Which file to change this code...? - wordpress

I embedded some code for a mailchimp form on a post on my wordpress blog.
I signed up to the list to test it, but the form signed me up to a different list in my mailchimp account.
It's the form in the main section on this page: http://wordfruit.com/blog/fish-and-the-blackbird/
I want the form to enable people to sign up to a list with the title 'Publications Updates'. Instead, it's signing people up to the list 'How to Write to Persuade and Sell', which is a list connected to a form in the sidebar of the site.
Mailchimp told me this: "it looks like (as you mentioned) you're embedding the correct code, but at the bottom of your website there is some script that is overriding what you're doing when you embed the form. Specifically, there is a section at the veeery bottom of your page's source code that has a reference to the "How to Write to Persuade and Sell" list. This screenshot shows the section I'm referring to: http://screencast.com/t/rbw44HzeY - What I'd suggest doing would be to go into your site's code and replacing the section in that screenshot with this ID: 827164e224.
My questions:
I can't find the file with the source code the mailchimp guy mentioned. What would likely be the name of the file?
Any idea how that code could've got there? I only added the 'How to Write to Persuade and Sell' signup form into the sidebar...

It looks like this js file is inside /blog/fish-and-the-blackbird.js or similar.


Customize content and export in a PDF

i have something planned and i don't really know how and what kind of technologies i can use for it.
I want to create a website where I can use a CMS system or manually create a template. I make this template available to the user and he can change or edit content in it. For example, if I define a div that takes 20% of the page. Then the user can color the whole thing with a color code. Or if I define an H1, then the user can insert a title there. At the end he can export the whole thing as PDF.
I create a contact form with many fields. The customer can fill in everything, e. g. address, telephone number . . . he sends this form and I define internally where the fields have to be positioned in a PDF. And especially how the whole thing should look like (CSS). Is that possible?
Is there such a thing already? A plugin for any CMS system like wordpress?
I don't think that the first option will work.
You will need a form that the user will fill in.
You can use WordPress and a form builder plugin, such as Contact Form 7.
Now, regarding the exporting into PDF...do you have any programming knowledge?
If you can work with PHP, then you can use DomPDF library to export all data into a PDF file.
You can also see a similar thread here Exporting form results from Contact form 7 to PDF (fPDF)
If you don't have any PHP knowledge then you will have to google and see if there is a plugin that does what you want. You may have to use a different form builder depending on that plugin.

How can I have template in "Create Task" (for bug reporting) in Phabricator?

I want to have a template when people from support group want to add bugs.
Here is an example (https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/new) in GitHub that I want to implement in Phabricator if possible.
Phabricator supports customizing forms, including the 'create task' form. There are a couple of ways to go about it and they are covered in the documentation.
The simplest way to customize forms is to provide default values in the URL for the links you provide, for example, say you link to the bug submission form from your documentation. You can supply the template text as part of the link itself. This can result in long ugly URLs but that can be masked by using a url shortening service.
I'll use Wikimedia's phabricator as an example of how this works. If you want to make a link to the create task form with your template text pre-filled, you construct a url like the following:
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/?description=[insert template text here]
The other way to do this, which doesn't require you to store the template text in the url, is to edit the form and specify a default value for the description field. Editing forms is covered in the phabricator upstream documentation so I won't go into that, instead I refer you to the documentation section under the heading creating new forms.

