Drupal - User Management - with different levels - drupal

We are working on a site building using drupal. We have 3 different user profiles / roles.
Site Administrator (manage client admin and content)
Client Administrator (manage department admins)
Department Administrator (manage his own content)
Project Flow:
Site admin, will manage client administrator. Whereas client admin, will manage department administrator.
Since we are at the beginner level in drupal, wanted to know which module will suit the above user management.
Tried adding following modules and permissions, and not able to achieve the desired result
Administer Users by Role
Role delegation
Role Assign
Please let us know, how to achieve this and the modules to be installed to see the expected result.
Thank in Advance,

You might want to try Organic Groups module


Invite users to view nodes that are hidden from public.

I am using the question module on my Drupal 7.x website and I want some specific people to answer that.
Node_invite and rsvp modules only have a 6.x version.
You can use the Node Access Password or the Access Links modules. These allow for node access by using a password and a path alias respectively.
Notice that you should uncheck the permission of "View published content" from all kind of user roles and of course from anonymous users.

Buddypress Multi user roles

I have a website built in WordPress 3.3.1. My site have two types of roles lets say jobseeker and employers. Now I have installed buddypress social networking plugin and activated the registration process. Now I need two separate link for jobseeker and employers through which users can get registered as per their roles in buddypress and as well as in wordpress.
Many Thanks To Anyone That Helps,
Buddypress User Account type just updated.. which allows to assign different role to different account type
There's nothing out there that will do exactly what you're looking for, however there is a new plugin that may get you going in the right direction. It's called Buddypress User Account Types and can be found at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-user-account-type-lite/installation/

Any way to disable view restrictions being displayed to admins in django cms?

I'm trying to configure a very simple user in django cms and don't want to confuse them with view permissions. Is there a config setting to change this in 2.2?
One possible way may be to drop your users is_superuser status and then grant them (within the Users admin page) any rights but no rights for ''cms:permissions''.

how to set roles to limit the access of pages in asp.net?

I am developing a asp.net web site, having folders student, admin..i both student and admin folder have registration and login page, i want to know how can i access limit of admin folder pages by any user. Basically i want that the admin folder registered ppl should have access to all the pages of student section if they can login using Id, Password...but i don't want any of student to access even the login page of admin section irrespective of even any student know URl for the admin login page, registration page(because i don't want him to register at all) also i want to know ho can i again sub divide the a few limits for the some other admin. Basically i want to set roles that admin can access all web site pages but student even cant access that admin folders pages and again some different kind of admin cant access a few pages from the same admin section page please elaborate me on this how can i achieve this ?
I would recommend looking at the Role Manager that is built into ASP.Net starting with version 2.0. Rather than attempting to explain all the details I am providing the following How To from MSDN that will show you How To: Use Role Manager in ASP.NET 2.0.
Once you start using it you can then come back and post some more specific questions if you have any problems.

sample c# code to manage roles with roles provider

i want to implement asp.net role provider to assign users over my LAN to roles and have my asp.net intranet app implement security based on roles.
i dont want to use VS to manage this with the built in tools but rather hand this off to users to manage themselves. i want an admin folder with a page(s) for admin roles to be able to create/edit roles and manage users in roles... this way an admin can add a domain user (MyDomain\Username) to a role such as ProojectManager or Tester or Developer... and users wont need to contact me for these tasks...
can anyone provide me a link (or some sample code) to some sample i can use to admin roles and users over a LAN in asp.net with c#?
4GuysFromRolla have a nice sample on creating your own website admin tool. :-)
And here's another....
