I need help making a video/photo gallery with html and javascript - gallery

I know this has been asked before, but I can't find any thread that can exactly help me. I'm a bit of a noob, but I know my way around. Here's what I have so far:
Javascript file:
(it wouldnt let me post the code)
is there an easier way to do this, perhaps put all the images into an array? and I also need help making a next and back button, perhaps one problem can solve the other

Check jQuery tools: http://jquerytools.org/demos/tabs/slideshow.html.
It has lots of good plugins that could possibly help you.


What is bsPrefix in React-Bootstrap?

I want to change the css design of bootstrap's <Form.Control> component, but I couldn't do it even though I used the css module. I found bsPrefix related to this. I couldn't quite understand when I reviewed the document, can you help?
My code;
enter image description here
*When I use bsPrefix the code works but I don't understand how it works.
thank you very much in advance :)

Line numbers of less in css

I probably have a very simple and stupid question, but I just can't figure it out.
I know this is possible with grunt and less, but how-where-and-when...
I want my less line-numbers in my rendered css as comments so I can debug faster and easyer. (I know you can add less to your html for developing reasons but its just cleaner to directly write it in css.)
The following outcome is were I'm searching for:
Could someone send me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!

How to make this cool navigation menu

I was surfing on the internet and I found a cool navigation that I want to use on my own website. But I really don't know how I can make it. Here is the link: http://www.welikesmall.com Does someone have a tutorial or someone that want to help me?
Already thanks!
This isn't a place to have people write code for you. I just looked at the site, all the source is readable and formatted very nicely. I would recommend learning the basics of CSS and javascript to get a better idea of how to do what it is you want.

Putting Drupal node's comment form in a modal

Does anyone know of a module that will allow me to have more of a "facebook"-y feel to node comments? I.e. a modal window with the comment form, and AJAX update?
I can program it myself, I guess, but one of the fun parts of Drupal are the plug and play modules. :)
Or can anyone point me in the direction of someone who has done something similar? My searches haven't yielded much. :)
Here you go: http://drupal.org/project/ajax_comments

Flex iframe set priority?

How to set priority(like send to back) for iframe?
I'm suffring this problem recently, it costs me a lot of time and I find no solution about this.
this article lists some disadvantages about iframe in flex
another way to embed rich text, i think, is to use TextFLow, in RichText, you could easily find good examples in API
however, iframe is still useful, when developer actually want it on top. Using it with TitleWindow is a good idea. (correct me if i'm wrong)
If anyone have a better idea, please hit me, I will greatly appreciate
