ExtensionContext error while creating Native Extension in Flex 3.6 SDK - apache-flex

I'm creating native extension with Flex 3.6. Coded native side then created Flex Library Project and then create .ane file. Finally imported .ane file to myFlex Project. Here is the problem I had. While I'm debugging app, "1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: ExtensionContext" error occurs. Attached the Library project .as class .
Thanks in Advance
package com.extension.samples
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
import flash.external.ExtensionContext;
public class NetworkConnectionANE extends EventDispatcher
public var _extContext : ExtensionContext;
public function NetworkConnectionANE(target:IEventDispatcher=null)
_extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("com.extension.samples.NetworkConnectionANE", null);
public function Connect(path:String):int
return _extContext.call("nativeFunc", path);
public function dispose():void
I tried to use .swc file that created from library project in another Flex Desktop app, but the same error
Also tried with _extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("com.extension.samples.NetworkConnectionANE","");
Edit: The problem about Flex SDK,no problem in SDK 4.6. Now the question is, How to use Extension in lib project in Flex 3.6 SDK ?

Right click on the project in flash builder goto properties of project and add air libraries in the flex library compiler.

I had the same problem but it was resolved in the following way:
File > New > Flex Library Project
Check the "Include Adobe AIR Libraries" option

As I know ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext() can be null in these cases:
The call is not in an .ane file. You cannot call this from a .swc or a .swf file. In other words it needs to be compiled to an .ane file before calling it.
You try to use the extension in a platform, that is not supported by the extension. For example you try to use an iOS extension on PC.
The ID for the extension does not exists. The extension ID must be the same, as the one you specify in the extension.xml like:
<extension xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/extension/3.5">
btw you dont need to set the second parameter of the ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext call, unless you want to specify OS-specific APIs (I havent even seen apps, that do this)


open-wc how to use web components in a legacy application

I had a look at the open-wc generator. I can generate web component libraries and web component application but the generated README file and the documentation does not contain a description how to import a web component library into another library or into an application so that the library or application can use the dependency as a web component. Is there a sample but non trivial application build with open-wc that I can use to learn from?
My primary interest is to import several web component into a legacy application that does not use npm and rollup by itself. What would be the best way to do that?
What I have tried to do. I have created a library litelement-demo by running
npm init #open-wc
and I have created an application in the similar way. I have opted for using typescript in both cases. The README.md of libelement-demo states that it can be used in this way:
<script type="module">
import 'litelement-demo/litelement-demo.js';
I have added this snippet to the application's index.html and run
npm i --save ../litelement-demo
npm run build
but the 2nd command fails with the error message
(!) Unresolved dependencies
litelement-demo/litelement-demo.js (imported by inline-module-index-1.js)
The link in the error message does not help and neither the open webcomponent documentation nor the generated README.md files.
Typical web component is basically a class as follows:
// You can also use some external library and inherit from its base class.
// For example: LitElement
class BasicSetup extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
// Template/DOM generation
// One or more methods...
// Registration
customElements.define('basic-setup', BasicSetup);
Have a look at a registration statement. Simply add this file in your HTML scripts section and you are done. You do not have to integrate with any existing library or solution. Wherever, you have HTML, you can simply use it as
<p>My Awesome web component</p>
You can also initialize the element with JavaScript using customElements.get(name) method if you do not have access to BasicSetup class reference.
// Get reference to basic-setup class assuming it is already registred.
const ClassRef = customElements.get('basic-setup');
// Initialize using constructor
const myCustomElm = new ClassRef();
// or use document.createElement
const myCustomElm = document.createElement('basic-setup');
Since your legacy application doesn't use npm, you don't need to do anything with it an npm.
Just add in the head
<script type="module">
import 'litelement-demo/litelement-demo.js';
and then use
somewhere in your html. Nothing else needed to start working

What's the proper way of setting up MvvmCross 6.0 Xamarin.Forms UWP application code?

I have my UWP Application inherited from Base class, which inherits from MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>:
public sealed partial class App : WindowsApplication
public App()
public class WindowsApplication : MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>
public class Setup : MvxWindowsSetup<CoreApp>
public override IEnumerable<Assembly> GetViewAssemblies()
// need to do this as otherwise I receive the message that corresponding view to view model is not found
var assemblies = base.GetViewAssemblies().ToList();
return assemblies;
However, when launching it, receiving the following error message:
The type MvxContentPagePresentationAttribute is not configured in the
presenter dictionary
As I understand, all that is not proper way to launch Xamarin.Forms MvvmCross application, as UWP App and Setup should be inherited from something like MvxFormsApplication and MvxFormsWindowsSetup<CoreApp, Forms.App> respectively (to have Xamarin.Forms app properly initialized).
MvxFormsApplication is not generic and doesn't provide ability of passing Forms-generic setup.
even if I inherit the App from MvxFormsApplication and use this.RegisterSetupType<MvxFormsWindowsSetupInheritor>();, Visual Studio compiler never allows me to compile the project because of some weird error message (something like The name “WindowsApplication” does not exist in the namespace “…”) (this might be some issue of Visual Studio, but I have VS 15.7 version, which expects the code to work (again, MvvmCross declares they support UWP and XF)).
So, from my understanding, if there is Xamarin.Forms app, there must be also some way of passing actually Xamarin.Forms App class to the UWP App class initialization.
MvvmCross, again, stands for UWP and Xamarin.Forms support, but I can't see any clear example of the way to setup such type of application.
MvvmCross documentation as always is quite "modest". There are some instructions about setting up MvvmCross UWP app as well as setting up MvvmCross XF iOS/Android, but the only word about MvvmCross XF UWP is:
You are now free to place your custom renderers in a different
assembly. All you have to do to make it work is to add your assembly
to the Setup.ViewAssemblies collection.
(in official website docs)
(which is still sounds weird, as iOS and Android versions don't need that additional code, which makes me think that such (current) documentation isn't quite actualized)
Extend App from MvxApplication. ( App : MvxApplication { } )
from MvvmCross.Forms package readme.txt file, when all other platforms, again, expect inheritance for the app classes from MvxForms*-based ones.
MvvmCross guys, any thoughts on that?
When I set up a new Xamarin.Forms project, I always follow the Playground sample in the MvvmCross GitHub as this example evolves along with the API and is always up-to-date, as it is part of the MvvmCross solution, so any commits need to preserve its functionality. So if you want to see how everything should look in a minimal UWP + Xamarin.Forms project see the Playground.Forms.UI and Playground.Forms.Uwp projects in the linked folder.

