padding-top: 50%;
margin-top: -250px;
background-color: blanchedalmond;
width: 100%;
.bbl .lbl {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
For the line-height method, the HTML is:
<div class="bc">
<div id="line-h-outter">
<span id="line-h-inner">a lot more text than in the other blob. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog</span>
#line-h-outter {
line-height: 500px;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-top: -250px;
padding-top: 50%;
#line-h-inner {
display: inline-block;
line-height: normal;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
The title should be Centering in the Unknown ;-)
I updated your example using tables: http://jsfiddle.net/uWtqY/ and the text is align inside the box you described using tables, but you don't want this.
Added a table with like:
<table width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td>One line</td></tr> </table></div>
inside <div class="lbl">
Just for cross-browser support.
After doing some research indeed it is really hard to v-align an element inside percentages.
Tried a lot of stuff but your code I am not sure if it fits the design of all of them. Well what I mean in other words is that you might first need to construct your vertical alignment and then try to play with percentages. From my experience in this field I learned that a good approach is start designing from the inside elements and then go out if complexity increases. So having percentages in everything might not be the best implementation (and it is not when coming to mobile devices).
After consolidating with several of my work partners and really geeks on the area of HTML the answer was clear. Either you support < IE7 and you do that with a table or ghost elements or spans, either you use all of the tequniques that are described in several posts and you can have support for >=IE7 . Another option is to use specific structure for each browser.
The link that I think explains it as it is and has a nice title (basically is what you need):
-> Centering in the Unknown
Hope the best.
PS. Links for reference:
Let me know if it helps
I updated the css to utilize a "spacer" class. It is placed before your "bc" div and inside the colored boxes. This gave me the effect I think you requested.
<div class="rgCol boxCol box6" style="background-color:lightgray">
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="bc">
.spacer {width:100%;padding-bottom:30%;display:block; }
I bottom padded the spacer by 30% and then moved the absolute left position of your "bbl" div to 30% (from 2%). The blanchdelemond boxes retain their shape and size.
Today I have stumbled upon similar problem - to both vertically and horizontally center child element of a square divs which have precentually set width (they are made sqare using the padding technique). I had to use it for images while maintaining aspect ratio, but changing the child into any target element would be simple.
For this situation no line-height, margin/padding or display:table-cell workaround is suitable. But there is a solution using margin: auto.
<div class="squareContainer>
<div class="contentWrapper">
<img class="imagePreview" alt="Image preview" src="//URL.jpg">
div.squareContainer {
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: 25%;
width: 25%;
div.contentWrapper {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
img.imagePreview {
display: block;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
margin: auto; /* This is the important line */
max-height: 90%;
max-width: 90%;
Helpful resources:
Hope that helps!
You can solve this trivially, without all the weirdness (perhaps someday they'll fix the CSS box model, but till then):
<td width="50" height="50" align="center" valign="middle">text</td>
That's all there is to it. Choose your width and height, drop it in a div and call it good.
The idea of never using tables is a very poor guideline, to the point of being self-abusive.
Do you mean like this?
<div class="mycontainer">
<div class="rgRow">
<div class="rgCol" style="background-color:pink">
<div class="boxCol">BOX1</div>
<div class="rgCol" style="background-color:lightgray">
<div class="boxCol">
<div class="boxLabel">a lot more text than in the other blob. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog</div>
<div class="rgCol" style="background-color:maroon">
<div class="boxCol">
<div class="boxLabel">One liner</div>
<div class="rgCol" style="background-color:yellow">
<div class="boxCol">BOX4</div>
background-color: #000000;
display: inline-table;
width: 100%;
display: table-row;
width: 25%;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
display: table-cell;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
background-color: blanchedalmond;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 2%;
width: 96%;
height: 96%;

align icons with text

What's the best way to align icons (left) and text (right) or the opposite text on left and icon on right?
Does the icon image and text have to be the same size? Ideally I would like them to be different but be on the same vertical alignment.
I am using background-position css property to get the icons from a larger image.
