All in one seo pack and qtranslate title attributes - wordpress

Does anyone now how can i use [:en]text[:fr]other text in the Title Attribute: option so when i am on the english version of site to show just the english text in the title attribute of the link and when i am on the french version to show only the french text, at this moment it shows both like this example:
[:en]text[:fr]other text

There are some problems with qTranslate and All-in-one SEO, because of the way they handle the title. I have not found a solution for this, but you can try to:
check out this solution
change one of the plugins - WordPress SEO by Yoast, Polyglot, WPML


How to change title language Wordpress Soledad

I can't change language in the single post. I changed language in control panel, but this one element is still in english. Need help
For string translation you have two option.
If your site is not a multi-language site then you need to change the text directly where it.
if you site is multi-language then you can use the Loco translate plugin.
Note: there is also other ways are available but above are very easy

Language translation in wordpress

Two buttons are there Hindi and English(these are two different categories).
And created one post and content is "How are you?".
When I click the button "Hindi", I need to display this post as in Hindi and When I click the button "English", I need to display this post as in English.
Is this possible to do?
I see you are using categories for translation but the better way to use some plugin for translation.
Here is the one i have recently used. Using this plugin you can add the language you want.
Check the plugin it might be helpful for you.
Plugin : Polylang
Add language :
Add page content in different language :
This plugin won't do automatic translation, you have to add the translated content in admin panel which is best way to describe things in your words, Such plugin are used to avoid any mistakes of translation which automated translation plugin do.
The above answer also good but
if you translate just one language to another then you should use this plugin
Step 1 go to plugin area add new plugin into search tab paste plugin name Translate WordPress with GTranslate and it will search for you Translate WordPress with GTranslate plugin
Step 2 click to install button then activate the plugin
step 3 go to WordPress setting and click on GTranslate menu
step 4 then pick which language you want to show like Hindi and English
Step 5 the choose where you would like to show language translated options
and then save it
check screenshots
back end
front end

How to use both QTranslate & Gtranslate

In wordpress woocommerce there is a single product page. Site is multilingual. The idea is to use automatic translation of the product non-translated content when needed only.
Now the situation is that GTranslate effects after website is loaded with content and then translates even translated product pages.
As I use woocommerce own single product template I don't know how to flag or how to get Google Translate know that this product name or translation is already translated...
Same thing with <title> tag - there is no possibility to put notranslate in it.
Any good suggestions?
You should not use qtranslate and g-translate at same time. Qtranslate allow manual translation, and g-translate use automatic one.
Disable g-translate and translate your products by hand, the only clean solution i see. Qtranslate does not support automatic translation and is no longer updated. I recommand you q-translate-x, that continue the developement of qtranslate or polylang (even better, for me).

Should I be adding alt and title for WordPress images on multilingual sites

I am building a multilingual Wordpress website and I am using YoastSEO plugin.
I am missing alt and title attributes on my images, but I'm not sure if I should add them, since I'll have at least three languages? Maybe add them in English?
Any tips?
Best regards!
The title tag is outdated. You just need to add an alt in English.
Google will translate your image's alt tags. You can Google "سیب" and see images without "سیب" in alt but have "apple" in their alt tags.
Alt tags are required for valid HTML markup. More detail at What you could do is use alt attributes the 16 word limit to add multiple language. e.g.
<img src="img/cake.jpg" alt="[:en]Cake[:de]Kuchen[:]">
There is also a WordPress plugin called qTranslate X which allows for dynamic multilingual text replacement at the front-end using this format.
Otherwise your other option is to do as #David suggests above and serve up multiple versions of your site.
Hope this helps.

How can I change language names to short names in qtranslate (wordpress)?

I am using the qtranslate plugin in wordpress.
Right now the languages on my page are displayed like this: ENGLISH DEUTSCH
I wish them to be displayed like this: EN DE
I was searching in the plugin folder but couldn't find a way to do this.
Try in admin Dashboard menu go to
Settings > Languages > Default Language / Order
There is you can change the short names for your languages chooses, as well as a prefix to the URL.
