Dynamics Ax 2012 Missing Category Column in EcoResProductCategory - axapta

We are having an issue with the form EcoResProductCategory. At one point, this form had a column named 'Category' that our company utilized. Somehow this column has gone missing. My team develops on the CUS level and there is a vendor that I believe pushes additions to the level lower. As of now, there is no CUS level customization to this form. When looking at the form in the AOT, it appears that the Category field is in fact present (and visible in the properties). But once the form is opened, it still doesn't show.
Any ideas or pointers? I am still new to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and I apologize for asking a question like this.
Another Note: When compared to the AX Demo, it seems like our environment is missing the following label...

Is it missing for all users, or for one user? In the latter, it could be that it is hidden by by MorphX (Right-clicked and hidden).
Just to make sure it isn't usage data, delete the usage data for that user.

Turns out, a related data table had a field removed. Therefore the dropdown was never being generated.


Contact to a lead in CRM Dynamics 2013

I know in CRM 2011 you can not convert a contact to lead. Is it possible in CRM 2013 .
In simple words i have created a contact and grouped it in to a account. I would like to convert this contact in to lead so that i can make a sales entry.
Strange all leading CRM package provides this , in 2011 its not available is it there in 2013.
This functionality is not available out of the box. However, there are a number of ways to implement this.
The easiest would be to create an 'On Demand' Workflow - that creates a Lead with information from the Contact. This can be run manually against specific Contacts - as I presume you don't want to do this for every Contact.
The alternative is to use the SDK, you could create a Lead from the information in the Contact and have a Ribbon button to invoke the SDK code.
Typically, you would convert (Qualify) a Lead into to an Account, Contact and/or Opportunity. It is unusual to convert a Contact to a Lead.
I think your problem is one of terminology, not functionality.
If you want to record a new potential sale for an existing Account or Contact, the most obvious thing to do would be to create an Opportunity.
If for some reason you want to create a potential potential deal, and want to use a Lead to hold this so you can do a more formal pre-qualification before you get to Opportunity, then just create a Lead linked to the Contact and Account. Since there is a relationship there already, you cold do this by adding a sub-grid on the Contact form, or adding Leads to the navigation on the form (like any other child entity).
You don't need to "convert" the Contact, keep that as it is and just add another record to represent the possible new sale.

Writing the correct formula for SugarCRM

I am trying to automatically populate a field through a calculated field.
Just a quick background we distribute equipment with serials numbers. This equipment is sometimes returned. So some customers have multiple products each with different status of returned, shipped and installed.
I would like to transfer this serial number to a field on the contact through a calculated field only if the status is installed or shipped.
I have tried:
I need this for reporting reasons and would be greatly appreciated if you could help.
You need a combination of ifElse and equal and related and or
As an example, the following Sugar Logic formula can be placed on a Contact record and will populate the field with the related account's name if the related account is of the type "Reseller." If the Account is of some other account_type then the field takes the value of "nope!"
If you wanted to add another condition, or allow for another acceptable Account Type, build in an or
When you're writing lengthy Sugar Logic like this, I find it helpful to start writing it out with indentation using a text editor:
In some versions of Sugar I've had to remove the extra spacing but it seems like in at least the editor actually allows and preservers the formatting, which is a pleasant surprise.

Error while trying to publish an Infopath 2013 form to Sharepoint 2013 Document Library

I am a newbie in Infopath & Sharepoint. I am trying to create a form from Infopath 2013 and publish it as a document library to Sharepoint. I have some 60 fields that needs to be calculated(add) into another field. When tried to use the Design Checker, it throws an error as mentioned below in the screenshot. But it accepts if I key in only 45 fields in the Insert Formula text area. Is there any limitation on number of fields to be entered in Insert Formula? When I use PREVIEW in Infopath it works fine. This error pops up only when I try to publish it to Sharepoint. Any ideas on how to resolve this? - Thanks inadvance
InfoPath preview is rendered with IP Filler. The Browser experience has always been different, and the Filler preview is not a reliable check for the browser experience. You may have hit the limits of what a browser form can do. I don't have the numbers or limits, though.
Looking at the error message, you seem to be amassing an awful lot of calculations in one single field. My gut feeling is that this is very bad information architecture. What is the purpose of the form? What are you trying to achieve? Why would anyone have 60 fields in a form?
It looks as if you are summing a large number of cells. InfoPath is not a spreadsheet.
Use repeating tables to capture similar data. Then you can total the table entries with a standard IP function.
This looks like a sum of all the items a restaurant has on the menu. This is a perfect case for a repeating table. Don't use all 60 items on the menu in a list of 60 fields all in one form. That is overkill and not user-friendly. Create a repeating table structure where the user selects one of the 60 items and enters the transaction data. Each row of the repeating table can have another item of the list of 60. The grand total will be calculated from the entries.
If that is not viable, use helper fields to calculate sub totals by item category, and create a grand total from all the category totals.

