How to structure stratified data for Poisson regression - r

I'm trying to use R to conduct Poisson regression on some data that I have. The current structure of the data is as follows:
Data is stratified based on three occupations. There are four levels of income in the data. Within each stratum, for each level of income there is
the number of workplace accidents that have occurred, and
the total man months observed.
Here's an example of the setup. The number in parentheses is the total man months observed and the number not in parentheses is the number of workplace accidents.
My question is how do I set up this data and perform a Poisson regression on the effect of income level on the occurrence of workplace accidents? Ideally I would like to adjust for occupation and find out the effect of only income, but as a starting point, I'm not sure how to set it up as a Poisson regression problem at all. I thought about doing something like dividing the number of injuries by the months of observation, but then that gives non-integer values so I assume that's not the right thing to do.
To reiterate, predictor: income level; response variable: workplace accidents.
BTW, it would be very easy to separate the parentheses numbers and put them into their own column, if that would make sense to do.
I'd really appreciate any suggestions on how to set this up. I am sure other statisticians are working with similarly structured data and might like to gain some insight as well. Thanks so much!

#thelatemail might be correct in think this to be better suited for but here is some R code. That data is in wide format and you need to re-structure it to long format. (And you will not want to include the totals columns. After converting the first four columns to a long format where you had 'occupation' and 'level' as factor-class variables, and accident 'counts' and exposure 'months' as numeric columns, you could use this call to glm.
fit <- glm( counts ~ level + occup + offset(log(months)), data=dfrm, family="poisson")
The offset needs to be log()-ed to agree with the logged counts created by the default link function for the poisson-family.
(You cannot really expect us to redo that data entry task, now can you?)


Use of svyglm and svydesign with R for multistage stratified cluster design

I have a complicated data set which was made by a multistage stratified cluster design. I had originally analysed this using glm, however now realise that I have to use svyglm. I'm not quite sure about how is best to model the data utilising svyglm. I was wondering if anyone could help shed some light.
I am attempting to see the effect that a variety of covariates taken at time 1 have on a binary outcome taken at time 2.
The sampling strategy was as follows: state -> urban/rural -> district -> subdistrict -> village. Within each village, individuals were randomly selected, with each of these having an id (uniqid).
I have a variable in the df for each of these stages of the sampling strategy. I also have the following variables: outcome, age, sex, income, marital_status, urban_or_rural_area, uniqid, weights. The formula that I want for my regression equation is outcome ~ age + sex + income + marital_status + urban_or_rural_area . Weights are coded by the weights variable. I had set the family to binomial(link = logit).
If anyone has any idea how such an approach could be coded in R with svyglm I would be most appreciative. I'm quite confused as to what should be inputted as ID, fpc and nest. Do I have to specify all levels of the stratified design or just some?
Any direction, or resources which explain this well would be massively appreciated.
You don't really give enough information about the design: which of the geographical units are strata and which are clusters. For example, my guess is that you sample both urban and rural in all states, and you don't sample all villages, but I don't know whether you sample all districts or subdistricts. I also don't know whether your overall sampling fraction is large or small (so whether the with-replacement approximation is ok)
Let's pretend you sample just some districts, so districts are your Primary Sampling Units, and that the overall sampling fraction of people is small. The design command is
your_design <- svydesign(id=~district, weights=~weights,
strata=~interaction(state, urban_rural,drop=TRUE),
That is, the strata are combinations of state and urban/rural and any combinations that aren't in your data set don't exist in the population (maybe some states are all-rural or all-urban). Within each stratum you have districts, and only some of these appear in the sample. In your geographical hierarchy, districts are then the first level that is sampled rather than exhaustively enumerated.
You don't need fpc unless you want to specify the full multistage design without replacement.
The nest option is not about how the survey was done but is about how variables are coded. The US National Center for Health Statistics (bless their hearts) set up a lot of designs that have many strata and two primary sampling units per stratum. They call these primary sampling units 1 and 2; that is, they reuse the names 1 and 2 in every stratum. The svydesign function is set up to expect different sampling unit names in different strata, and to verify that each sampling unit name appears in just one stratum, as a check against data errors. This check has to be disabled for NCHS surveys and perhaps some others that also reuse sampling unit names. You can always leave out the nest option at first; svydesign will tell you if it might be needed.
Finally, the models:
svyglm(outcome ~ age + sex + income + marital_status + urban_or_rural_area,
design=your_design, family=quasibinomial)
Using binomial or quasibinomial will give identical answers, but using binomial will give you a harmless warning about non-integer weights. If you use quasibinomial, the harmless warning is suppressed.

