Network protocol for consistent mobile clients requests - http

Is there a protocol (or framework) that ensures that when a request fails, it fails on both the client side (iOS, Android, etc) and server side, and when it succeeds, successes on both sides?
The request might be completed on the server but because of dropped network connection, the client does not receive the response and thinks that the request failed.

The Post-Redirect-Get pattern can be adapted to this. The post part is used to submit the request, and the redirected get will be to a "results" page where the client can acquire the status (in progress, failure, success. etc).
Obviously, a client should not conclude from a network problem that the request failed. It should simply be prepared to wait and/or retry to obtain the status.
The interesting case is where the initial request submission is incomplete, i.e. nothing, not even the redirect comes back. This is where the adaptation comes in. The initial data submission should be after the server has generated a transaction identifier that the client can use as an alternative for status requests. (E.g., a form with a static field "Please save and use this tracking ID for status inquiries".)
If your question was whether this fallback can be automated at the protocol level, the answer unfortunately is no.


How can a server handle HTTP requests in the order in which they were sent?

I'm building a simple CRUD application where there is a client, a server, and a database.
The client can send two types of requests to the server:
POST requests that update a row in the database.
GET requests that retrieve a row in the database.
One requirement of my application is that the requests have to be handled in the order in which they were sent from the client. For example, if the user makes a POST request to update row 1 in the database, then they make a GET request to retrieve row 1 in the database, the response to GET request must reflect the changes made by the previous POST request. One issue is that there is no guarantee that the server will receive the requests in the same order that the requests went sent. Therefore, in the example above, it is possible that the server might receive the GET request first, then the POST request later, which makes the response to the GET request not able to reflect the changes made by the previous POST request.
Another requirement of the application is that the client should not have to wait for the server's response before sending another request (this constraint is to allow for faster runtime). So in the example above, one possible solution is let the client wait for the server response to the POST request, and then it can send the GET request to retrieve the updated row. This solution is not desirable under this constraint.
My current solution is as follows:
Maintain a variable on the client that keeps track of the count of all the requests a user has sent so far. And then append this variable to the request body once the request is sent. So if the user makes a POST request first, the POST request's body will contain count=1, e.g. And then if they make a GET request, the GET request's body will contain count=2. This variable can be maintained using localStorage on the client, so it guarantees that the count variable accurately reflects the order in which the request was made.
On the server side, I create a new thread every time a new request is received. Let's say that this request has count=n. This thread is locked until the request that contains count=n-1 has been completed (by another thread). This ensures that the server also completes the requests in the order maintained by the count variable, which was the order in which the request was made in the client.
However, the problem with my current solution is that once the user clears their browsing data, localStorage will also be cleared. This results in the count getting reset to 0, which makes subsequent requests be placed in a weird order.
Is there any solution to this problem?

What is the actual difference between the different HTTP request methods besides semantics?

I have read many discussions on this, such as the fact the PUT is idempotent and POST is not, etc. However, doesn't this ultimately depend on how the server is implemented? A developer can always build the backend server such that the PUT request is not idempotent and creates multiple records for multiple requests. A developer can also build an endpoint for a PUT request such that it acts like a DELETE request and deletes a record in the database.
So my question is, considering that we don't take into account any server side code, is there any real difference between the HTTP methods? For example, GET and POST have real differences in that you can't send a body using a GET request, but you can send a body using a POST request. Also, from my understanding, GET requests are usually cached by default in most browsers.
Are HTTP request methods anything more than just a logical structure (semantics) so that as developers we can "expect" a certain behavior based on the type of HTTP request we send?
You are right that most of the differences are on the semantic level, and if your components decide to assign other semantics, this will work as well. Unless there are components involved that you do not control (libraries, proxies, load balancers, etc).
For instance, some component might take advantage of the fact that PUT it idempotent and thus can re retried, while POST is not.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed to enable communications between clients and servers.
HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server.
A web browser may be the client, and an application on a computer that hosts a web site may be the server.
Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server; then the server returns a response to the client. The response contains status information about the request and may also contain the requested content.
HTTP Methods
The GET Method
GET is used to request data from a specified resource.
GET is one of the most common HTTP methods.
Note that the query string (name/value pairs) is sent in the URL of a GET request.
The POST Method
POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.
The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request.
POST is one of the most common HTTP methods.
The PUT Method
PUT is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.
The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly have side effects of creating the same resource multiple times.
The HEAD Method
HEAD is almost identical to GET, but without the response body.
In other words, if GET /users returns a list of users, then HEAD /users will make the same request but will not return the list of users.
HEAD requests are useful for checking what a GET request will return before actually making a GET request - like before downloading a large file or response body.
The DELETE Method
The DELETE method deletes the specified resource.
The OPTIONS Method
The OPTIONS method describes the communication options for the target resource.
src. w3schools

Why should a client state http method?