Xamarin Forms Prism Can't access PCL classes from android project

I'm using Xamarin Forms Prism and I can't use my PCL classes in android project.
common example :
here is the Interface in PCL
namespace BlankApp.Helpers
public interface IToast
void MakeLongToast(string msg);
and here is the class in android project
namespace BlankApp2.Droid.DependencyService
public class ToastImp : IToast
it can not find IToast Interface reference !
there is a suggest from IDE with this msg : "Reference 'projectname-WebAppMAinModule' and use 'projectname.Helpers.IToast' "
which does nothing actually !
I don't have these kind of problems in XamarinForms I face theme while using Prism . Do I forget something in referencing my PCL ?
I'm using
Prism.Forms (
Xamarin.Forms (
also there are my project dependencies
You should be able to implement PCL interfaces and use its classes, etc. in your platform specific code (Android included).
Use the following steps:
Make sure your Android project is referencing your PCL.
Delete your Android obj & bin folders.
Recompile your PCL
After recompiling your PCL, recompile your Android project
See if it recognizes your interface now.
If the above doesn't work, then as one last option is:
Close the solution
Re-open the solution
Both of these typically work when your project won't recognize a newly created Interface.

AIR application not finding locale properties file

I have the problem that when I use a component from an existing Flex Library in my AIR project, the values that should be loaded from the appropriate locale .properties file are not loaded. The values are always null.
I am using Eclipse and have created an AIR project that refers to the existing Flex Library (of which I have the source code). When I use a component from that library it calls the following code:
var _resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
var res:String = resourceManager.getString('resources', str, params);
"str" and "params" have valid values but res is always null.
The properties file is located within the assets directory of the Flex library. I am deducing that the properties file is not being loaded (for some reason). This Flex library works for other Flex projects so it has to be something about the way my project is set up.
I have my compiler settings set to: -locale en_US
Is there something special that AIR projects need to do to ensure that they can refer to properties files?
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks,
I believe this is a compiler issue. It seems you have not set the locale folder in the compiler arguments.
Take a look at the LiveDocs page concerning resource compilation into Flex applications: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/l10n_3.html#158879

Compile an ActionScript class that is in a package to a swf using Flex Builder 3

How do I configure an ActionScript Project in Flex Builder 3 Pro so that I can compile an ActionScript class that is part of a package into a swf. For example, the class that I want to compile to swf is:
package utils {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Tool extends Sprite {
public function Tool() {
Take a directory structure like the following:
RootASProject is being produced by one developer, subASProject1 and subSubASProject1a by another developer, utils.Tool by yet another person. This directory structure enables each person to independently build modules and other resources, and quickly test the entire product. It is also important to note that these resources are loaded at runtime. So, class definitions must be fully qualified. For example, Tool.swf contains/defines "utils.Tool" not "Tool".
Developing with just the Flash IDE, this directory structure is not a problem. We create a Tool.fla and assign utils.Tool as it's Document Class then in the Flash IDE's Publish Setting, we set the class path to be NOT the current directory (.), but instead the RootASProject directory. If it were set to the current directory, the error would be: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'utils'. Tool Tool.as. We're familiar with this error message and so I recognize that the Flex IDE is by default looking in the current directory for a subfolder, utils, to match the packaged class.
In the Flex IDE, I can add the utils parent, RootASProject, as an additional source path, but I do not know how to stop flex from looking in the current directory first.
Using an ant build file, I can set the source path to RootASProject and the mxmlc is able to build utils/Tool.swf just fine. Apparently, it uses just the source paths passed to it, and does not automatically look for utils in the current directory.
I know the problem is resolved by using Flash or Ant. Ant is even preferred for larger and automatic builds; however, during rapid debugging I'd really enjoy being able to stay within the Flex IDE to step through code using its debugger.
Your compilation error is unrelated to its use as a document class. Your directory structure needs to match your package in your clas. The simple solution is to create a folder called "utils" and move your Tool.as into that folder.
What you refer to as a "document" class is the base class of the exported symbol. Assuming your project is an ActionScript project and the above class is marked as your Application, then it should work as expected.
If you are using Flex Builder 3 or better, simply create a new ActionScript project by going File > New > ActionScript Project and assign your ITool.as file as the main Application file in it.
