Does anyone still keep the F# Powerpack v - f#-powerpack

I am managing to install YOGI (, however this software need the exact version of F# Powerpack ( and I cannot find that library because the link is unavailable. If anyone still hold the copy of that library please contact me, my email is
P/S: Newer version of this library does not work. It must be followed the instruction


Is there a easy way to protect, or revert Qt source code?

I just accidentally refactored QList to QSet, and Qt faithfully did it, to all of its own sources too... (yup, that was dumb!)
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
There's no point to using source code control for an install: it's not source code. It's artifacts. You already know how to protect artifacts of all sorts from modification. Proper filesystem attributes will do it just fine.
Your finished Qt installation should not be writable by you. It would be by default on Unix systems when installed using a privileged package manager. Elsewhere: you need to make it read only. If you build from source, then recursively making the install folder read-only as the last step after installation is all it takes; and since you should be already automating your Qt build, then adding the "make read-only" step is trivial.
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Feasible? Definitely. Sensible? Perhaps, assuming that by "make a git repo" you mean "cloning the official Qt repos from Git". It depends on how many times you plan on making the same renaming mistake. :D But seriously, I think there are benefits to building Qt yourself:
You can easily debug and check the implementation of API that you're using.
You can configure Qt to skip building stuff that you're not interested in.
You can easily patch Qt if there's a bug that you know of a fix for but hasn't been merged into Qt itself yet.
There are downsides too, though. You might run into build issues if you're using configure flags that the CI doesn't use (such as a -no-foo option). It can take a while to build depending on how many submodules you have and what kind of machine you're building on.
In general, if you're not using API that's in dev and not yet released, it's probably not worth bothering.
If you're still interested, this page has instructions for building Qt from Git:
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
Couldn't you set some permissions on the source directory? I've never had to do this, but have been bitten by it on unrelated occasions before, so I know it works. :D
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
Remove and add is your only option, I think. Otherwise, you can always keep a backup of the source by just copying the whole directory.

Frama-C Value Builtins

I just built installed from the Opam package manager, and am trying to learn how to use value analysis from the tutorial on the frama-c website. I'm currently unable to use the builtin.c file, it's not in my share folder and I cannot figure out how to use -val-builtin (if that's even appropriate).
Any ideas on how to get this going?
I installed the 20151002 release of Frama-c.
Thanks for the help!!
Frama-C "semi-builtins" such as Frama_C_interval no longer need an implementation to be analyzed by Value. Hence, most of builtin.c has been removed, and the rest has been inlined in other files. All mentions of builtin.c in the manual can be ignored, provided __fc_builtin.h is included instead. Similarly, builtin.h has been replaced by __fc_builtin.h. (But a warning is emitted to make the user aware of this fact.) We will update the manuals for Frama-C Aluminium to clarify this.
Regarding which version should be used, I strongly advise you to use Magnesium (20151002). There have been quite a few improvements through the years.

How to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic?

Can someone tell me how to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic ? I followed the instructions given in the getting started guide but it is giving me errors. Versi design template is available at the following link:-
To my knowledge, the Versi project exists quite long already. Not sure how well it has been kept up to date. If you are thinking about using it to develop web applications more quickly, you might also be interested in RunDMC, which is more actively maintained for sure:

Error building QtCore

I am trying to build QtCore.lib and I get this weird error.
PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "MOC kernel\qtimer.cpp"
I am able to build qtmain.lib but not able tp go any further.
moc.exe is available in bin folder and the path is added to my PATH.
kernel\qtimer.cpp file is also present in corelib folder.
Any help in this regard will be appreciated. I am building with Qt-4.5.2 source.
In Qt 4.5.2 moc.exe has some issues. An email I sent to Qt Support mentions it moc'ing files that were not modified. It could have further issues, which could be related to what you are experiencing.
Sorry I can't recall the exact details. To make things worse the link Qt Support had sent me at the time is broken.
They had suggested using 4.5.3. I think we ended up staying on 4.5.1, which we are still using today, although the move to 4.7.x. is occurring as I write this. :)

Rcpp upgrading legacy code questions

I am taking over a project which involves upgrading to the latest version of Rcpp and thus I have to upgrade all the old style API calls (which is compatible with the CLassic version I believe). As there is no full API documentation, I am having to do this by trial and error and noting any "undefined reference" errors on linking and then looking through the vignettes/examples. The compile works fine but the errors arise on linking against \inst\libs\RLink.dll. I have manged to convert a lot of the code (mainly using Rcpp::List to extract and pack incoming and outgoing function parameters) but I simply cannot get equivalents for the following:
Rprintf or Rf_error and forward_exception_to_r.
I am using Code::Blocks 10.05 IDE with RTools installed and Mingw64 referenced explicitly in the toolchain with the GNU GCC Compiler selected. I'd be grateful for any heads up. Thanks.
I do have #include and before that and (there was a series of errors that were occuring because I had included iostream before Rcpp, which was strange.
Can you please provide some concrete examples, maybe even on the rcpp-devel list? The porting approach works, I too have ported legacy code from the 'classic' Rcpp API, and so have others on the list.
But you do not have to port. The short vignette in the RcppClassic package has details on how to use it in case you want to maintain the old API.