We know the difference between POST and GET, but why should a client state the method type when issuing http requests? Why should it make a difference for the server? in the end, it is the server job to deal with those requests according to their URL and Content. either by redirecting, blocking or accepting and using data (existing in the URL or request body).
An endpoint can accept both GET and POST requests (along with PUT, PATCH and DELETE). If the client does not explicitly state what type of request they are sending, the server will interpret it as a GET request (the default).
Consider the following PHP example, sitting on
if ($_POST["request"]) {
// Create new resource
else if ($_GET["request"]) {
// List existing resources
In both instances, the request parameter is sent to the same page, and different logic is run based on what the method is. But considering the same data is sent to the same page in both instances, the server wouldn't know which one of the two conditions to step into if the client doesn't explicitly specify the method.
In RESTful programming, both the client and server have been programmed to understand the request, but the client has no knowledge of the server itself. It is up to the server to process the request, based off of what the client asks it to do. And the client asks it to do different things by specifying the method.

Is it possible to send partial reply to the client and later send complete response?

I use a payment gateway which uses the relay response url of my web application to return the transaction response or receipt information. The problem is that it uses a timeout i.e if it is 10 seconds since it made the request to the relay response url and if the relay response url didn't respond within that time then it will timeout. The problem i am trying to avoid or minimize is for the url to respond within the timeout period. One thing i have noticed is that this method that relay response url points to over the time has gotten bulkier and this may amount to the occasional timeouts that is happening. One solution i think could be to render partial response quickly like "Please wait...". If the payment gateway receives something from the relay response url then it shouldn't timeout. After that when the heavy processing is complete then the relay method sending full response which will be receipt in most cases. Is there a way to achieve this? I appreciate any help! The framework i am using for my application is grails 2.0.
I thought something like this would work but i was wrong.
def receiptFinal(){
def receipt(){
render "Please wait..."
redirect(controller: 'payment', action: 'receiptFinal')
Yes,it is quite possible I guess. Your payment gateway has to make two requests. One is to confirm whether validation/payment is all right or not. And, Second request to the client would be final response (like receipt etc)
It would totally depend on payment gateway.

POST/Redirect/GET (PRG) vs. meaningful 2xx response codes

Since the POST request in a POST/Redirect/GET (PRG) pattern returns a redirect (303 See Other) status code on success, is it at all possible to inform the client of the specific flavour of success they are to enjoy (eg. OK, Created, Accepted, etc.) as well as any appropriate headers (eg. Location for a 201 Created, which might conflict with that of the redirect)?
Might it be appropriate, for example, to make the redirected GET respond with the proper response code & headers that would be expected from the POST response?
The HTTP 1.1 spec says:
This method [303] exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource.
But doesn't offer any insight into the loss of the more usual status code and headers.
Edit - An example:
A client sends POST request to /orders which creates a new resource at /orders/1.
If the server sends a 201 Created status with location: /orders/1, an automated client will be happy because it knows the resource was created, and it know where it is, but a human using a web browser will be unhappy, because they get the page /orders again, and if they refresh it they're going to send another order, which is unlikely to be what they want.
If the server sends a 303 See Other status with location: /orders/1 the human will be taken to their order, informed of its existence and state and will not be in danger of repeating it by accident. The automated client, though, won't be told explicitly of the resource's creation, it'll have to infer creation based on the location header. Furthermore, if the 303 redirects somewhere else (eg. /users/someusername/orders) the human may be well accomodated, but the automated client is left drastically uninformed.
My suggestion was to send 201 Created as the response to the redirected get request on the new resource, but the more I think about it, the less I like it (could be tricky to ensure only the creator receives the 201 and it shouldn't appear that the GET request created the resource).
What's the optimal response in this situation?
Send human-targetted information in the response body as HTML. Don't differentiate on the User-Agent header; if you also need to send bodies to machines, differentiate based upon the Accept request header.
If you have control over the web server, how about differentiating between the Agent header ?
Fill it in something only you know of (a GUID or other pseudo-random thing) and present that one to the webserver from the automated client. Then have the webserver response with 201 / 303 accordingly.