Here is how I do it now, but I am struggling with either getting them to be on the same line or be vertically aligned to the bottom.
This is what I get after I try your suggestions.
Though the text is now aligned with the icon, it is superimposed over the icon to the right of the icon that I want. Please note that i am using the background position to show the icon from a larger set of images.
Basically I am getting
<span class="group3_drops_icon group3_l_icon" style="">50</span>
group3_drops_icon {
background-position:-50px -111px;
.group3_l_icon {
background:transparent url(/images/group3.png) no-repeat scroll left center;
I usually use background:
<style type="text/css">
.icon {
background-image: url(path/to/my/icon.jpg);
background-position: left center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 16px; /* Or size of icon + spacing */
<span class="icon">Some text here</span>
You can do it on the same line using vertical-align and line-height
<p style='line-height: 30px'>
<img src='icon.gif' style='vertical-align: middle' />Icon Text
Alternatively, you can go the background approach with no-repeat and positioning:
span.icontext {
background: transparent url(icon.gif) no-repeat inherit left center;
padding-left: 10px /* at least the width of the icon */
<span class="icontext">
Icon Text
Sadly, neither of these answers are bullet proof and each have one big flaw.
I used to implement all my icons this way and it works quite well. But, and this is a big but, it does not work with sprites, since you're using the background-position property to position the icon inside the container that includes your text.
And not using sprites where you can is bad for performance and SEO, making them imperative for any good modern website.
#Jamie Wong
The first solution has two markup flaws. Using elements semantically correctly is sadly underrated by some, but you'll see the benefits in prioritizing form in your search engine ranking. So first of all, you shouldn't use a p-tag when the content is not a paragraph. Use span instead. Secondly, the img-tag is meant for content only. In very specific cases, you might have to ignore this rule, but this isn't one of them.
My Solution:
I won't lie to you, I've checked in a lot of places in my time and IMHO there is no optimal solution. These two solutions are the ones that come closest to that, though:
Inline-Block Solution
<div class="container">
<div class="icon"></div>
<span class="content">Hello</span>
.container {
margin-top: 50px;
.container .icon {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
background: #000;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
.container .content {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
"display:inline-block;" is a beautiful thing. You can do so much with it and it plays very nicely with responsive design.
But it depends on your client. Inline-Block does not work well with IE6, IE7 and still causes problems with IE8. I personally no longer support IE6 and 7, but IE8 is still out there. If your client really needs his website to be usable in IE8, inline-block is sadly no option. Assess this first. Replace the black background of the icon-element with your sprite, position it, throw no-repeat in there and voilà, there you have it.
Oh yeah, and as a plus, you can align the text any way you want with vertical-align.
P.S.: I am aware that there's an empty HTML-tag in there, if anyone has a suggestion as to how to fill it, I'd be thankful.
Fixed Height Solution
.clearfix:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
line-height: 0;
height: 0;
.clearfix {
display: inline-block;
html[xmlns] .clearfix {
display: block;
* html .clearfix {
height: 1%;
.container {
margin-top: 50px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.container .icon {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
background: #000;
.container .content {
line-height: 30px;
float: left;
display: block;
I hate this one. It uses a fixed line height for the text, and if you choose the same height as the Icon's box, the text is centered to that height. To align the text to the top, cut the line height, and as to the bottom, you'll have to fix that with position: absolute and a fixed width and height for the container. I'm not going to get into that unless someone requests it, because it's a whole issue for itself, and brings with it a lot of disadvantages.
The main disadvantage of this path is the fixed height. Fixed heights are always unflexible and especially with text, it can cause a bunch of problems (You can no longer scale the text as a user without it being cut off, plus different browsers render text differently). So be sure that in no browser the text is cut off and that it has some wiggle room inside its line height.
P.S.: Don't forget the clearfix for the container. And, of course, replace the black background with your sprite and according position + no-repeat.
Use inline-block if at all possible. ;) If it's not, breath deeply and try the second solution.
