How to allow access to internal website in IIS7 - iis-7

I developed my first website for a simple internal application using Webmatrix in a Windows 2008 Server R2 machine.
I'm able to open the site with a browser in the same machine as it is running, but cannot open it from any other machine in the network. I cannot open the default IIS7 website either.
The error is 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
This is what I have done so far, without any changes in the results:
Changed the port of my site to 80, and the default to 8080
Where it lists all the sites (so far just the default and mine), right-clicked on my site, selected Edit Permissions, selected the Security tab, and verified that Everyone has Allow permissions for everything
Where it lists all the sites (so far just the default and mine), right-clicked on my site, selected Edit Permissions, selected the Security tab, and added Domain Users with Read & execute, List folder contents and Read permissions.
BTW, this fellow seem to have the same problem and there were no answers: How to allow users from other computers to connect to my IIS7 website?

I found the answer in Enabling Non Localhost access to WebMatrix


IIS Requests Login Credentials on Windows Authentication

I have decided to transfer several of my web applications from one virtual server ot another. The way everything works on my current server is pretty bad - everyone has rights for reading and accessing the content of my "applications" folder on the machine, and so does the IIS. I want to organize stuff on the new server, so only IIS can access this folder.
I have installed IIS and the ASP.NET addons on the new server, and forced my test website to Windows Authentication, as all of my websites are configured on the current server. Then, after doing some reading regarding the permissions, I have given full control to the folder that contains my website to the next users: IIS_IUSRS & TestAppPool (which is the Application Pool I have created for my 'Test' application).
For some reason when I try to access the website from another user within the domain, through the browser, it promts for Login Credentials. I would like to understand why my application wont retrieve the permissions I have granted the IIS users upon accessing the website.
not sure if this would help, but can you try changing the app pool's identity to Network Service?

IIS7 IUSR account permissions not working with forms authentication and file upload

I am trying to deploy an 4 app to a new microsoft server 2008 R2
I have set up the application as I have done dozens of times before and set the folder permissions appropriately.
I have tried setting the application pool name directly to have write permissions
I have tried setting IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, NETWORK SERVICE and Users.
I have confirmed that windows authentication is disabled and anonymous is enabled as well as forms authentication is enabled. Logging in works fine i can access all pages normally except if i try to write to the folder. Then a password is required box pops up which looks like windows authentication (even though its disabled)
Every post here states and in my past experience says if I set the folder permissions for the defaultidentity application pool it should work, but for some reason this server wont let me do it!
Any help would be most appreciated.
Welp this turns out to be a really weird one. For some reason when SQL reporting services is installed it reserves the folder name "Reports" in any IIS Web application folder regardless of whether your actually using Reporting services. Its not created by default or anything, but if you happen to create folder titled "Reports" dont expect to access anything from it. After many hours of frustration it turns out it's a random reservation which doesn't throw any error just somehow overrides your authentication protocol to use windows authentication for their reserved folder.
Thanks Microsoft!

