Pager numbers do not match URI string in drupal 7? - drupal

How can I make the pager numbers match the URI string?
For example : When I click on number 3 in pager to turn to page 3 but the the URI is "?page=2" instead of "?page=3". This pagination isn't normal as any other pagination I've met before. How can I fix it?

You could do it by implementing hook_url_outbound_alter(), and hook_url_inbound_alter().
With the first hook, you alter the links that are being output from Drupal; you would increase the value of $options['query']['page'].
With the second hook, you alter the links being received from Drupal; you should find the '?page=' string in the URL, and decrease the number after that string.
Keep in mind that $_GET['page'] can be a string like '1,2,4,5,6' if the page has more than one pager. See the code of pager_find_page().
Also, hook_url_outbound_alter() receive the query parameters in $options, while hook_url_inbound_alter() receives just a string for the URL, which also contains the query part.

The page attribute in the URL is used directly in the query, so if ommitted, page will get 0 as a value. It's normal because Drupal do pagin things like this.
Now if you need to change this, you have to work arround query alters for every query, to add +1 to the limit() or range() methods.


Send query string parameter from a non-web application

Ok, I've been bugging with this for too long.
I need to call my website from a rough app. Then only thing I need is to attach a query string parameter to the calling url, so I can distinguish the pages to be shown to different VB app users.
So I want to click a button and launch that website, giving this parameter.
First I was bugging with adding the system.web libraries. Now I can't use Request/Response.QueryString as well.
I tried getting some example help from this post. but as I said before - I cannot make use of Request.QueryString as I cannot import it.
I am stuck here:
I need to attach a query string parameter to the url and then open the website with that url.
Can someone just give me a sample code for my problem.
Query parameters are parsed by the web server/http handler off the URL you use to call the page. They consist of key and value pairs that come at the end of the URL. Your code is nearly there. Say you needed to pass through the parameters:
ID = 1234
Page = 2
Display = Portrait
Then you'd turn them into a URL like this:
Therefore in your code you'd have:

Can I create a reblog link from a Tumblr RSS feed?

Can I Create a reblog link programatically?
Is it against the terms of service? I can't tell...
Anatomy of a tumblr reblog link: (unique numbers made up)
In my RSS feed I have:
So its safe to say the 85... number is a unique post id
But what is the other code? (7vu4jf89)
The 2nd value differs for each reblog link, so its not just my unique identifier.
Arbitrary values do not work either.
I was thinking maybe its something Tumblr implemented specifically to prevent people from doing the sort of thing I'm attempting? Maybe its some sort of hash value combining my account identifier and the post?
Any insight is appreciated.
Tumblr Reblogs
Ignoring the RSS part for the moment, I believe there are two official methods to achieve a working reblog link.
Use the template variable {ReblogButton} (
Use the Tumblr API (
In reply to your question about other code. I believe this is a unique, randomly generated key, the make up of which I am not 100% sure on. The key seems be unique per post and per site.
For example, if the original reblog key is 12345678 and the post is reblogged, a new key is generated for the site that reblogged the post.
Back to the RSS part, sadly as you have probably gathered, getting the reblog key inside the RSS feed by default is impossible. My advice would be to find the permalink in the RSS feed and use an API call to return the corresponding key for a reblog.
There is a way to construct the reblog URL manually, if you have access to the post’s HTML page:
search for rk= in the HTML source code (it's in the block opened by <!-- BEGIN TUMBLR CODE -->)
copy the value of this parameter (e.g. "1234" if you find rk=1234)
now manipulate the URL:
append this value at the URL (add a slash before it, if there is none) (you can replace the slug with the value, if available)
replace "post" with "reblog"
remove the subdomain
call this crafted URL
This rk value (maybe "reblog key"?) doesn’t seem to be included in the feed.

get special value in url

this code return null
how can get value idCompany
this return ?idCompany=1338006699
this Request.UrlReferrer.Query.Split('=')[1] return 1338006699
but i think this way does not good way
#Site/AboutAs is a tab aboutAs in full tab component
Try this instead:
string id = Page.PreviousPage.Request.QueryString["idComapny"];
If no luck then your method of splitting is the best you can achieve, as you're trying to read the query string of the referrer page.
One work around though is to store the value in that previous page.
To do this, store the value of Request["idComapny"] in the previous page, where it should be available, in Session then you can read the Session value in any other page.

How do I identify the referrer page in ASP.NET?

In VS2003, I am trying to find out the particular page where the request is coming from. I want to identify the exact aspx page name.
Is there a way to only get the page name or some how strip the page name?
Currently I am using the following instruction...
string referencepage = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
and I get the following result...
I want to get the result back with out any query string parameters and be able to identify the page MyPage123.aspx accurately...
How do I do that??
Instead of calling .ToString on the Uri, use the AbsolutePath property instead:
string referencepage = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath;
This should get you "/MyPage123.aspx" in your case.
Edit: Had LocalPath instead of AbsolutePath by mistake
Look at the Segments property of the URI class (which is what HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer returns).
Something like HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.Segments[1] (changing the 1 indexer to get the correct segment you require).

ASP.Net getting a list of querystrings from a link

I have a web application that is using UrlRewriting. Now I want to set it that if the user enters the page with a url in re-written format, all the links apply the same format, otherwise they remain the same (with normal query strings).
Is there a way that I can get a list of query strings that are in the links without parsing the string?
Try the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString
