QBasic - How to get the value of F - formula

I have the following formula:
F = X / 1+4+9+16+....+n^2
How can I write a program in QBasic that find the result of F?

From this useful page, the sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers is:
So you just need to calculate:
F = X * 6 / (n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1))

INPUT "Input the value of n: ", n%
INPUT "The value of X: ", X
denominator% = 0
FOR i% = 1 TO n%
denominator% = denominator% + i% ^ 2
F = X / denominator%
PRINT "F = "; F

A power multiplier:
INPUT "Input the value of n: ", n
INPUT "The value of X: ", X
INPUT "The power: ", p
denominator = 0
FOR i = 1 TO n
denominator = denominator + i ^ p
F = X / denominator
PRINT "F = "; F


why 1 is subtracted from mod where mod =1000000007 in calculation

link of question
link of solution is
In below code i am not able to understand why 1 is subtracted from mod
where mod=1000000007
ll d = 1;
ll ans = 1;
for (auto x : cnt) {
ll cnt = x.se;
ll p = x.fi;
ll fp = binPow(p, (cnt + 1) * cnt / 2, MOD);
ans = binPow(ans, (cnt + 1), MOD) * binPow(fp, d, MOD) % MOD;
d = d * (x.se + 1) % (MOD - 1);//why ??
Apart from the fact that there is the code does not make much sense as out of context as it is, there is the little theorem of Fermat:
Whenever MOD is a prime number, as 10^9+7 is, one can reduce exponents by multiples of (MOD-1) as for any a not a multiple of MOD
a ^ (MOD-1) == 1 mod MOD.
Which means that
a^b == a ^ (b mod (MOD-1)) mod MOD.
As to the code, which is efficient for its task, consider n=m*p^e where m is composed of primes smaller than p.
Then for each factor f of m there are factors 1*f, p*f, p^2*f,...,p^e*f of n. The product over all factors of n thus is the product over
p^(0+1+2+...+e) * f^(e+1) = p^( e*(e+1)/2 ) * f^(e+1)
over all factors f of m. Putting the numbers of factors as d and the product of factors of m as ans results in the combined formula
ans = ans^( e+1 ) * p^( d*e*(e+1)/2 )
d = d*(e+1)
which can now be recursively applied to the list of prime factors and their multiplicities.

How to algebraically solve a system of equations?

I am not sure whether this is right place to ask. Here N, L, H, p, and d are parameters. I need to solve this system of equations. Specifically, I need to solve for b(t) and e(t).
Variables | t=1 | t>1
n(t) | N |N(1-p)^(t-1)
s(t) | 1 |((1-p+dp)/(1-p))^(t-1)
b(t) | L |b(t-1)+p(H-b(t-1))
e(t) |(H-L)/2 |e(t-1)+(p(H-b(t-1)))/2
c(t) |(1-d)pN |(1-d)pN(1-p+dp)^(t-1)
Please help me how should I start this problem to solve.
Since you used a Wolfram-Mathematica tag, perhaps you intend to use Mathematica
RSolve[{b[1]==L, b[t]==b[t-1]+p(H-b[t-1]),
e[1]==(H-L)/2, e[t]==e[t-1]+p(H-b[t-1])/2}, {b[t],e[t]}, t]//FullSimplify
which returns
Solve::svars: Equations may not give solutions for all "solve" variables
e[t]->((H-L)(-2+(1-p)^t+2 p))/(2(-1+p))}
It seems that these formulas give recurrent equations - you find values for t = 1 (from table), then calculate values for t = 2, then for t = 3 and so on
b(t) = b(t-1) + p * (H - b(t-1))
t = 1: L
t = 2: b(2) = b(1) + p * (H - b(1)) or
L + p * (H - L) = L + p * H - p * L
t = 3: b(3) = b(2) + p * (H - b(2))
Example: L= 2; p = 3; H = 7;
b(1) = 2
b(2) = 2 + 3 * (7 - 2) = 17
b(3) = 17 + 3 * (7 - 17) = -13

Non Decreasing Number Combinations (Interval)

So my problem is the following:
Given a number X of size and an A (1st number), B(Last number) interval, I have to find the number of all different kind of non decreasing combinations (increasing or null combinations) that I can build.
Input: "2 9 11"
X = 2 | A = 9 | B = 11
Output: 8
Possible Combinations ->
Now, If it was the same input, but with a different X, line X = 4, this would change a lot...
Your problem can be reformulated to simplify to just two parameters
X and N = B - A + 1 to give you sequences starting with 0 instead of A.
If you wanted exactly X numbers in each item, it is simple combination with repetition and the equation for that would be
x_of_n = (N + X - 1)! / ((N - 1)! * X!)
so for your first example it would be
X = 2
N = 11 - 9 + 1 = 3
x_of_n = 4! / (2! * 2!) = 4*3*2 / 2*2 = 6
to this you need to add the same with X = 1 to get x_of_n = 3, so you get the required total 9.
I am not aware of simple equation for the required output, but when you expand all the equations to one sum, there is a nice recursive sequence, where you compute next (N,X) from (N,X-1) and sum all the elements:
S[0] = N
S[1] = S[0] * (N + 1) / 2
S[2] = S[1] * (N + 2) / 3
S[X-1] = S[X-2] * (N + X - 1) / X
so for the second example you give we have
X = 4, N = 3
S[0] = 3
S[1] = 3 * 4 / 2 = 6
S[2] = 6 * 5 / 3 = 10
S[3] = 10 * 6 / 4 = 15
output = sum(S) = 3 + 6 + 10 + 15 = 34
so you can try the code here:
function count(x, a, b) {
var i,
n = b - a + 1,
s = 1,
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < x; i += 1) {
s *= (n + i) / (i + 1); // beware rounding!
total += s;
return total;
console.log(count(2, 9, 11)); // 9
console.log(count(4, 9, 11)); // 34
Update: If you use a language with int types (JS has only double),
you need to use s = s * (n + i) / (i + 1) instead of *= operator to avoid temporary fractional number and subsequent rounding problems.
Update 2: For a more functional version, you can use a recursive definition
function count(x, n) {
return n < 1 || x < 1 ? 0 : 1 + count(n - 1, x) + count(n, x - 1);
where n = b - a + 1

QBasic - How to find this value?

If we have M as follows:
M = 1+2+3+5+6+7+9+10+11+13+...+n
What would be the QBasic program to find M.
I have done the following so far, but is not returning me the expected value
SUM = 0
FOR I = 1 TO N
IF I MOD 4 = 0
How should I go about this?
You have mixed the equality operator. Try this:
SUM = 0
FOR I = 1 TO N
IF I MOD 4 <> 0
No need to write a program, or at least no need to use loops.
Sum of first n natural numbers:
sum_1 = n * (n + 1) / 2
Sum of multiples of 4 < n:
sum_2 = 4 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1) / 2 = 2 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1)
The result is sum_1 - sum_2:
sum = sum_1 - sum_2 = n * (n + 1) / 2 - 2 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1)
NB: / = integer division
This snip calculates the sum of integers to n skipping values divisible by 4.
PRINT "Enter upper value";
' calculate sum of all values
FOR l = 1 TO n
x = x + l
' remove values divisible by 4
FOR l = 0 TO n STEP 4
x = x - l
PRINT "Solution is:"; x

When will this Recurrence Relation repeat

I have this recurrence formula:
P(n) = ( P(n-1) + 2^(n/2) ) % (X)
s.t. P(1) = 2;
where n/2 is computer integer division i.e. floor of x/2
Since i am taking mod X, this relation should repeat at least with in X outputs.
but it can start repeating before that.
How to find this value?
It needn't repeat within x terms, consider x = 3:
P(1) = 2
P(2) = (P(1) + 2^(2/2)) % 3 = 4 % 3 = 1
P(3) = (P(2) + 2^(3/2)) % 3 = (1 + 2) % 3 = 0
P(4) = (P(3) + 2^(4/2)) % 3 = 4 % 3 = 1
P(5) = (P(4) + 2^(5/2)) % 3 = (1 + 4) % 3 = 2
P(6) = (P(5) + 2^(6/2)) % 3 = (2 + 8) % 3 = 1
P(7) = (P(6) + 2^(7/2)) % 3 = (1 + 8) % 3 = 0
P(8) = (P(7) + 2^(8/2)) % 3 = 16 % 3 = 1
P(9) = (P(8) + 2^(9/2)) % 3 = (1 + 16) % 3 = 2
P(10) = (P(9) + 2^(10/2)) % 3 = (2 + 32) % 3 = 1
P(11) = (P(10) + 2^(11/2)) % 3 = (1 + 32) % 3 = 0
P(12) = (P(11) + 2^(12/2)) % 3 = (0 + 64) % 3 = 1
and you see that the period is 4.
Generally (suppose X is odd, it's a bit more involved for even X), let k be the period of 2 modulo X, i.e. k > 0, 2^k % X = 1, and k is minimal with these properties (see below).
Consider all arithmetic modulo X. Then
P(n) = 2 + ∑ 2^(j/2)
It is easier to see when we separately consider odd and even n:
m m
P(2*m+1) = 2 + 2 * ∑ 2^i = 2 * ∑ 2^i = 2*(2^(m+1) - 1) = 2^((n+2)/2) + 2^((n+1)/2) - 2
i=1 i=0
since each 2^j appears twice, for j = 2*i and j = 2*i+1. For even n = 2*m, there's one summand 2^m missing, so
P(2*m) = 2^(m+1) + 2^m - 2 = 2^((n+2)/2) + 2^((n+1)/2) - 2
and we see that the length of the period is 2*k, since the changing parts 2^((n+1)/2) and 2^((n+2)/2) have that period. The period immediately begins, there is no pre-period part (there can be a pre-period for even X).
Now k <= φ(X) by Euler's generalisation of Fermat's theorem, so the period is at most 2 * φ(X).
(φ is Euler's totient function, i.e. φ(n) is the number of integers 1 <= k <= n with gcd(n,k) = 1.)
What makes it possible that the period is longer than X is that P(n+1) is not completely determined by P(n), the value of n also plays a role in determining P(n+1), in this case the dependence is simple, each power of 2 being used twice in succession doubles the period of the pure powers of 2.
Consider the sequence a[k] = (2^k) % X for odd X > 1. It has the simple recurrence
a[0] = 1
a[k+1] = (2 * a[k]) % X
so each value completely determines the next, thus the entire following part of the sequence. (Since X is assumed odd, it also determines the previous value [if k > 0] and thus the entire previous part of the sequence. With H = (X+1)/2, we have a[k-1] = (H * a[k]) % X.)
Hence if the sequence assumes one value twice (and since there are only X possible values, that must happen within the first X+1 values), at indices i and j = i+p > i, say, the sequence repeats and we have a[k+p] = a[k] for all k >= i. For odd X, we can go back in the sequence, therefore a[k+p] = a[k] also holds for 0 <= k < i. Thus the first value that occurs twice in the sequence is a[0] = 1.
Let p be the smallest positive integer with a[p] = 1. Then p is the length of the smallest period of the sequence a, and a[k] = 1 if and only if k is a multiple of p, thus the set of periods of a is the set of multiples of p. Euler's theorem says that a[φ(X)] = 1, from that we can conclude that p is a divisor of φ(X), in particular p <= φ(X) < X.
Now back to the original sequence.
P(n) = 2 + a[1] + a[1] + a[2] + a[2] + ... + a[n/2]
= a[0] + a[0] + a[1] + a[1] + a[2] + a[2] + ... + a[n/2]
Since each a[k] is used twice in succession, it is natural to examine the subsequences for even and odd indices separately,
E[m] = P(2*m)
O[m] = P(2*m+1)
then the transition from one value to the next is more regular. For the even indices we find
E[m+1] = E[m] + a[m] + a[m+1] = E[m] + 3*a[m]
and for the odd indices
O[m+1] = O[m] + a[m+1] + a[m+1] = O[m] + 2*a[m+1]
Now if we ignore the modulus for the moment, both E and O are geometric sums, so there's an easy closed formula for the terms. They have been given above (in slightly different form),
E[m] = 3 * 2^m - 2 = 3 * a[m] - 2
O[m] = 2 * 2^(m+1) - 2 = 2 * a[m+1] - 2 = a[m+2] - 2
So we see that O has the same (minimal) period as a, namely p, and E also has that period. Unless maybe if X is divisible by 3, that is also the minimal (positive) period of E (if X is divisible by 3, the minimal positive period of E could be a proper divisor of p, for X = 3 e.g., E is constant).
Thus we see that 2*p is a period of the sequence P obtained by interlacing E and O.
It remains to be seen that 2*p is the minimal positive period of P. Let m be the minimal positive period. Then m is a divisor of 2*p.
Suppose m were odd, m = 2*j+1. Then
P(1) = P(m+1) = P(2*m+1)
P(2) = P(m+2) = P(2*m+2)
and consequently
P(2) - P(1) = P(m+2) - P(m+1) = P(2*m+2) - P(2*m+1)
But P(2) - P(1) = a[1] and
P(m+2) - P(m+1) = a[(m+2)/2] = a[j+1]
P(2*m+2) - P(2*m+1) = a[(2*m+2)/2] = a[m+1] = a[2*j+2]
So we must have a[1] = a[j+1], hence j is a period of a, and a[j+1] = a[2*j+2], hence j+1 is a period of a too. But that means that 1 is a period of a, which implies X = 1, a contradiction.
Therefore m is even, m = 2*j. But then j is a period of O (and of E), thus a multiple of p. On the other hand, m <= 2*p implies j <= p, and the only (positive) multiple of p satisfying that inequality is p itself, hence j = p, m = 2*p.
