Star / half star rating function without if/then logic? - math

The question is, is there a straightforward mechanistic way to know which stars (gold, 1/2 gold, grey) to draw without using conditional logic, for example using a pointer to the correct star based on the result of a simple math function to generate star ratings in a five star display.
The point of this question is not Ratings Systems, but graphic display
I have a rating value of 0-100, floating point.
For example, in pseudocode:
for i=0 to 4
selector=<compute which star to draw based on available data>
end for
Hopefully that will give you an idea of what i'm trying to do.

Think of the display as a scale, but in integers, so work in half stars. For example, if we have 5 stars, and can display half stars, our real scale is from 0 to 10. So, what we need to do is divide the original scale (0 to 100) down to give us 0 to 10. Then we do integer division by 2. The quotient of that will give us the number of complete stars to draw, and the remainder the number (0 or 1) of half stars to draw.
You may want to do some rounding first though -- otherwise, a rating of 5 stars will be essentially impossible to get (e.g., even an input score of 99 will still only give 4.5 stars).

Hm, if I were to take a stab at it...
In the for loop, go from i=1 to 5.
if (rating > i*20){ draw a gold star }
if (rating > (i-1)*20 +10) {draw a half star }
else {draw a grey star}
This of course would give you the floor rating


Handle "Division by Zero" in Image Processing (or PRNU estimation)

I have the following equation, which I try to implement. The upcoming question is not necessarily about this equation, but more generally, on how to deal with divisions by zero in image processing:
Here, I is an image, W is the difference between the image and its denoised version (so, W expresses the noise in the image), and K is an estimated fingerprint, gained from d images of the same camera. All calculations are done pixel-wise; so the equations does not involve a matrix multiplication. For more on the Idea of estimating digital fingerprints consult corresponding literature like the general wikipedia article or scientific papers.
However my problem arises when an Image has a pixel with value Zero, e.g. perfect black (let's say we only have one image, k=1, so the Zero gets not overwritten by the pixel value of the next image by chance, if the next pixelvalue is unequal Zero). Then I have a division by zero, which apparently is not defined.
How can I overcome this problem? One option I came up with was adding +1 to all pixels right before I even start the calculations. However this shifts the range of pixel values from [0|255] to [1|256], which then makes it impossible to work with data type uint8.
Other authors in papers I read on this topic, often do not consider values close the range borders. For example they only calculate the equation for pixelvalues [5|250]. They reason this, not because of the numerical problem but they say, if an image is totally saturated, or totally black, the fingerprint can not even be estimated properly in that area.
But again, my main concern is not about how this algorithm performs best, but rather in general: How to deal with divisions by 0 in image processing?
One solution is to use subtraction instead of division; however subtraction is not scale invariant it is translation invariant.
[e.g. the ratio will always be a normalized value between 0 and 1 ; and if it exceeds 1 you can reverse it; you can have the same normalization in subtraction but you need to find the max values attained by the variables]
Eventualy you will have to deal with division. Dividing a black image with itself is a proper subject - you can translate the values to some other range then transform back.
However 5/8 is not the same as 55/58. So you can take this only in a relativistic way. If you want to know the exact ratios you better stick with the original interval - and handle those as special cases. e.g if denom==0 do something with it; if num==0 and denom==0 0/0 that means we have an identity - it is exactly as if we had 1/1.
In PRNU and Fingerprint estimation, if you check the matlab implementation in Jessica Fridrich's webpage, they basically create a mask to get rid of saturated and low intensity pixels as you mentioned. Then they convert Image matrix to single(I) which makes the image 32 bit floating point. Add 1 to the image and divide.
To your general question, in image processing, I like to create mask and add one to only zero valued pixel values.
img=imread('my gray img');
div= a_mat/(img+mask);
This will prevent division by zero error. (Not tested but it should work)

