Handle "Division by Zero" in Image Processing (or PRNU estimation) - math

I have the following equation, which I try to implement. The upcoming question is not necessarily about this equation, but more generally, on how to deal with divisions by zero in image processing:
Here, I is an image, W is the difference between the image and its denoised version (so, W expresses the noise in the image), and K is an estimated fingerprint, gained from d images of the same camera. All calculations are done pixel-wise; so the equations does not involve a matrix multiplication. For more on the Idea of estimating digital fingerprints consult corresponding literature like the general wikipedia article or scientific papers.
However my problem arises when an Image has a pixel with value Zero, e.g. perfect black (let's say we only have one image, k=1, so the Zero gets not overwritten by the pixel value of the next image by chance, if the next pixelvalue is unequal Zero). Then I have a division by zero, which apparently is not defined.
How can I overcome this problem? One option I came up with was adding +1 to all pixels right before I even start the calculations. However this shifts the range of pixel values from [0|255] to [1|256], which then makes it impossible to work with data type uint8.
Other authors in papers I read on this topic, often do not consider values close the range borders. For example they only calculate the equation for pixelvalues [5|250]. They reason this, not because of the numerical problem but they say, if an image is totally saturated, or totally black, the fingerprint can not even be estimated properly in that area.
But again, my main concern is not about how this algorithm performs best, but rather in general: How to deal with divisions by 0 in image processing?

One solution is to use subtraction instead of division; however subtraction is not scale invariant it is translation invariant.
[e.g. the ratio will always be a normalized value between 0 and 1 ; and if it exceeds 1 you can reverse it; you can have the same normalization in subtraction but you need to find the max values attained by the variables]
Eventualy you will have to deal with division. Dividing a black image with itself is a proper subject - you can translate the values to some other range then transform back.
However 5/8 is not the same as 55/58. So you can take this only in a relativistic way. If you want to know the exact ratios you better stick with the original interval - and handle those as special cases. e.g if denom==0 do something with it; if num==0 and denom==0 0/0 that means we have an identity - it is exactly as if we had 1/1.

In PRNU and Fingerprint estimation, if you check the matlab implementation in Jessica Fridrich's webpage, they basically create a mask to get rid of saturated and low intensity pixels as you mentioned. Then they convert Image matrix to single(I) which makes the image 32 bit floating point. Add 1 to the image and divide.
To your general question, in image processing, I like to create mask and add one to only zero valued pixel values.
img=imread('my gray img');
div= a_mat/(img+mask);
This will prevent division by zero error. (Not tested but it should work)


Calculating central difference

I have the following definition for calculating the gradient at a pixel using central difference:
Where h is small, f'(x)=f(x+0.5h)-f(x-0.5h)
• If we make h twice the distance between pixels
• The above equation simple states that the
derivative of the image gradient at a pixel, is the
next (right) pixel’s value minus the previous (left)
pixel’s value
Why is it not necessary to divide by h to get the rate of change? why does simply subtracting the left pixel's value from the right pixel's value give the derivative at the central pixel?
Your definition is wrong. You do need to divide by h to get a proper estimate of the derivative.
In image processing, oftentimes we see definitions for derivatives that are off by a scaling, like what you have here. In most applications, the scaling is not important, what matters is comparing values in different parts of the image, for example to find the most salient edges. For these cases it is OK to use a simplified definition (that maybe is also cheaper to compute).
For example, the Sobel operator is usually defined in a way that it produces a value 8 times larger than the derivative it tries to estimate.