IIS7 Accessing Network Share

I am running IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2 with PHP 5.4. One of my PHP scripts is trying to access a file on a protected network share using a UNC path. How can I change the IIS service account to an account that has permission to access the share? This is really easy to do on Apache HTTP server (you just change it), but it's not clear how to do with IIS. What can I do?
I was able to get things working using the "Connect As" option in the "Basic Settings" of my website and then specifying an account that has access to the network share. It appears that my problem is related to this question:
For IIS 7 running on Windows Server 2008 R2 ... In the IIS Manager, select the Application Pool under which your Web Site is running.
Click "Advanced Settings". There will be an entry for Identity (it is under the Process Model section). Click it, provide credentials for your account that has permission to access the share.
You should make sure that if you are using an Active Directory Domain Account, you provided that correctly under Identity for the running App Pool. For example, MYDOMAIN\myAccount.
After making this change, you will need to do the following:
Stop the Web Site.
Recycle your Application Pool.
Start the Web Site.
From the comment discussion on this answer, #HydroPowerDeveloper was able to get the PHP script to be able to access the network share via UNC path using WebSite -> Basic Settings -> "Connect As" and setting the credentials there.
In the past, I have always used the approach of setting Identity via Application Pool and that has allowed my code to access Network shares via UNC path.
However, all of the sites/applications I have deployed on IIS are .NET based WCF or ASPX sites.
I would speculate (but am not 100% certain on this, would need research/testing to confirm) that the Identity specified in the Application Pool is used by executing .NET code, whereas the "Connect As" is used by the PHP script.
Generally the Application Pool is set using the least amount of privileges as possible.
The easiest route is to allow access to the current IIS account.
In Explorer, navigate to the shared directory.
Right Click -> Properties -> Security
If you don't see the expected IIS user in the list (Group or user names), edit and add the user as required.
I used "NETWORK SERVICE" -> Check names.
The detailed instructions are on that site.
In this way, the system is still restricted, we're ONLY allowing access to specific directories, we don't need to create any new users, we don't need to recycle the application pool and we don't need to perform any nifty impersonation code.
To resurrect an old question...
I've just been setting up a Win 2016 server that uses some Perl to access a UNC share. I set the Application Pool to an account that I verified had the correct permissions on that share. I then set up my site to 'Connect as...' (under 'Basic Settings') the same user. I still couldn't get access working.
Much head scratching later, I realised that my 'Virtual Directory', cgi-bin, was running under the original 'pass through' account. I then set up the virtual directory to 'Connect as...' the same account as the site and the application pool and, bingo, it all works fine.
So, remember to update any Virtual Directories as well as the site and App Pool...

403 Forbidden in SharePoint After Deploying Website

We have an old ASP.NET application hosted in IIS6/Win2k3. It's a document generation application that uploads the documents to SharePoint 2003. The application uses an application pool under the user sharepointservice, which is the administrator of the SharePoint site. The web application, which has been recently migrated to .net 2.0 from 1.1, uses NTLM authentication to identify our intranet users.
As the IT administrators are on holidays, I, the developer, has been given local admin rights to the Win2k3 box. The issue is, whenever I deploy the website, though the documents are uploaded appropriately to the SharePoint site via the application, the users are not able to download them. The error is
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied
I know the IT guys use a service account, not their domain user accounts.
I have already tried to modify the permissions in IIS for that website. I even put Everyone and <Domain>\Users to have read access to all of those folders, to no avail. I've scoured the net, there are no definitive answers. Am I missing something else?
I hate answering my own question, but this did it for me:
The application pools for the SharePoint site were modified from the default. So I reset them, including the AppPools for _layouts, _vti_bin, and _wpresources. Their AppPools are now the default, and are the same.
This link gave me the lead.
You are probably being prompted by permissions for the file system. Check the directories where IO is happening and make sure the user sharepointservice is using in the app pool has read/write permissions.
I just had this problem and solved it after following these instructions:
It seems the webapplication took so long that it hadn't created everything correctly when the IIS timed out. So I was receiving strange errors like yours.

FTP Error 530 User cannot login

I am trying to FTP to a new FTP site I setup with IIS 7.0 for the Windows Server Web (64-bit) edition. But I get the above error when I try to login to this site. But I can login to my other FTP sites.
Also, when I select this website from IIS Manager, the FTP section does not display in the middle section although it does display in Action panel. And I cannot successfully login to this FTP site either.
I have checked and I have Log on locally selected. I do not have allow only anonymous connections. I have Access this computer from the network selected.
I restarted my IIS and FTP services also.
The one different thing I noticed about this website in IIS different from the other site that has FTP working is that this one there are 3 virtual directories beneath the site. And that when I click on any one of these 3, then the FTP strip does appear in the center pane. Make sense?
How can I debug cause of this error? Any SW tools I can use?
I figured out this problem. Problem was I had two instances of IIS: 6 and 7. I was modifying the wrong instance.
