Uploading An App made by a contractor - xcode4

I've been asked to help by a friend to upload an App that a 3rd party contractor has made. The contractor has provided the source code and all the relevant files. However, since the 3rd party developer developed the app under their account, I'm having trouble uploading to the App store.
From what I can see, the bundleID and the code signing elements are not the one's listed under my friend's account. I'm having difficulty changing either in the project. When I try to compile and run the project under the simulator, it seems to be working fine though.
What are the proper steps to "convert" the current project to my friend's account so he can upload it to the App Store?
Appreciate your help.

Your friend will need to generate an App ID, distribution certificate and provisioning profile for your application. He will only be able to do that with a paid developer account on the iOS developer site.
Without properly signing your application you will not be able to distribute it to the App Store.


How to avoid deploying firebase hosting from developers machines?

I am currently using GitHub Actions to automate deploys to production, however, developers also have access to deploy code directly from their machines to production. I am wondering how to avoid this situation and only allow new updates to our hosting instance when it comes from an automated PR approval on GitHub.
The current workflow for developers is:
Create a new dev branch based on an assigned issue on GitHub
Develop code changes and test it on localhost via Firebase Emulators
Commit code changes to GitHub and creates a PR
GitHub Actions kicks in to deploy code changes in a preview channel for approval
After code review, PR is approved and code changes get deployed automatically to production
Since developers are required to provide firebase production credentials to initializeApp({...}) - there is no way to avoid a team member from deploying code directly from their machines to production.
Firebase client SDK for Javascript does not allow an app to be initialized withou real project credentials, which means there is no way to initialize an app "only for emulation".
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
Create a new Google account that is only used to deploy and change the developer permissions to only have read access to the production apps.

How to prevent registration to Firebase project?

As per the Firebase documentation, the contents of google-services.json are considered public. These can be easily retrieved by decompiling the apk.
If so, is there a way to prevent apps from registering with my Firebase project?
I understand that the registration works on the basis of package name. While it's not possible to publish an app with a duplicate package name, for development it is very much possible.
I created a dummy app, and my dummy app successfully registered with my production project. So, looking for a way to prevent that from happening.
You should be connecting your app to Firebase Emulator for local development.
You can go to Firebase console -> Authentication tab -> Sign-in Method tab, and remove localhost from Authorized domain, that way your app will never connect to production DB.

Security Config File Firebase

Is it safe to keep the firebase config file (with the APIkey)when deploying my mobile app (front-end react native) to the google play store and app store?
How can I make it safer?
As Doug commented, the google-services.json (or google-services.plist file for iOS) does not contain any secret credentials. It merely contains the configuration data that your app needs to find its Firebase project on the servers. So sharing it with other developers on your app is not only safe, it's required for them to build an app that communicates with the same Firebase project.
You may want to consider keeping it out of version control though, and instead only deploy it onto your build server. The reason for this is not as much that that data is secret, but more that each developer should typically set up their own Firebase project for their development work. That way they won't be stepping onto each other's toes during feature development work.
Also see:
Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?
Should I add the google-services.json (from Firebase) to my repository?

VS2015 + Cordova + HockeyApp +Windows Mobile

Anyone have experience/documentation integrating the HockeyApp SDK into a VS2015 Community Windows 10 Mobile Cordova app and adding the version to the HockeyApp dashboard?
When I use HockeyApp on my Windows device, I see the following error when I try to install
This App cannot be installed over the air.
I packaged the app using Project > Store > Create App Packages and uploaded the .aapx from the AppPackages. I select no when the wizard asks if Do you want to build packages to upload to the Windows Phone
Any thoughts?
In addition, When I upload the release apk, or aapx I get the following on the HockeyApp dashboard.
No statistics found. Please integrate HockeySDK to collect analytics, crash reports, and feedback:
Note: I am using the cordova-hockeyapp-plugin for Android and IOS.
Right click your project and select store, then click Create App Packages. Select no as you mentioned, click next, you can set Version and output type in the page. Check ARM and click create button. You may upload .appx file to Hockeyapp. Hockeyapp will create a new project in the dashboard.
Did you sign your app for company app distribution as described here?
If yes, please upload your .aetx token to the app page, then the download page should offer both files and the installation should work.
Did you set the right App ID? Does the version exist on HockeyApp? If you set right, the crash report will appear.
This App cannot be installed over the air. error appears because an .aetx is required. An .aetx is generated using a purchased Enterprise Mobile Code Signing Certificate from Symantec Corp and AetGenerator.exe
However, if you want to use the native HockeyApp for sideloading on the device, you'll still get This App cannot be installed over the air.
Note: An .aetx is not necessary for sideloading Windows 10 mobile apps. Unfortunately, the native HockeyApp does not have the ability to download and install the app for sideloading. Instead, the app should be download and sideloaded to the device via the web ui.
Purchase Symantec Certificate to create .aetx
Sideload apps using the HockeyApp web ui.
Hope this helps!

Is there a way to show all apps deployed to your Meteor developer account?

I just signed up for a Meteor developer account and deployed my first app. I have searched and seen the blog post on the develop account but I have not found any information on how to login and view a list of all apps deployed to your account.
So for example after
meteor login
you could type
meteor list
and it would list all the apps deployed to this account
but I have not found any such command and I am wondering if it exists?
The command has since been added use:
meteor list-sites
Make sure you're logged in first. Use meteor login to login, if you're not already.
At the moment this feature is not yet available. It should be available soon, according to the discussions on meteor-talk, with an API call and a meteor command like 'list'.
The apps listed on your Meteor Developer account are not the same as your deployed apps. The apps listed there are the ones that have access to your meteor developer account via OAuth.
More Info:
You can view your Developer Account Apps from the Meteor Account settings page
Once you log in, you will see all of your apps listed under "Your Developer Account Apps"
The command has been added. Use
meteor list-sites
To show all apps deployed to your account.
