Using Jquery to create a drag and drop select box or text box? (not lists) -

I've worked thru the various jquery UI demos of drag and drop and sortable. These show how to get items from one list to another. One example even shows a shopping cart demo.
Am I missing something in that a item won't be part of a post to the server right? so what use is this other than reorganizing a display on a page?
Is it possible to adapt this to some sort of input field?

item won't be part of a post to the server right? so what use is this
other than reorganizing a display on a page?
Allowing users to reorganize the elements in the page is a nice feature, even if you aren't notified on the server. For example, by allowing users to drag and drop elements, you may store his current page layout in localStorage so that the next time the user visits your page, the layout is restored automatically. You don't need to be notified on the server side what the user preferences are.
All of these jQuery plugins (sortable, draggable, etc.) have functions that you can hook into and trigger some server side processing as well. For example, when a user drags and drops an element from one section of the screen to another, you can perfectly make an ajax request and do some processing on your end. This would provide a very nice user experience to the user.
For example:
$( ".selector" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
$.post('http://server/somection',data{...});//do something on the server-side
Absolutely! jsfiddle with demo here.


Use Page Items in a Button Link in Apex Express

i have a little problem. I'm using Oracle Applicarion Express and i'm trying to use some page items in a Link created for a button. I created the Button as region button, and selected in the region" Action when button clicked" "Redirect to URL". In this URL i want to use two pageitems. I tried already to use them mit ":PAGE_ITEM" or "&PAGE_ITEM." but non way works. Can someone help me please?
What does the resulting hyperlink look like? The chance is great that it looks like
f?p=<app_id>:10:<session id>::::P10_ITEM1,P10_ITEM2:,
This is because when using the substitution syntax like &PAGE_ITEM. will put the session state of the referenced item in the string. Since the button is rendered during the loading of the page it will use the session state of the item at that time.
When you then fill in a value for PAGE_ITEM, this will not change the session state of that item - and even if it did it would not matter since the button was already rendered.
If this is the case then you'd better have the button submit the page, and define an on submit before validations/computations branch to act on that button. In the branch you can then safely use the session state of the required items.

isotope selected element control

I'm having a little trouble controlling the visual display of my filtering tabs and pagination links using Isotope. I want to fix two issues:
1 How do I class one of my filtering tabs so it looks already selected on page load?
2 When I click on a pagination link in the container, the currently selected tab is declassed, meaning it no longer looks selected?
Please see the demo here and you will understand what I mean.
Regarding the first question; before the code of your Isotope logic proper, you could have this anonymous self-executing function to preset certain things
var selector = $('.classtobefilteredoutonload');
$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
// other things that shall happen too go here, like assigning the right class to you PMTV tab div
return false;
Or failing that, leverage hash history to preset your site.
Regarding the second question, it looks like you're using this CngClass function to toggle the focus for all your clickable "a" elements, so naturally Archive Videos will lose focus when you click on a pagination "a" element. You can see it well in Google Chrome's developer tools while clicking on your tabs and paginators.
Well, you should toggle a "highlighting class" on your pagination separately, with a different function from the one that toggles your tabs. An anonymous self-executing function executes as soon as it is encountered, so it looks like the rest of your DOM is not ready. Try the same function but with on document ready.
You can do it like this.
You can pre-mark your tab or whatever item on screen like this

Controlling div visibility from toggle buttons on another page

I am looking to control the visibility of a div on one page from a toggle button on an admin page. I have seen many examples of this being done on the same page but none that explain what it would look like to have this done from another page.
There are a number of ways to handle this. You should research what you want to do and then decide on a method that works best for you.
Personally I would look at a server-side implementation. In this way you can control the output to the client. You can use session variables for example. How this is done will depend on what language you are using.
If you only want a javascript solution then I can think of two options. First is to use cookies. You can then read the cookie and show/hide the div based on the value. This is what I would do.
Second you can pass in a querystring parameter and read it on the other page. Then hide/show your div.
If the admin page opened the child page using JavaScript then you can assign the window to a variable and control the contents through that variable. Like so:
var childWindow ='some URL', options);
// now toggle the div in the child
var childDiv= childWindow.document.getElementById('your_div_id');

Show alert if moving on without saving in Flex?

Functionnaly :
On one of my components of my application, I have an editing/lock system. When a user starts editing, he locks the file so other users cannot edit it.
Problem scenario : When the user activates "edition mode" and leaves screen, I would like to show a alert with two options : save changes, or discard changes.
There are different ways to exit screen :
There is a List on the left side containing other possible editabel data. A click changes the data in my component.
There is a menubar on top leading to other screens.
The edition component is embedded in a Tab navigator. When changing tabs, the alert has to show.
Closing browser.
Do I have to catch all of these events and plug at all those places?
Is there any kind of focusout mecanism?
The answer to the first question is: YES.
You need to watch all possible exit events that could harm the currently edited data.
Well, the problem is now how to manage this properly. Using an MVC framework you would trigger the appropriate commands from your components:
CHANGE_TAB (new tab)
CHANGE_SCREEN (new screen)
Each command then checks if the currently edited tab has been saved or not. If not, it displays the Alert. Else, if there are no changes, it allows the list, the screen chooser and the tab bar to continue.
So your components (list, screens, tabs) need to implement some kind of rollback or preventDefault mechanism. Generally, changing their state must be allowed by a central validator (in MVC the command).
In the case of the list: I would suggest that the list is not selectable by mouse click but only programmatically. You set a listener on the list item click event. If the command allows setting of a new item it will notify the list. In MVC usually by sending an async message that gets received by the list's mediator. [[And even more correct: The command would set some model properties (e.g. currentListItem) and the model than sends an async message.]]
Edit: For the browser close event, you need to call a JavaScript expert.

DRUPAL: customize dropdown Views filter

I'm using Views dropdown filter (with tags) and it works great. However I would like to customize it in this way:
1 - remove button "Apply" and automatically update Views (at the moment I'm updating it with Ajax)
2- allow my customer to change the order of the dropdown items (specifying top items)
3- select multiple items without having to press the SHIFT button on keyboard (do not unselect other items if new items are selected)
Let's suppose the items in the image are tags... something like this:
Use jQuery to .hide() the Apply button, and then set a handler on the filter fields so that whenever one of them is changed (i.e., by the user), the Apply button registers a click.
Hmm, can't help with this one. You might be stuck writing a custom module that hooks into the Views API.
Sounds like the Sexy Exposed module would solve this problem?
I'm using the following code to keep the items selected and it works.
$('#edit-tid option').click(function() {
$("option.selected").attr("selected", "selected");
//submit request
When a request is submitted the page is refreshed. The selected items are still selected (class="selected") but the javascript code do not keep them selected.. I don't understand why, since they have the correct class attribute.
So.. it doesn't work after refresh, even if the html code is the same (the same class="selected" attribute is assigned to the same items).
I've solved point 1 and 2, installing better exposed filter module from drupal website.