Infor PM Application Studio

Is there anyone here using Infor PM Application studio or has experience with it? I m stuck on afew problems but find virtually no resource to get help and the manual is dull and not helpful.
Please let me know if you can answer afew question. I'm new to the application so most questions are usability, things like how to manipulate global variables.
Specifically, my question is to do with How i can relate a Selection in "List box" to a HyperBlock.
for example, if i have a List Box that allows user to select a year (2010,2011...etc). This list box outputs to a global variable I’ve created, and i can use this global variable to structure the Hyperblock to show the contents based on selected year.
BUT i also need to structure hyperblock based on previous year and the year before that and not just current. So if user picks 2011, i also need to display 2010 and 2009. I am stuck on how i can do this.
yes, there are developers using Infor PM10 App Studio. Feel free to ask more questions to me or the comunity as StackOverflow will solve them all ;-)
Here is another solution to your problem with scripting (where "ListViewYear" is the Name of your Year Dropdown box and "glb_YearFrom" hast to be a global variable):
Sub ListViewYear_SelChange ()
year = LV_Year.Text ' e.g. "2011"
SetGlobalVariable "glb_YearFrom", year-2
End Sub
The global Var "glb_YearFrom" can now be used in any Hyperblock List to filter it's content.
I believe you use the global variable in the Structure Selection of the List which fills the HyperBlock. To be able to answer your question I need to know more about the case.
Do you use Client or Server Olap List?
Does the combo offer a flat or a hierarchical list of elements?
Do you always want to take the years from the first to the selected one?
In case you have a flat list of years and want to select all from the first till the selected one, just create a range in the Structure Selection. The range should go from the first year to the variable stored in the global List.

Drupal vote_up_down module reporting incorrect points

I am working on a project using Drupal 6 (6.11 at the moment, haven't yet upgraded to 6.12) and part of the core functionality is the ability to vote on nodes. I'm having some rather weird behaviour that has taken me an age to track down and now I have, I still can't fix it.
This is what I've managed to figure out so far:
The template file sites/default/modules/vote_up_down/theme/vote_up_down_points.tpl.php automatically calls the function template_preprocess_vote_up_down_points() from vote_up_down.module.
vote_up_down.module then queries the database using the values stored in the $variables array that is passed to it
On only one of the 3 occasions this is called on a typical node (in this case forum posts) $variables doesn't have a value for $variables['cid'].
That one occasion is when it reads the score so as to display it below the post itself. And, instead of locating the current post's score, it locates the first-ever-voted-on post's score. (This is because instead of returning the score of one post, it returns the score of all posts and then uses the first one from the list).
I am assuming that $variables is a system-wide constant (looking at the content of it using print_r seems to confirm that) and so perhaps this is a core bug as it should always be the same. I checked the contents of $variables and the only 4 parts of around 50 that are different in the one that doesn't work are: cid - blank, tag - blank (although this is discovered by the function and correctly substituted as 'vote'), zebra - even & id - 2. I imagine the last 2 are not really important for this, so the key must be in why $variables['cid'] is not being passed through.
So, my questions are:
Has anyone had this problem before and how did you fix it?
If not, do you have any tips as to how I can figure out why this is not working correctly?
I can't tell you the answer, but you'll probably have better luck posting this in the module's issue queue, since then the maintainer and others using it will see it.
I can't believe I didn't try this before, but I just upgraded to the latest development snapshot of vote_up_down and the problem went away. A 2 minute fix in the end vs about 6 hours of trying to tie the problem down.
Lesson learnt!
