Position: fixed menu not working in Android 4+ - css

When using Android 4.1 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 and viewing my website, I'm trying to get the navigation menu on the left to stay where it is but it doesn't.
Whenever I click on a link from the menu and refresh the page the page, it bounces halfway down the html page and the links fail to work. It works fine on a desktop browser.
Anyone know how to resolve this problem?

Woohoo, figured it out. Very simple actually. Just needed to add a value to top and left after setting position: fixed.
For example: position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;


Wordpress menu not working when viewed on mobile

I inherited a website with some new business. The menu works fine on the desktop when viewed at full screen. When the browser is sized down and the navigation links are placed into the hamburger menu, it doesn't work. I'm not sure why it isn't working.
If you inspect the element, the links are there, but the nav bar doesn't expand at all. It's using foundation for the menu. I've read the documentation and I'm still not sure why it isn't working. Any guidance is appreciated.
Here's a link to the site: JordanPlumbing.com
Replace this code in lnm-scripts.min.js
jQuery(document).foundation();jQuery("#preloader").css("width",jQuery(window).width());jQuery("#preloader").css("height",jQuery(document).height());jQuery(".ajax-link").on("click",function(){jQuery(".ajax-link").removeClass("ajax-active");jQuery(this).addClass("ajax-active");});jQuery("ul.children").parent().addClass("page_parent"); jQuery(".slick-background-slider .slick-slide").css("min-width",jQuery(window).width());jQuery("#scrolltoform").click(function(){if(jQuery("#contactForm").length>0){jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery("#contactForm").offset().top},2000);return false;}else{return true;}});});jQuery(window).load(function(){if(jQuery("#click-on-load").length>0){jQuery("#click-on-load").click();}
jQuery(".color-picker").on("click",function(){jQuery(".color-picker").toggleClass("translate");});});jQuery(window).on("resize load",function(){ if(jQuery(window).width()<=1500){var ratio=2560/1440;jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("min-height",jQuery(window).height());jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("min-width",jQuery(window).height()*ratio);jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("left",-((jQuery(".slick-desktop").width()-jQuery(".slick-background-slider .slick-slide").width())/2));jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("position","relative");}
if(jQuery(".slider-wrapper").width()>jQuery(window).width()){var overflow=(jQuery(".slider-wrapper").width()-jQuery(window).width());var fixPositioning=overflow/2;jQuery(".slider-wrapper").css("left",-fixPositioning);}});jQuery(window).scroll(function(){jQuery("[class*='animate-from-'").each(function(){var theTop=jQuery(window).scrollTop()+(jQuery(window).height()-(jQuery(window).height()/4));var thisTop=jQuery(this).offset().top;if(theTop-250>thisTop){jQuery(this).delay(500).addClass("complete");}});});

Strange Bug with Mobile Side Menu and Joomla! template

I don't know if this is a real issue since I am seeing it mostly when using an emulator, but it seems to be reproducible, and I noticed it on a friend's Android device. URL is:
Link To Page
On some devices, particular iPad Retina emulator, when you click on the hamburger it moves the body of the page to the right as expected, but the side menu area is completely blank, despite the fact that there are elements there and you can click on them, they just are not showing up, so they are being rendered but the whole sidebar is just blank (see picture)
I did discover a useful feature on the developer menu with Safari that I was not aware of. You can go to Develop -> Simulator and use the inspector for the page that is loaded in your simulator. Quite a nice feature, but still not able to quite figure out what the issue is.
It is using a Joomla! template and looking at the source seems like it could use a lot of tweaking because there are a ton of .css and .js resources, some of which probably are not needed and some which probably conflict with one another, some which are not needed on the front end, etc.
Help appreciated.
This kind of a fix:
body.jsn-menu-mobile-push-left {
margin-left: 0px;
but not ideal. It shows the menu in this case but it doesn't slide out the body to the right. That is a little strange since when the margin-left is set to 0px it doesn't display.

Offset to dropdown menu in Safari

I am using bootstrap to develop a responsive website. I have tested it in Firefox, Chrome and IE where everything seems to be working, but the dropdown menu (in main menu) adds a offset to it self in Safari.
I checked the Safari inspector to see what went wrong, but the inspector seems to think that the dropdown menu is displayed correctly - even though it is not.
See http://birdatwork.com/stackoverflow/safari-bug.html for an example of what I am talking about.
The site can be seen at http://kik.vejnoe.orvad.net/en.
Hope you can help find out why it happens.
I have not found out why it happens, but I have found a solution. The solution is that I wrote some JavaScript that listens for clicks on menues and window resize events (only in Safari). Whenever one of these events happens the code will position the menu to the left by using the jQuery offset function.

mobile navigation doesn't fix on scrolling

I'm working for a responsive website on a slider like FB App. It works fine, but if the user scrolls, the open navigation moves with the content. I'm trying to put position: fixed to the element. This works,but if the navigation element is larger than the screen the rest of the content cannot reached. Example: http://lucie-hauri.com.beethoven.ch-meta.net/ (just put the screen to a width of about 300px an the mobile Icon appears, click on it for example).
Has anyone an idea how to fix this?
Thanks for help, regards
I don't know if this is the cause, but you have a javascript error (check the console), which may break things up.

Issues with fixed header, footer and side bar on ipad / iphone

I'm in the process of developing a new website for a local club.
I've created the main webpage and have a fixed header, footer and side bar, the content is in a scrolling element. The page looks perfect on my MacBook and in various browsers. When I look at the page on my iPhone or iPad the page looks as it should until I zoom the page and then the fixed side bar is no longer fixed.
If anyone has any clues as to what I'm doing wrong I'd be very grateful as this is driving me mad.
The test page can be viewed at http://tawvelo.org/new/home.html.
I've attached a couple of photos which will hopefully show the issue.
position: fixed is known not to play well on iOS - http://remysharp.com/2012/05/24/issues-with-position-fixed-scrolling-on-ios/
How to fix it? Easy. Search StackOverflow. This question has been asked previously:
CSS “position: fixed;” into iPad/iPhone?
Fixed positioning in Mobile Safari
