RSS Feed "Delete" Signal - wordpress

I've been using the RSS feed of my personal site to export its posts to a Wordpress installation, using the plugin FeedWordPress.
In its current state, when a post is deleted from my personal site, it also disappears from the RSS feed, but remains on the Wordpress installation (an undesirable behavior). There is an option in the FeedWordPress plugin to retain only the posts that are currently in the RSS, but then I have a different problem, because only the latest 50 entries are stored in the RSS at any time, so older posts would be deleted as well.
The most promising lead for a solution came from another option for the plugin, which goes:
Allow Feeds to Delete Posts: Yes. If a feed indicates that one of its
posts has been deleted, delete the local copy syndicated to this
How would I go about adding such a deletion indication/signal in my RSS feed?

I would use the built in option in feedpress or create a category and add the unwanted posts there and exclude them from the feed.

Turns out it was referring to tombstones (deleted-entry elements) in Atom.


NextScripts SNAP : not using the permalink in wordpress?

This is in a way a followup of this question : Jetpack Publicize: Sharing only on Twitter for a category
I am currently working on a website in which one of the category only serves as a way to curate news on the net and then, share it on the front page and on Twitter.
The post itself is empty, I use a custom field to receive the URL from the user, grab a few things from the target website, update the permalink and save. Upon saving, SNAP publishes the post on Twitter.
My issue is that it is not using the permalink but the url of the post itself (which is absolutely empty). Having a look into the plugin's code, I saw that it was using post metas (most notably urlToUse, snap_MYURL) but couldn't determine if it was a priority issue or something else.
I also try to adjust my code to set these meta values to the url I want, to no avail.
Is there a way I could set my custom functions or the SNAP plugin so that the permalink is used ?
No answer after a week, neither here nor from SNAP's support. No problem.
The ugly patch I used :
Jetpack Publicize for all the Twitter updates
SNAP for the Facebook ones thanks to their ability of posting based on a specific category
It's bloated and I'd love to understand but, sometime, you have to ship

RSS: moving CMS content between categories

I have a client that is using the ExpressionEngine CMS. Up until recently, they had one blog with an RSS feed. They then created a second blog, with its own RSS feed. They now want to move some of the older posts in the original blog over to the second blog, as they fit better in the second blog.
My question is this: if we just re-categorize the blog posts, are these older posts going to show up in the second blog's RSS feed, and if they do, will they appear as new posts?
There are three main reasons why older posts may show up as new in a feed reader:
The GUID or permalink to the post has changed from what it was before
The post was not previously in the RSS, regardless of its date
The pubDate has changed indicating a new item compared to the existing cache
Most aggregators look at the GUID or permalink first to determine uniqueness of item and whether or not to have it show up as new. If neither of those are present they may fall back to the pubDate element.
Just changing the text or category of the post usually doesn't send out a signal that the post is new.
Unless of course changing the category also means it turns up in another RSS feed, as in your case, in which case, it will show up as new no matter when you posted it.

Combine RSS Items Into a Single Item

I'm working on building an app which will take multiple RSS feeds and combine them into a single feed. So far so good, I'm able to do this via Yahoo Pipes easily enough.
What I'm having problems figuring out how to do, is to take the items from the output of that Pipe and combine them into a single item.
Basically what the goal here is, is that on my site I tag various posts which drops them into an RSS feed on the site. Then I want to be able to automatically publish a top 10 blog post (using based on the items which I've tagged over the course of the week. To make all this work I need to get the top 10 items from my normal tag (which I'm using Yahoo Pipes to handle) into a single item so that can feed that over to my WordPress site as a blog post.
Any ideas are welcome, with one exception. I'm on a hosted WordPress site, so I can't install plugins for WordPress. If that's the only option, I can probably make it work by putting the plugin on one of the other WordPress sites that I own.
I ended up using a wordpress plugin on another site. The plugin is called WP-RSSImport.

Recalcitrant excerpts, full feed missing

I've config'ed a WP blog (now at 3.0) to provide full RSS feeds. Yet WP insists on producing excerpt RSS feeds.
What could cause this? How does WP produce an RSS feed? (i.e. what functions get called, what gets filtered, what hooks run, etc.)
It could be several reasons. Most likely either
a. A plugin the manipulates your RSS feed. Do you have one such installed?
b. Some manipulating code in your theme's "functions.php" file...
Could you check either of those out, or go a bit more into detail?

Custom fields in WordPress RSS feed

I have 2 custom fields in my WordPress system when creating new posts. One is called homethumb (is the title of an image) and another called description.
I would like to edit the RSS feed so it shows the image and the description rather than the complete post.
But I don't know how to do this. I would like to fetch that RSS with simple pie to integrate it on another website (sort of auto-submit system).
You also have
that runs in the loop for every item in the RSS feed.
Hook in to that and output anything extra you need in to the feed item.
To show the excerpt instead of the entire article, go to "reading" in Settings section of your admin menu and half way through the options there's a setting to use excerpts instead of full text.
No plugins required. Just a little custom programming.
Custom fields for Feeds Wordpress plugin
This puts images or videos into your feeds through the use of custom
fields. You can alter the custom field Keys and what is displayed.
Update 11/27/2015: The plugin is old, but the site says it still works
I found some tutorials on how to add things to your rss reader, so I fixed this.
it's in french ->
Here is another option if you want to display anything other than images and videos in your feed:
All of your custom fields will now be displayed in your feed.
Further options to be able to select which custom fields display in a feed will be available in subsequent releases of the plugin!
