Blank Page Encountered When Moved Wp-content Directory Outside - wordpress

I'm trying to install Wordpress with clean subversion repositories, as in I have followed every step accordingly until the second last step, where it says 'You should now be able to view the site via the root URL (', and indeed I can see my website on, say,
Once I go to the final step of changing the wp-config.php though, draws a blank page. I am quite sure the wp-config.php is the problem, i.e. Wordpress doesn't know that it should retrieve my wp-content contents from outside the core Wordpress directory. My directory structure is as such:
, where core/ holds the files checked out with Subversion, custom/ holds my themes/ and plugins/ directory, and wp-config.php contains the below lines:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
I have tried other variations, like:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/custom');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
I have also tried hardcoding the local path, like:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/MYUSERNAME/');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
, but none of the above works. Then I renamed the custom/ folder to wp-content/, but again nothing. I even went into Dreamhost to prevent redirecting to and vice versa, but again to no avail. I don't believe core/ is the problem, because I can access the Dashboard via, and the Dashboard says it can't detect my themes, which confirms my suspicion that WP doesn't know to retrieve the files from the custom/ folder.
By now, I have run out of ideas as to where could the problem be. Can anyone experienced in this area please give me some advice? Thanks a million.

Ensure that your statements come BEFORE the call for wp-settings.php, which is usually around line 90. Wp-settings (or more accurately default-constants.php) checks if the paths and URLs have already been defined, so you want to make sure you define them beforehand.
If that isn't the issue then check if $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is returning the values you expect; you might have issues if working in a sub-directory.


Finding the path of a specific WordPress install

I have recently taken over a WordPress website.
Once I got access to the server I found that there were more than 70 installations of WordPress spread across it (files and DBs).
What is the quickest/easiest way for me to determine which installation is the one that is running the actual live website?
I thought of putting a PHP file into each installation (a file that echoed something along the lines of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];) - then try and access that file from the site itself, from there I know which installation is the correct one (I can then work out which DB is the correct one from the wp-config).
But surely there is an easier way? I have access to wp-admin, is there anything I can do in there to show me the base install path of this particular WordPress?
Save the follwoing code into a php file and put it into the root foler. This will list all the folders which have the WordPress installation.
$dirs = array_filter(glob('*'), 'is_dir');
foreach($dirs as $dir)
echo $dir.'<br>';

Wordpress: ERROR: "Table Prefix" must not be empty

So I'm trying to build a Wordpress website using AWS using RDS Aurora. I've installed the source code provided by and it uploaded successfully but after putting in all the information regarding the database it loads for a minute or two then says the page isn't working, when it reloads it gives me the error ERROR: "Table Prefix" must not be empty. I've tried many solutions but none of them are working
Check the URL of the installation page. It must have a .php suffix. If it doesn't, it's likely your .htaccess page is rewriting the URL and causing your POST requests to misdirect.
Edit .htaccess so it reads RewriteEngine Off.
This bug is often the result of inheriting .htaccess rules from higher directories.
In a fresh installation rename your wp-config-sample.php file with wp-config.php.
Then define you own table_prefix. Make it meaningfull related to your project. This table_prefix will be added as a the prefix of you tables in your database.
Example: $table_prefix = abcd_

Website being displayed in root and subdirectory

My website is being displayed at two locations: one in the root like like I want it to, and the other is displayed at, which I don't want.
In the folder structure of my website, I installed WordPress in a subdirectory called wordpress, copied the index.php file to the root, and amended this to make it point at the subdirectory: require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' );
Is this normal behaviour, and can I somehow have my website be display only at
I just spun up a development instance, and tried going through the process, and I got the same result. I was able to fix it by renaming the index.php that is NOT in the root to useless.php. That made the /wordpress portion of the site 503, and it kept the root portion of the site running. Try it and let me know if it works!

Images in FTP but URL says page not found

So I have been reading all i can for the last 2 hours and have not a solution.
I moved my drupal site from one host to another, all works well minus:
images in the the 'sites/defualt/files' folder are in the FTP and i can priview them there but when got to the URL I just a page not found message.
example image URL:
this what's in my code and the path is correct but the image does not show.
Here's what I have checked:
Clean url's are enabled,
'admin/settings/file-system', set to public
'admin/settings/file-system', File system path: 'sites/default/files' as it should be
.htaccess in files folder is set to
SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006
# Options None
# Options +FollowSymLinks
and I have tried it with '#' removed
I have tried leaving the settings.php $base_url ="" blank and with my exsample domain
I have the files folder set to cmod '777'
Checked the database files table, path is set to 'sites/default/files/imagename.png', which seems right
image names do not have spaces in them.
I have been flushing the cache for the testing different settings
I have run the cron as well.
I don't know what I am missing the files are there, the paths are even correct when i look at the rendered html, but the images are just not showing and the direct urls say 'page not found'
Any Help would be awesome, I thought i had this problem before and solved it but i have no idea I missed.
Thanks for any help
Hhmm, have you checked that all parent folders have at least the execute flag set so that you can browse into them? I think it is safe to set all folders as: 755
Another way to debug this is trying to download other files contained in other folders, e.g. the README in root or some files in the misc/ and modules/ folders.
Just deleted .htaccess file inside default/files it solved the issue for me..I dont exact lines of code need to be there in .htacces file..

Wordpress Blank Install Page

I uploaded a freshly downloaded copy of Wordpress 4.2.2 here: and all I get is a blank page.
There are no .htaccess or wp-config.php files in the root directory.
No database has been connected yet.
I tried the same in another directory (/dev/) and it did the same.
I have no plugins installed or activated.
This is a fresh copy.
I added an phpinfo file here:
Why can't I even get the install page to show up?
I didn't understand why there is no wp-config.php in the directory, it would be good you post what is in the directory. Anyway, you can check items like (sometimes it is just that):
some files with no ending "?>" ending the file;
any require_once methods calling non-existing files
(you said no, but) wp-config has wrong or non-set definitions (user, database)
check permissions/ownership to the folder
Well, I know it can be lame, but I had problem with definition in WPLANG define,
so I put an
echo "<br> there is no error until here";
through the files untill I find that was missing a comma at the definition. If the phrase is displayed, your installation files untill that point are working out.
Your phpinfo says the display_errors is off.
modify your php.ini with this line:
display_errors = on
you should restart the server after modification.
you can only track the error only if the error reporting is on in the server