How to nudge a graph to the right without altering the total surface it covers

I have a document collection with size 1000, they all have 1 feature, a vector with 5 elements. The total sum of the 5 elements equals 100. So for example I can have a document with feature: [10,15,40,20,15].
Each vector element equals a sentiment, ranging from very negative to very positive.
The results I get for the 1000 text documents come out a little on the negative side,
so I am trying to nudge them all a little to the right without altering the total sum.
For example [10,15,40,20,15] should, after applying the formula, result to [7,13,32,40,8].
How can I manage this?
Thanks in advance!
As I understand, you want the first (left) elements of that vector to get smaller, and the right part to get bigger, right? This can be accomplished by adding something like [-10,-5,0,5,10] to each vector.
If the issue is that the corpus is genuinely more negative than you'd like it to be, then how about pre-prending to each document, just before the analysis:
I am a happy bunny!
And if that isn't enough, then also add in:
The sun is shining beautifully in Happy Bunny Land today!!
If the issue is that your analysis is producing a more negative result than what you believe is the correct answer, then fiddle with the weights (if using a weighted approach); if not using a weighted word approach, and you have a list of positive and negative words, then review those lists for the document context and either remove some negative words, or add in some more words to the positive list.

Logarithmic scale

I am programming a small synthesizer application and I input musical notes by clicking along the length of a bar. Now, the musical scale is logarithmic and my question is, how do I convert the position of the mouse to a relevant pitch. At the moment I calculate a ratio. It works, sort of, but I get a wide range of closely packed low notes, and at the far end I takes of with just a few pixels translating into multiple octaves.
Basically I want, if I click at the center of the bar (1/2), the frequency is doubled, and 1/4 is another double in freq. etc…
I'm being stupid here!
Frequencies of musical notes are indeed logarithmic. The frequency doubles when you go one octave higher, and halves when you go one octave lower. A standard A is exactly 440Hz.
So, you need a power law to translate location into a frequency. Something like f*2.0^(x/w) where w is the width of an octave, f is a scale factor and ^ is the power operator.

Calculus? Need help solving for a time-dependent variable given some other variables

Long story short, I'm making a platform game. I'm not old enough to have taken Calculus yet, so I know not of derivatives or integrals, but I know of them. The desired behavior is for my character to automagically jump when there is a block to either side of him that is above the one he's standing on; for instance, stairs. This way the player can just hold left / right to climb stairs, instead of having to spam the jump key too.
The issue is with the way I've implemented jumping; I've decided to go mario-style, and allow the player to hold 'jump' longer to jump higher. To do so, I have a 'jump' variable which is added to the player's Y velocity. The jump variable increases to a set value when the 'jump' key is pressed, and decreases very quickly once the 'jump' key is released, but decreases less quickly so long as you hold the 'jump' key down, thus providing continuous acceleration up as long as you hold 'jump.' This also makes for a nice, flowing jump, rather than a visually jarring, abrupt acceleration.
So, in order to account for variable stair height, I want to be able to calculate exactly what value the 'jump' variable should get in order to jump exactly to the height of the stair; preferably no more, no less, though slightly more is permissible. This way the character can jump up steep or shallow flights of stairs without it looking weird or being slow.
There are essentially 5 variables in play:
h -the height the character needs to jump to reach the stair top<br>
j -the jump acceleration variable<br>
v -the vertical velocity of the character<br>
p -the vertical position of the character<br>
d -initial vertical position of the player minus final position<br>
Each timestep:<br>
j -= 1.5; //the jump variable's deceleration<br>
v -= j; //the jump value's influence on vertical speed<br>
v *= 0.95; //friction on the vertical speed<br>
v += 1; //gravity<br>
p += v; //add the vertical speed to the vertical position<br>
v-initial is known to be zero<br>
v-final is known to be zero<br>
p-initial is known<br>
p-final is known<br>
d is known to be p-initial minus p-final<br>
j-final is known to be zero<br>
j-initial is unknown<br>
Given all of these facts, how can I make an equation that will solve for j?
tl;dr How do I Calculus?
Much thanks to anyone who's made it this far and decides to plow through this problem.
Edit: Here's a graph I made of an example in Excel.
I want an equation that will let me find a value for A given a desired value for B.
Since the jump variable decreases over time, the position value isn't just a simple parabola.
There are two difficulties in play here. The first is that you don't actually have j -= 1.5, you have j = max(0, j - 1.5). That throws somewhat of a wrench into calculations. Also, your friction term v *= 0.95 makes direct solution difficult.
I would suggest using a lookup table for this. You can precalculate the desired a for each possible b, by trial and error (e.g. binary search on the values of a that give you the required b). Store the results in a table and just do a simple table lookup during the game.
After extensive use of Excel 2010 and its Seek Goal function, I was able to make a table of values, and Excel gave me an approximate trendline and equation for it, which I tweaked until it worked out. The equation is j = 3.35 * h ^ 0.196, where j is the initial jump force and h is the height required to jump. Thanks for your help.
If I neglect the friction term, and assume that j reaches zero before v reaches zero, I get after a page of calculations that:
b = 1/(8*(deceleration^2)*gravity)*j0^4 - 1/(6*deceleration^2)*j0^3
the solution to this is quite long, but equal approximately (for 10 < b < 400) to:
j0 = (10*(deceleration^2)*gravity*b)^0.25

