Should instance variables not be used since they cause mulithreading problems? -

I understand that instance variables are not thread safe because they are stored on the heap. I am refactoring code in an ASP.NET single threaded application and I am trying to use instance variables more.
My question is: do developers avoid using instance variables because of possible multi threading problems? (even if the app is not multi threaded now it may be in the future). I remember reading that instance variables should be used to improve design using composition and aggregation rather than association (as with local variables).
Is there any criteria that helps a developer to decide when to use instance variables and when to use local variables. I have Googled this and I have looked on MSDN but I have not managed to find an answer to my specific question.

Have you done anything to make the ASP.NET application single threaded? Otherwise it's multi treaded by default.
Instance variables is only a problem with multi threaded applications if you share the object between threads. Normal for an ASP.NET application is that each thread creates its own instances of the objects, so the multi threading is not a problem.
If you need to share data between threads, encapsulating the data in an object is still the best approach. By using private instance variables and access them through methods or properties, you can make sure that all access from outside the object is synchronised, as the code in the object has full control over where the data is exposed.

You are in fact referring to static variables. Static variables are not thread-safe (in general, unless you write code to synchronize appropriate access to the variable). Instance variables, in contrast, are thread-safe in since each request thread will operate on its own copy.
static variables are meant to store data that needs to be shared among all requests. If you don't have such scenario, you shouldn't need to use static variables. And if you do, there are classes that already provide for this, such as the Cache class.

Assuming are talking about web pages and instance variable of web page then you do not have to worry about the multi-threading and thread safety. The server will take care for that. This msdn article discuss the thread safety provide by


How to introduce application-wide context object?

I need to make several properties accessible from application's business layer. Those are some ids and common settings. Most of them are valid only through request-response lifespan.
This is a web application (ASP.NET Web Forms to be specific) with dependency injection set up.
Currently those properties are passed through method parameters directly to business layer's services. That works but is not very efficient since:
sometimes parameters' values need to be passed deeper obscuring the readability a bit
some properties should be lazy resolved, and this should be done only once per request
retrieving properties which are resolved by touching a database can be confusing for new developers (there is not unified way of doing this)
some services are constructed by a factory which enriches them with some config parameters
I was thinking about introducing an application context interface, with an implementation in the main project, which would be created on every request. It could be injected to the services directly making them parametrized automatically and independently (services won't need the factory anymore).
Is it how this problem should be tackled or maybe there are some other options?
One option I don't like here is that it might bond the main particle with business layer which is not a perfect example of The Clean Architecture.
Id say you solution is a very common one - inject an 'application context' into your classes. One thing I would be careful of though is making sure you are following the Integration Segregation Principle (from SOLID). Dont just start making all your classes expect an application context instance. Instead, design interfaces that split the application context up, and have your classes expect them as dependencies. Your application context will then need to implement all the interfaces.
This is the correct way to do things as it decouples your classes from implementation. Really your classes don't care if their dependency is from one giant application context, they just care about specific methods implemented by it. This will make your code more robust as you will reduce the risk of breaking something if you change the implementation of the application context later on.
Why don't you use some dependency injection container? Your global settings and parameters can be registered to it as pseudo-singletons and then you will be able to neatly request them from any point inside your application.