Compress grayscale image using its histogram

I have a background on mathematics and Machine Learning, but I'm quite new on image compression. The other way I was thinking in the optimal way to compress an image just using a lookup table. This means, given an original image which has N unique values, change it to a new image with M unique values being M<N. Given a fixed value of M, my question was how to pick those values. I realized that if we take as figure of merit the total error (MSE) of all the pixels, all the information has to be in the histogram of the pixel intensities. Somehow, the most common values should be mapped to a closer value than the uncommon values, making the higher regions of the histogram more "dense" in the new values that the low regions.Hence I was wondering if it exists a mathematical formula that:
-Given the histogram h(x) of all the pixels intensities
-Given the number of uniques new values M
Defines the set of new M values {X_new} that minimizes the total error.
I tried to define the loss function and take the derivative, but it appeared some argmax operations that I don't know how to derivate them. However, my intution tells me that it should exist a closed formula.....
Say we have an image with just 10 pixels, with values {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3}. We initially have N=3
and we are asked to select the M=2 unique values that minimizes the error. It is clear, that we have to pick the 2 most common ones, so {X_new}={1,2} and the new image will be "compressed" as {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2}. If we are asked to pick M=1, we will pick {X_new}=2 to minimize the error.
This is called color quantization or palettization. It is essentially a clustering problem, usually in the 3D RGB space. Each cluster becomes a single color in the downsampled image. The GIF and PNG image formats both support palettes.
There are many clustering algorithms out there, with a lot of research behind them. For this, I would first try k-means and DBSCAN.
Note that palettization would only be one part of an effective image compression approach. You would also want to take advantage of both the spatial correlation of pixels (often done with a 2-D spatial frequency analysis such as a discrete cosine transform or wavelet transform), as well as taking advantage of the lower resolution of the human eye in color discrimination as opposed to grayscale acuity.
Unless you want to embark on a few years of research to improve the state of the art, I recommend that you use existing image compression algorithms and formats.

OCR and character similarity

I am currently working on some kind of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system. I have already written a script to extract each character from the text and clean (most of the) irregularities out of it. I also know the font. The images I have now for example are:
M (http://i.imgur.com/oRfSOsJ.png (font) and http://i.imgur.com/UDEJZyV.png (scanned))
K (http://i.imgur.com/PluXtDz.png (font) and http://i.imgur.com/TRuDXSx.png (scanned))
C (http://i.imgur.com/wggsX6M.png (font) and http://i.imgur.com/GF9vClh.png (scanned))
For all of these images I already have a sort of binary matrix (1 for black, 0 for white). I was now wondering if there was some kind of mathematical projection-like formula to see the similarity between these matrices. I do not want to rely on a library, because that was not the task given to me.
I know this question may seem a bit vague and there are similar questions, but I'm looking for the method, not for a package and so far I couldn't find any comments regarding the method. The reason this question being vague is that I really have no point to start. What I want to do is actually described here on wikipedia:
Matrix matching involves comparing an image to a stored glyph on a pixel-by-pixel basis; it is also known as "pattern matching" or "pattern recognition".[9] This relies on the input glyph being correctly isolated from the rest of the image, and on the stored glyph being in a similar font and at the same scale. This technique works best with typewritten text and does not work well when new fonts are encountered. This is the technique the early physical photocell-based OCR implemented, rather directly. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition#Character_recognition)
If anyone could help me out on this one, I would appreciate it very much.
for recognition or classification most OCR's use neural networks
These must be properly configured to desired task like number of layers internal interconnection architecture , and so on. Also problem with neural networks is that they must be properly trained which is pretty hard to do properly because you will need to know for that things like proper training dataset size (so it contains enough information and do not over-train it). If you do not have experience with neural networks do not go this way if you need to implement it yourself !!!
There are also other ways to compare patterns
vector approach
polygonize image (edges or border)
compare polygons similarity (surface area, perimeter, shape ,....)
pixel approach
You can compare images based on:
DFT/DCT spectral analysis
number of occupied pixels per each line
start position of occupied pixel in each line (from left)
end position of occupied pixel in each line (from right)
these 3 parameters can be done also for rows
points of interest list (points where is some change like intensity bump,edge,...)
You create feature list for each tested character and compare it to your font and then the closest match is your character. Also these feature list can be scaled to some fixed size (like 64x64) so the recognition became invariant on scaling.
Here is sample of features I use for OCR
In this case (the feature size is scaled to fit in NxN) so each character has 6 arrays by N numbers like:
int row_pixels[N]; // 1nd image
int lin_pixels[N]; // 2st image
int row_y0[N]; // 3th image green
int row_y1[N]; // 3th image red
int lin_x0[N]; // 4th image green
int lin_x1[N]; // 4th image red
Now: pre-compute all features for each character in your font and for each readed character. Find the most close match from font
min distance between all feature vectors/arrays
not exceeding some threshold difference
This is partially invariant on rotation and skew up to a point. I do OCR for filled characters so for outlined font it may have use some tweaking
For comparison you can use distance or correlation coefficient

