WordPress: what is the workflow to publish? - wordpress

I'm new to WP and these were my steps:
I downloaded wp and I installed it (I also installed a pair of
plugins and a theme...).
I created a git repository in a remote host and i pushed
the wp project. In the remote host, I cloned the git repo to
I request the url
http://my_remote_host/my_wp_project, but it asked me about installing wp
Well after installed wp again, the theme is not the same
as in local...!
Can anyone give some advices?


Installing WordPress on an AWS instance (not through AWS Marketplace)

I need help installing WordPress on my new Amazon EC2 instance.
I created it and I have SSH and SFTP working through FileZilla (using PuTTY because I'm on Windows 10). I also have my Google domain name pointing to the IPv4 address as well.
How do I install WordPress on my site now? I don't want to install it initially when setting up the instance through the AWS marketplace with bitnami or whatever.
Please follow these steps to install the WordPress in AWS:
Log in to AWS using SSH.
Go to Root Folder (/var/www/html/).
Check whether wp cli is installed or not. If not, please install. The installation guide is here.
Create a folder in the name of the project.
Get into the folder (cd folder name).
Use command wp core download (it will install the latest version).
Use command wp core config --dbname=<dbname> --dbuser=<dbuser> --dbpass=<dbpassword> --dbhost=localhost (it will create wp-config.php file)
Use command wp db create (create database in named as previous command)
Use command wp core install --url=http://<yoursiteurl> --title=<Project Name>--admin_user=<adminuser> --admin_password=<adminpassword> --admin_email="<youremailid>"
It will install WordPress in AWS. We followed the same with successful installation many times. Please find the automated script at GitHub (https://github.com/trisghosh/wordpress-automated-script). Please use the automated one after you complete at least one manual installation.

Wordpress: Unable to install plugins from wp-cli

Hi I am using a Ubuntu system. I am using a shell script to download wordpress from wget, update config and run it from nginx server.
Now I want to update this shell script so that when we install a fresh copy of WordPress, I get some plugins pre-installed.
So I installed wp-cli and ran the command
wp plugin install w3-total-cache --activate --allow-root
This command says the plugin has been activated successfully. But when I go to the site URL in the plugins section, it gives the following error
The plugin w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
This is true for any plugin that I try to install.
When I go to the plugins folder inside wp-content, I can see that plugin files exist. But still I get the error.
How to resolve this. Please help
You should try uploading the plugin by logging in to your wp-adm
Are you using the latest version of wp-cli?
Try: wp cli check-update

Install a Wordpress Backup (Installatron tar.gz) on localhost

Is it possible to download an Installatron tar.gz Wordpress backup onto a localhost WAMP server and get a copy of website running locally using this method?
You could use some backup plugin like duplicator to clone the site and install it anywhere.

Object not Found after installing Wordpress w/ XAMPP

I just finished installing Wordpress (through Bitnami) and am running an Apache server with XAMPP. After installation, it tried to load the initial blog page and had the error. I can access localhost, but not the http://localhost/wordpress. No other questions about this topic seem to have this same problem.
Try this:
Create a new folder (site)
From the link below, download and extract the WordPress loader (installer) php script into the new folder:
Run http://localhost/<new_folder>/wordpress_loader.php and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation

Installing Wp-Plugin without FTP Access

I have wordpress site on my server which only uses sftp.
I want to install and upgrade plugins, but it appears that you are required to enter your ftp login to install the plugins. Is there a way to install and upgrade plugins by manually uploading the files instead of having wordpress handle the entire process?
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
to your wp-config.php
And it will be fine
You can install a plugin by simply uploading to the plugins directory and unpacking it. '/wp-content/plugins'. Note that you will still have to enable the plugin normally in Wordpress admin.