GLMM: Needing overall advice on selecting model terms for glmm modelling in R

I would like to create a model to understand how habitat type affects the abundance of bats found, however I am struggling to understand which terms I should include. I wish to use lme4 to carry out a glmm model, I have chosen glmm as the distribution is poisson - you can't have half a bat, and also distribution is left skewed - lots of single bats.
My dataset is very big and is comprised of abundance counts recorded by an individual on a bat survey (bat survey number is not included as it's public data). My data set includes abundance, year, month, day, environmental variables (temp, humidity, etc.), recorded_habitat, surrounding_habitat, latitude and longitude, and is structured like the set shown below. P.S Occurrence is an anonymous recording made by an observer at a set location, at a location a number of bats will be recorded - it's not relevant as it's from a greater dataset.
(environmental variables
Recorded habitat and surrounding habitat range in letters (A-I) corresponding to a habitat type. Also, the table is split as it wouldn't fit in the box.
These models shown below are the models I think are a good choice.
rhab1 <- glmer(individual_count ~ recorded_hab + (1|year) + latitude + longitude + sun_duration2, family = poisson, data = BLE)
rhab2 <- glmer(individual_count ~ surrounding_hab + (1|year) + latitude + longitude + sun_duration2, family = poisson, data = BLE)
I'll now explain my questions in regards to the models I have chosen, with my current thinking/justification.
Firstly, I am confused about the mix of categorical and numeric variables, is it wise to include the environmental variables as they are numeric? My current thinking is scaling the environmental variables allowed the model to converge so including them is okay?
Secondly, I am confused about the mix of spatial and temporal variables, primarily if I should include temporal variables as the predictor is a temporal variable. I'd like to include year as a random variable as bat populations from one year directly affect bat populations the next year, and also latitude and longitude, does this seem wise?
I am also unsure if latitude and longitude should be random? The confusion arises because latitude and longitude do have some effect on the land use.
Additionally, is it wise to include recorded_habitat and surrounding_habitat in the same model? When I have tried this is produces a massive output with a huge correlation matrix, so I'm thinking I should run two models (year ~ recorded_hab) and (year ~ surrounding_hab) then discuss them separately - hence the two models.
Sorry this question is so broad! Any help or thinking is appreciated - including data restructuring or model term choice. I'm also new to stack overflow so please do advise on question lay out/rules etc if there are glaringly obvious mistakes.

How to use the "how" function for an unbalanced repeated design

I have a set of control and treated plots which had been sampled during years. I run the prc function in the vegan package and want to perform a permutation test to check whether control vs treated plots significantly differ during years. As my data is unbalanced, I can not use strata function. my code look like:
I've written this, but I'm sure that it is wrong because the treatment is missing here:
h1 <- how(within = Within(type = "series", mirror = F),
blocks = year, nperm = 999
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Under the null hypothesis, samples from the control or treated groups are exchangeable and hence you don't want them in the permutation design; you really want to permute them to generate the permutation-based null distribution for the test statistic.
The permutation design is there to indicate what isn't exchangeable.
You haven't explained why you want samples within the blocks to be permuted in series; why are samples within years also time series? If they're not, you don't want this.
You only need to worry about imbalance if you want to permute the strata. Whilst using blocks is similar in some respects to strata, blocks are never permuted so if you can use blocks you can use strata as you won't be permuting them.
If you want to permute the years as groups of samples, then you'll need strata and you'll need balance at the year level, which you don't have.
What you have defined with your call to how() is:
groups samples by year and as such samples will never be swapped between years, and
samples within the levels of year will be permuted in series, keeping their temporal order intact after applying cyclic shift permutations.
If that's not what you want to do, you need to explain in words what you want to do. By "do" I mean what is it you want to test? What is your model in vegan?

Preparing data for classification algorithm

I have to prepare and classify a dataset composed by 100 000 + lines and 105 variables and I'm looking for advices.(I'm using R)
the set is full of dummy variables and missing values(44% of the full dataset).
and Idk what to do with the NAs, I'm split up between two ideas :
1- eliminate every column that has more than 70% of mising values
2- Replace the missing values with mean or median in the remaining columns
eliminate all the missing values
what do you think ?
is there something more I can do to prepare the data ? (except dealing with NAs)
The topic of imputation of missing values has a long history in the social sciences, going back at least as far as when I was a graduate student during the 1980s and had to explain to a professor of Political Science at Michigan State University why she couldn't replicate a factor analysis she had previously conducted because SPSS eliminated the mean substitution of missing values option from the factor analysis procedure.
There is a wide variety of research (and opinion) on how to handle missing data in statistical analyses. For example, in Chapter 25 of Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel / Hierarchical Models, Gelman and Hill describe multiple approaches for imputing one variable as well as multiple variables.
In order to select an imputation strategy for a particular data set, one must assess why the missing data are missing. Gelman & Hill review four major categories of "missingness mechanisms," including:
Missingness completely at random (probability of missingness is equal across all units / subjects)
Missingness at random (e.g. differing response rates across races)
Missingness that depends on unobserved predictors
Missingness that depends on the missing value itself (e.g. people earning more than $100,000 refuse to respond to income question)
Therefore, without analyzing the original poster's specific data set against the missingness mechanisms, specific guidance on which imputation technique to use is inappropriate. Additional research on missing data imputation may be found at Strategies for Handling Missing Values.

In R, what is the difference between ICCbare and ICCbareF in the ICC package?

I am not sure if this is a right place to ask a question like this, but Im not sure where to ask this.
I am currently doing some research on data and have been asked to find the intraclass correlation of the observations within patients. In the data, some patients have 2 observations, some only have 1 and I have an ID variable to assign each observation to the corresponding patient.
I have come across the ICC package in R, which calculates the intraclass correlation coefficient, but there are 2 commands available: ICCbare and ICCbareF.
I do not understand what is the difference between them as they do give completely different ICC values on the same variables. For example, on the same variable, x:
ICCbare(ID,x) gave me a value of -0.01035216
ICCbareF(ID,x) gave me a value of 0.475403
The second one using ICCbareF is almost the same as the estimated correlation I get when using random effects models.
So I am just confused and would like to understand the algorithm behind them so I could explain them in my research. I know one is to be used when the data is balanced and there are no NA values.
In the description it says that it is either calculated by hand or using ANOVA - what are they?
ICCbare can be used on balanced or unbalanced datasets with NAs. ICCbareF is similar, however ICCbareF should not be used with unbalanced datasets.