Similarity Between Colors

I'm writing a program that works with images and at some point I need to posterize the image. This means I need to bin the colors, but I'm having trouble deciding how to tell how close one color is to another.
Given a color in RGB, I can think of at least 2 ways to see how different they are:
|r1 - r2| + |g1 - g2| + |b1 - b2|
sqrt((r1 - r2)^2 + (g1 - g2)^2 + (b1 - b2)^2)
And if I move into HSV, I can think of other ways of doing it.
So I ask, ignoring speed, what is the best way to tell how similar two colors are? Best meaning most accurate to the human eye.
Well, if speed is not an issue, the most accurate way would be to take some sample images and apply the filter to them using various cutoff values for the distance (distance being determined by one of the equations on the Color_difference page that astander linked to, meaning you'd have to use one of those color spaces listed there with the calculations, then convert to sRGB or something [which also means that you'd need to convert the image into the other color space first if it's not in it to begin with]), and then have a large number of people examine the images to see what looks best to them, then go with the cutoff value for the images that the majority agrees looks best.
Basically, it's largely a matter of subjectiveness; in fact, it also depends on how stylized you want the images, and you might even want to add in some sort of control so that you can alter the cutoff distance on the fly.
If speed does become a bit of an issue and/or you want more simplicity, then just use your second choice for distance calculation (which is simply the CIE76 equation; just make sure to use the Lab* color space) with the cutoff being around 2 or 2.3.
What do you mean by "posterize the image"?
If you're trying to cluster the colors into bins, you should look at
cluster analysis
Just a comment if you are going to move to HSV (or similar spaces):
Diffing on H: difference between 0° and 359° is numerically big but perceptually is negligible.
H difference if V or S are small - is small.
For computer vision apps, more important not perceptual difference (used mostly by paint manufacturers) but are these colors belong to the same object/segment or not. Which means that we might partially ignore V, which can change from lighting conditions.

Drawing an iso line of a 2D implicit scalar field

I have an implicit scalar field defined in 2D, for every point in 2D I can make it compute an exact scalar value but its a somewhat complex computation.
I would like to draw an iso-line of that surface, say the line of the '0' value. The function itself is continuous but the '0' iso-line can have multiple continuous instances and it is not guaranteed that all of them are connected.
Calculating the value for each pixel is not an option because that would take too much time - in the order of a few seconds and this needs to be as real time as possible.
What I'm currently using is a recursive division of space which can be thought of as a kind of quad-tree. I take an initial, very coarse sampling of the space and if I find a square which contains a transition from positive to negative values, I recursively divide it to 4 smaller squares and checks again, stopping at the pixel level. The positive-negative transition is detected by sampling a sqaure in its 4 corners.
This work fairly well, except when it doesn't. The iso-lines which are drawn sometimes get cut because the transition detection fails for transitions which happen in a small area of an edge and that don't cross a corner of a square.
Is there a better way to do iso-line drawing in this settings?
I've had a lot of success with the algorithms described here http://web.archive.org/web/20140718130446/http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2vrva/thesis.html
which discuss adaptive contouring (similar to that which you describe), and also some other issues with contour plotting in general.
There is no general way to guarantee finding all the contours of a function, without looking at every pixel. There could be a very small closed contour, where a region only about the size of a pixel where the function is positive, in a region where the function is generally negative. Unless you sample finely enough that you place a sample inside the positive region, there is no general way of knowing that it is there.
If your function is smooth enough, you may be able to guess where such small closed contours lie, because the modulus of the function gets small in a region surrounding them. The sampling could then be refined in these regions only.