How to randomly but evenly distribute nodes on a plane

I need to place 1 to 100 nodes (actually 25px dots) on a html5 canvas. I need to make them look randomly distributed so using some kind of grid is out. I also need to ensure these dots are not touching or overlapping. I would also like to not have big blank areas. Can someone tell me what this kind of algorithm is called? A reference to an open source project that does this would also be appreciated.
Thanks all
What you are looking for is called a Poisson-disc distribution. It occurs in nature in the distribution of photoreceptor cells on your retina. There is a great article about this by Mike Bostock (StackOverflow profile) called Visualizing Algorithms. It has JavaScript demos and a lot of code to look at.
In the interest of doing more then dropping a link into the answer, I will try to give a brief summary of the article:
Mitchell's best-candidate algorithm
A simple approximation known as Mitchell’s best-candidate algorithm. It is easy to implement both crowds some spaces and leaves gaps in other. The algorithm adds new points one at a time. For each new sample, the best-candidate algorithm generates a fixed number of candidates, say 10. The point furthest from any other point is added to the set and the process is repeated until the desired density is achieved.
Bridson's Algorithm
Bridson’s algorithm for Poisson-disc sampling (original paper pdf) scales linearly and is easy to implement as well. This algorithm grows from an initial point and (IMHO) is quite fun to watch (again see Mike Bostock's article). All points in the set are either active or inactive. all points are added as active. One point is chosen from the active set and some number of candidate points are generated in the annulus (a.k.a ring) that extends from the sample with the inner circle having a radius r and the outer circle having a radius 2r. Candidate sample less then r distance away from any point in the FinalSet are rejected. Once a sample is found that is not rejected it is added the the FinalSet. If all the candidate sample are rejected the original point is marked as inactive on the assumption that is has so many neighboring points that no more can be added around it. When all samples are inactive the algorithm terminates.
A grid of size r/√2 can be used to greatly increase the speed of checking candidate points. Only one point may ever be in a grid square and only a limited number of adjacent squares need to be checked.
The easiest way would be to just generate random (x, y) coordinates for each one, repeating if they are touching or overlapping.
do N times
x = rand(0, width)
y = rand(0, height)
for each other point, p
if distance(p.x, p.y, x, y) < radius * 2
goto start
add_point(x, y);
This is O(n^2), but if n is only going to be 100 then that's fine.
I don't know if this is a named algorithm, but it sounds like you could assign each node a position on a “grid”, then pick a random offset. That would give the appearance of some chaos while still guaranteeing that there are no big empty spaces.
For example:
node.x = node.number / width + (Math.random() - 0.5) * SOME_SCALE;
node.y = node.number % height + (Math.random() - 0.5) * SOME_SCALE;
Maybe you could use a grid of circles and place one 25px-dot in every circle? Wouldn't really be random, but look good.
Or you could place dots randomly and then make empty areas attract dots and give dots a limited-range-repulsion, but that is maybe too complicated and takes too much CPU time for this simple task.