Custom Template & Rapido Breaks URL Paths

I have a custom type (Dexterity) called "Gallery Profile", for this type I went into the ZMI (portal_skins/custom), created a new "Page Template" and wrote a custom template for my gallery. The gallery contains a bunch of lower down images and one main image of the owner of the gallery, like a News Item view but a gallery tacked on the bottom.
The customer wants this main image to be published to Facebook when someone hits 'Share' and some more specific info in the title when published.
Work carried out
Configured a Rapido script to write the 'og:image' meta data etc HTML that is required to get this to work (the default Plone stuff only publishes the sites logo unless you're viewing one Image type).
If I go to test the HTML coming out of Rapido via direct web address it works swimmingly. (site.com/##rapido/og_share/block/og_share) - I'm on the slightly older version of Rapido hence the non-plural version of block.
The problem
If you go to my gallery page where we have applied the template, then check the HTML, all of the OG meta data is pointing to the template instead of the current page its on.
This effects queries too (if for example you're using a script to find out what images are within a folder) - it searches /my_template instead of site.com/a_folder/my_template_is_on
In the Rapido Python file I've tried things like:
... and probably more as I've been at this a while.
If you're not on the custom template, it works.
To Reproduce
Create a custom template
Assign it as the default view of a folder or any type.
In your template put <div tal:replace="structure python:context.REQUEST"></div> (just to see the difference)
In your Rapido try using context.app.log() and any of the above
Refresh your templated folder while checking the logs and the output from the context.REQUEST stuff.
You will see the differences and how Rapido is having a hard time getting the URL of the page you are on even though its there.
I've always had this problem with Rapido I just tend to work around it but in this particular situation I am stumped.
So in summary
Am I being an idiot and missing something obvious?
Is this possible?
Thank you for your time.

Manually assigning page META tags to asp.net dynamic pages

I just first want to say, thanks for taking the time to read this!
I have an e-commerce website running the content management system DotNetNuke, which I believe is built on the asp.net platform in a windows server environment. The specific module that powers my e-commerce store dynamically generates pages for each of the store categories, as a user browses through the products available. As you may be aware, modules such as these must be placed on a specific page, and all the dynamic content generated by the module must reside on that "parent page".
The problem is that while the module does allow me to add HTML text for H1's and H2's on these dynamic pages, it does not support adding page meta tags such as "title" and "description". As a result, all of the dynamic pages generated by the module pull their meta tags from the parent page, making it difficult for Google to understand what I'm trying to show the user. This also causes google to show all these generated pages as having "duplicate title tags" in my analytics.
The temporary fix:
I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
Now for the question:
Is there any kind of solution available which would allow me to manually assign meta tags to a page I specify in my hosting environment? As I stated earlier, I am able to add body HTML code to pages. Is there any way to force a page title tag from code placed in the body? Is there a better way to do this? You can view my problem in action at www.yandasmusic.com
Thanks for your time and patience!
The temporary fix: I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
No, not particularly wise. The page title is important.
The first route you should take is speaking to the module developer. They should know about replacing page meta information on a per-product basis.
You can get (limited) results by varying the page title/description using javascript when the page loads. Just keep the js simple and use the DOM information already on the page (ie, read the product name).
I posted a blog about this recently : http://www.ifinity.com.au/2012/10/04/Changing_a_Page_Title_with_Javascript_to_update_a_Google_SERP_Entry
The javascript fix will probably work if you set it up correct. But you really need to convince the module developer to change the way the module works, as bdukes has posted.
Don't bother with the Meta Tags - none of the search engines really read/use them because they are so easily spoofed. Just concentrate on the title and description of the page.
Ideally, your store module should be setting the page title and other meta information. In DotNetNuke, you can access the Title, MetaDescription, and MetaKeywords of the page by casting Page the DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault type. If the store module doesn't provide this, you should ask the developer to add the functionality.

Facebook comments box plugin + dynamic url on asp?

I'm trying to put the FB comments box on the bottom of each of my products pages on my site. I have managed to do this but when set to a static url it says the same comments on every product. I deleted the url and now it kind of works but says the plugin is in compatabilty mode.
Heres whats in my products template:
My site is trickscooter.co.uk so you can see. The comments box is at the bottom of every product.
I want people to be able to ask questions on the item shown so I can answer them so all can see.
PS - It says this:
Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features.
Thanks !
The static URL won't do for the 'href' parameter as that parameter tells Facebook which comments to show. If you always use the same URL, of course you get always the same comments. You should have a unique url per product and use that dynamically.
If you generate the href parameter dynamically, you need to be aware that you will loose comments if your page is accessible under different domains.
The best way is to configure a 'facebook domain' (e.g. 'www.foo.example') and use that to generate your href attribute for Facebook comments.
If I misunderstood you please explain your current embedding code and what you tried. If you like the answer, please mark it as 'solution'.