NHibernate, Sqlite, missing tables and IOC fun

I'm doing unit testing on a class library that uses NHibernate for persistence. NHibernate is using a Sqlite in-memory database for testing purposes. Under normal circumstances, it's easy to get StructureMap to kick out a session for me.
However, because I'm using the in-memory database to improve testing speed, I need to have a single session available for the duration of a test (because it blows the database away when I create a new one). And there is another wrinkle. The case that is currently burning me is testing a custom NHibernate-based ASP.NET membership provider. These are created apparently once per AppDomain, so I shouldn't inject the session into it, for obvious reasons.
Is there a way in structuremap to tell it to get rid of an instance of a particular type while still maintaining the bits that tell it how to instantiate that type? Really, if I could get away with it, I would just make it act like the HttpScoped object lifetime, but apparently I can only do that within the context of an Http request. Is there a straightforward way to manually control the lifetime of an object coming out of structuremap?
I apologize for the length of this and the possibility that it is a dumb question. I'm solo on this project, so I don't really have anyone to bounce ideas off of.
You could wrap the session in your own ISession implementation which delegates to a real session which lifetime you control. Then register your own ISession as instance.
I ended up making two constructors for my provider along with a private variable of type Func. By default, its value was set to my standard code for creating a session using StructureMap's ObjectFactory.
The overloaded constructor accepted as a parameter an object of type Func. That way, I can inject a strategy for creating an instance of that type if needed, but otherwise don't have to go through any extended effort. In the case of my test, I created the session in the NUnit setup method and destroyed it in the Teardown. I don't love this idea, but I don't currently hate it enough to rip it out....yet.
This got rid of the error I was experiencing in regard to the tables. However, it appears that NHibernate for some reason cannot write to an in-memory sqlite database under the conditions I created. I'm now working on testing to see if I can write to one in the file system. It isn't ideal, but it will be a good long while (I hope), before the performance of writing to disk really starts hurting.

How One Servlet Will Access Other Servlet's Datamember?

I have two servlets. 1 serves as a primary server for my applet clients and other serves as secondary.
I just want for my servlet2(secondary) to ask servlet1 about number of sessions it have, suppose servlet1 is storing that information in an int, then how can we access that int from servlet2. provided that both servlets are different web projects.
This is a bad design you are trying to implement. What you really need is an Application Scope Variable
Quoting from
'Application scope is the broadest scope and should only be used when necessary. You can create objects bound at application level in JSPs that are not session-aware, so application scope is useful for storing information when using these types of JSPs. You can also use application-bound objects to share data among different sessions of the same application.'
Take a look at this example that makes use of a counter as Application Scope Variable

ASP.NET A static object to hold connection with a DB. Is it a good idea?

I'm wondering if it is a good approach in the ASP.NET project if I set a field which "holds" a connection to a DB as a static field (Entity Framework)
public class DBConnector
public static AdServiceDB db;
That means it'll be only one object for entire application to communicate with a DB. I'm also wondering about if that object will be refreshing data changes from DB tables, or maybe it shouldn't be static and I shoud create a connection dyniamically. What do You think ?
With connection pooling in .NET, generally creating a new connection for each request is acceptable. I'd evaluate the performance of creating a new one each time, and if it isn't a bottleneck, then avoid using the static approach. I have tried it before, and while I haven't run into any issues, it doesn't seem to help much.
A singleton connection to a database that is used across multiple web page requests from multiple users presents a large risk of cross-contamination of personal information across users. It doesn't matter what the performance impact is, this is a huge security risk.
If you don't have users or personal information, perhaps this doesn't apply to your project right now, but always keep it in mind. Databases and the information they contain tend to evolve in the direction of more specifics and more details over time.
This is why you should not use a singleton design pattern with your database connection
Hope it helps
Is using a singleton for the connection a good idea in ASP.NET website
Bad idea. Besides the potential mistakes you could make by not closing connections properly and so forth, accessing a static object makes it very difficult to unit test your code. I'd suggest using a class that implements an interface, and then use dependency injection to get an instance of that class wherever you need it. If you determine that you want it to be a singleton, that can be determined in your DI bindings, not as a foundational point of your architecture.
I would say no.
A database connection should be created when needed to run a query and cleaned up after that query is done and the results are fetched.
If you use a single static instance to control all access to the DB, you may lose out on the automatic Connection Pooling that .NET provides (which could impact performance).
I think the recommendation is to "refresh often."
Since none of the answers have been marked as an answer and I don't believe any have really addressed question or issue thereof...
In ASP.NET, you have Global or HttpApplication. The way this works is that IIS will cache instances of your "application" (that is an instance of your Global class). Normally (default settings in IIS) you could have up to 10 instances of Global and IIS will pick any one of these instances in order to satisfy a request.
Further, keep in mind that, there could be multiple requests at any given moment in time. Which means multiple instances of your Global class will be used. These instances could be ones that were previously instantiated and cached or new instances (depending on the load your IIS server is seeing).
IIS also has a notion of App Pools and worker processes. A Worker process will host your application and all the instances of your Global classes (as discussed earlier). So this translates to an App Domain (in .NET terms).
Just to re-cap before moving on…
Multiple instances of your Global class will exist in the Worker process for your application (in IIS). Each one waiting to be called upon by IIS to satisfy a request. IIS will pick any one of these instances. They are effectively threads that have been cached by IIS and each thread has an instance of your Global class. When a request comes in, one of these threads is called upon to handle the request-response cycle. If multiple requests arrive simultaneously, then multiple threads (each contains an instance of your Global class) will be called upon to satisfy each of those requests.
Moving on…
Since there will be only one instance of a static class per App Domain you'll effectively have one instances of your class shared across all (up to 10) instances of Global. This is a bad idea because when multiple simultaneous requests hit your server they'll either be blocked (if your class’s methods use locks) or threads will be stepping on each other’s toes. In other words, this approach is not inherently thread-safe and if you make it thread safe using thread synchronization primitives then you’re unnecessarily blocking threads, negatively impacting performance and scalability of your web application, with no gain whatsoever.
The real solution (and I use this in all my ASP.NET apps) is to have an instance of your BLL or DAL (as the case may be) per instance of Global. This will ensure the following:
1. Multiple threads are not an issue since IIS guarantees one request-response per instance of Global) at any given moment in time. So you’re code is inherently threads-safe.
2. You only have up to 10 instances of your BLL/DAL up and running at any given moment in time ensuring that you're not constantly creating and disposing instances of (typically) large objects to satisfy each request, which on busy sites is huge
3. You get really good performance well due to #2 above.
You do have to ensure that your BLL/DAL is truly stateless or that you reset any state at the start of each Request-Response cycle. You can use the BeginRequest event in Global to do that is you need to.
If you go down this route, be sure to read my blog post on this
Instantiating Business Layers – ASP.NET

