Resizing the Tumblr Like button? - button

I am using a Tumblr like button provided by ThinkingStiff on and am having some problems.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but I couldn't contact ThinkingStiff through his like-button tumblr so this seemed like my best shot. First of all, I'd like to thank him for his codes on how to add a Like and Reblog button to any theme. I am using them on my blog over at and they are working wonderfully. However, as you can probably tell, the like button is a bit too big for my theme. I was wondering if there was a way to shrink it down to a more suitable size? Thank you in advance!

They use a background-image, so if you want to have a different size, you'd have to change the image resolution (or create a new image) in your favorite image editor. Then upload it to Tumblr (they provide a upload service for theme files only) or make a data URI out of it.
Then change the URL in background-image: url(…) to the new one (the first for the grey image, the second for the red one).
If you need the current images (so you can save them), copy/paste the two data URIs (everything inside the brackets) to your browser address bar.


no template defined wordpress masterstudy

I'm trying to do the layout of a course on masterstudy in wordpress, but I'd like to make a template for certain parts of the course, lets say for example when I hover over the title, show an image, when I click on a paragraph, make another one appear next to it etc... I think it is possible to have shortcuts for these and not have to copy paste the code each time I want to have these effects. I think this icon(see image) might do the trick (not sure) but I can't seem to save a template in my dashboard. So if it is indeed this button, can you please explain me how to save templates, and if it is not the solution can you explain me where to look ? The screenshot shows the Tiny MCE editor
Thanks screenshot

Images appear like they are CMYK when uploaded to web. However, they are RGB

I have worked with images/Photoshop for a long time and have never had this problem. Basically, I tried uploading a few images to WordPress and they appear like this:
As you can see, the one highlighted in green turns out fine. However, the other two for some reason come out looking like they are in CMYK mode. The images are RGB and saved for web so I'm not sure what the problem might be. Can anyone help me make sense of this?
Here is the file for one of the images that come out wrong (which is strange because it comes out fine here, maybe it's a strictly WordPress issue?):
I think your comment about CMYK is a red herring. Looking at your screen shot, it appears you may have inadvertently selected the images in the window; your browser has highlighted them to show this, which gives them a slight blue overlay. Try simply reloading the page and opening that window again and see if the issue goes away.
Ive had strange things happen from images that appeared ok in windows photo viewer but when loaded into adobe fireworks the colours go wrong in a similar way.
Im assuming that the pictures display incorrectly on the 'front end' of Wordpress too, therefore i think its some weird .jpg format issue.
If you have just a few images maybe worth manually screen grab and edit screen grab if you have a viewer that works, then save out and try to re-upload to wordpress.
Or batch process the files into a different format, say bump and use a wordpress plugin like insanity that has the option to automatically convert to .jpg, to in effect clean or at least change the image format on upload.
I had the same issue- If you delete the image from wordpress, change the size of the image file to something closer to the size of the page width, that might work. It worked for me. I can't explain why that happens, but it does!

Hide or insert image (logo) in pdf using iTextSharp

We print pdf provided by the company and merged it with data from our C# ASP.Net 3.5 Web application using iTextSharp. This works well but we have been asked to either print the form with or without the company logo depending on the user preference.
Should I use a pdf with the logo and hide it or use a pdf without the logo and add the logo to it?
I have found numerous way to add a logo to a pdf but nothing on hiding images. Because the logo could be having different size and be in a different location I would prefer to hide it when needed instead of adding it. Can we hide images from pdf without removing it? What would be easier?
Or should we just use 2 versions of each forms, one with the logo and another without?
UPDATE: In a nutshell I just want to have your opinion to what way would be best. Use a form without a logo and add it when needed or use a form with the logo and hide it when needed. Thanks
FINAL UPDATE: Some people gave good answer but I see no way to accept their answer. Can someone help me?
Because no one answered my question I selected one of the comment as "the" answer. Thanks mkl!
You can store data private to your application in PDFs, e.g. logo size and location in the case at hand (cf. this answer on PieceInfo structures). I would, therefore, recommend that you create the PDFs without the logo but store the size and location for a logo in such a PieceInfo dictionary. If adding a logo is required later-on, use that information to properly place the logo

What is the preferred approach for using dual images (fast-loading thumbnails and full-sized photos)?

As my posterous/twitter photo blog is reportedly going the way of the PC at the end of the month, I'm going to create my own. I don't want the page to take aeons to load, so I want to use small (in file size) images for the thumbnails but then, when a visitor clicks on it to view it full-size, show the "real" image (full-size, both from a screen dimension perspective and as to its file size), in a sort of reverse bait-and-switch.
So I reckon I'll need subfolders like:
I imagine something like this is done a lot. Is there an accepted/"received" way to "minify" the images to use as thumbnails (some webby type tool), or will I have to save each photo at a smaller size, one by one?
My answer would seem to be the Lightbox jQuery plugin:
Also, for automating the creation of thumbnails, see Irfanview's Thumbnail Viewer. See and

CSS Simple Photo Gallery Question

This is my first question on Stack Overflow. I heard this site was a great resource for website developers. I'm new and still learning so this should be easy.
I am making a photo gallery that has a few small thumbnail images and a large image in the middle, all on the same page. I want to make it so that when you click on each thumbnail the large image in the middle of the page changes.
Is there a way to do this with pure CSS and no javascript? Is it also possible to preload all the large images so that each time you click a thumbnail the large image in the middle just pops right up?
Thank you in advance for any help! I look forward to participating here often!
Is there a way to do this with pure CSS and no javascript?
It is possible, but not well supported in browsers.
You could link to the images and use :target to change the display property from none to block.
The problem with this is that if the browser supports display (i.e. almost all of them) but not :target (i.e. lots of them) then some images will simply be unavailable.
Is it also possible to preload all the large images so that each time you click a thumbnail the large image in the middle just pops right up?
This would achieve that.
However, preloading the large versions of all the images would be quite a painful load on users' bandwidth.
Individual pages which use some form of include or server side process to duplicate the navigation are still the way to go.
I don't think there's a good way to do this with no Javascript.
With minimal Javascript, you could have all of the large images hidden, and use onClick on the thumbnails to un-hide the appropriate image.
With more Javascript, you could keep changing the src attribute of the large image and preload images using Javascript as well (see
A google search brought back some methods using pure CSS but I would suggest using a jquery plug-in like galleria. JQuery Plugins make this easy.
