Android: How to get two ImageView(s) overlayed with transparency - imageview

I have two ImageView(s) (let's name them, A and B) that are perfectly overlayed in the xml layout.
B has transparent background.
In my activity I firstly display on A a Bitmap with opaque colours.
Then, I display on B a transparent Bitmap (afterwards, it is planned to draw something on it trhough a canvas).
As a result of this, I get a totally black view.
I would like to be able to see the first Bitmap that I displayed on A.
What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve this?

If you're planning on drawing something over it via a canvas, i would suggest you write a custom view class.
I have previously created an app in which i had a background-image, and on top of that the user was able to draw. I did this by building up a custom view class that extended SurfaceView.


Only show group once while tiling with SVG

I'm designing a website which uses a SVG-document as background. I want this image to tile on the X-axis. Which works great, but I wanted to know if it is possible to show one group in the SVG only once, such that in subsequent tiles the group is hidden.
The above image visualizes what I want to achieve. The image having one group (in the image the red circle) that is invisible in the following tiles.
Now I am aware such things can be achieved using additional CSS backgrounds but I am really interested if such thing could be achieved using a single SVG background.
Thanks in advance!
The answer is no. If you are relying on CSS to tile the background - ie. with repeat-x, then no. there isn't any way to do what you want. When an SVG is used as a background like that, it becomes immutable - effectively the same as a PNG or a JPEG.
You will need to use a different method.

Look for front-end effect

Im looking for this effect in background I saw it on few sites. This with green line and dots. Can you tell me how its called or give a link?
It a canvas drawing,
using mouse move event to fetch coordinates of mouse and draw accordingly
you can see there page source to check the code

Qt - drawing image on image using another image as a mask

Here's the issue at hand. I need to be able to pick a background (an image showing an object, let's say, a starship model). I want to be able to apply various previously prepared textures to various areas on it, as some kind of a "colour your own object" app, but without the need to prepare dozens of individual segments.
Ok, so this is one, newbie way to do it. We have those images:
Two kind of different versions, an original photo and a quickly Photoshopped one. Let's say we only want the Borg-ish green deflector and warp nacelle from the second picture, without the odd pink hull. You have to have a mask, basicly an image of an equal resolution (or at least the same aspect ratio, which you can reliably scale to image's resolution), with the area filled with color (or whatever else), and transparent area everywhere else. As the mask, I've used a few strokes of brush on an empty layer, set to overlay mode, and then saved as PNG, with transparency. And this is how the code went:
First, import images.
QPixmap background("orig.png"); //import base image
//import alt version/texture/whatever you want, anything will work with a good mask
QPixmap element("alt.png");
QPixmap mask("deflector.png"); //mask. Just nacelles and deflector.
Then, isolate the area that interests us from alt version
QPainter painter(&element);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, mask.width(), mask.height(), mask);
And finally draw it onto the target object.
QPainter inter(&background);
inter.drawPixmap(0, 0, element);
The result:
This method respects any and all transparency you could've done in Photoshop or another image editing software.
Simple, but an effective solution, for when your app has to work with graphics prepared by someone else, elsewhere.

Custom image placement on map

i've got 40 images. I want to place them on a grid (or at specific location on a map). The fact that imageA is in point [0,0] depends on some info from the user actually logged in.
Which means, for user1, he will see in [0,0] the imageA, and for user2 he could see in [0,0] imageC.
That could be done with some css, but the problem is, all those images are supposed to be part of a map. So users can zoomin/out/pan, managing click on specific area etc...
My first though would be using leaflet with transparent tiles. My 40 images could be 40 imageoverlays placed on the map. But that would be pretty rough to adjust sizing, and it would require to have 40*4 images (if i want 4 levels of zoom). Something like generating my imageA in 1000*1000, 500*500, 250*250, 125*125 and hope thats actually the good sizing.
Do you have any idea (not specificaly on leaflet) how could i achieve that ?
If you don't want your images to scale, then it sounds like your grid is based off the viewport? In which case, using html/css to handle things sounds like the best option.
Otherwise, you can consider using InfoWindows. You can have an image within the InfoWindow. The location on the map will stay the same and the size of the window should not scale with the zoom either.

should I use Navigator or View State?

Hi I want to create an application has this sort of function:
In this application when you click the button (or some tilelist) on the right the model on the left update accordingly. I wonder how they achieve this. Originally i think it's some sort of image-only pop-up window but then pop-up window seems to update the entire view.
Then I think it might be only change view state, but then I still confused how it can be done using view state.
Flex expert please give me some hint !
Looks like transparent images drawn on Canvas. Each piece must have predefined offset and draw order.
Probably just images placed on one or more Canvas, with the z-order controlled for depth.
The body stays the same, so shirts probably have their own placement properties, as do skirts, underwear, hosiery, etc. as well as backgrounds, faces, etc.