Request-local storage in ASP.NET (accessible to the code from IHttpModule implementation)

I need to have some object hanging around between two events I'm interested in: PreRequestHandlerExecute (where I create an instance of my object and want to save it) and PostRequestHandlerExecute (where I want to get to the object). After the second event the object is not needed for my purposes and should be discarded either by storage or my explicit action. So the ideal context where my object should be stored is per request (with guaranteed no sharing issues when different threads are serving requests... or processes/servers :) )
Take into account that actual implementation I can do is being made from a HttpModule and is supposed to be a pluggable solution for already written web apps (so the option to provide some state using static/instance variables in Global.asax doesn't look good - I will have to modify Global.asax on every web application).
Cache seems to be too broad for this use. I tried to see whether httpContext.Application (of type HttpApplicationState) is good for me or not, but cannot get whether it is exactly per HttpApplication instance or not (AFAIK you can have several instances of HttpApplications used on different threads and therefore serving several requests simultaneously - then using storage shared between threads will not work correctly; otherwise I would use it because one HttpApplication instance serves exactly one request at a time). Something could be done with storing state on the HttpModule instances if I know for sure that it's exactly bound 1-to-1 with every HttpApplication instance running (but again I need a proof that HttpApplication instance is 1-to-1 with my HttpModule's instance). Any valuable and reputable links on these topics are much appreciated...
Would be great to find something particularly well-suited for per request situation (because otherwise I may end up with something ulgy... probably either some 'broader' scoped storage and some hacks to have different keys in the storage for different requests, OR using a thread-local thing and in this way commit to the theory that IIS/ASP.NET will not ever serve first event from one thread and the second event from the other thread and so on)
try HttpContext.Current.Items collection. It is per Request.
as Fahad had mentioned, HttpContext.Current.Items is the way to go. Be aware that it is per-request and if there are multiple threads serving the request (which sometimes happens - different modules are served by different thread) HttpContext.Current.Items is still shared between them. Some info which you might find helpful
