WordPress Renaming Themes Folder - wordpress

I'm wondering how I would rename the 'themes' folder in the wp-content. I've renamed my wp-content folder and the actual active theme folder name, but I'm after renaming the folder the themes are stored in.
the middle one lol.
Does anyone know how this would be achieved?

The following will enable the directory "t", in the root of the site, to be used as an extra Themes directory
register_theme_directory( '/www/htdocs/username/public_html/t' );
I think you'd like this thread: Steps to Take to Hide the Fact a Site is Using WordPress?

This is usefull if you want to keep plugins and uploads in ex. separate server for CDN purpose (NFS) and remove public/www permission. In this case you only deploying themes instead of plugins, uploads etc.
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', __DIR__ . '/data/wp-content');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://{your-url/to-blog}/wp-content');
define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/data/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', 'http://{your-url/to-blog}/wp-content/plugins');
$wp_theme_directories = array(__DIR__ . '{/directory-to-themes}');
define('WP_DEFAULT_THEME', '{your-default-theme}');
1. Order of lines in wp-config is important
2. Keep themes folder in wp-content (even if it will be empty)


Git Ignore sub directory for WordPress theme

I am trying to setup GitIgnore to work with Git Tower (www.git-tower.com) and WordPress.
I want to have the repository in the root directory with the option to include just specific themes and plugins.
I will start with including just one theme sub directory.
Tower is not showing me the single theme directory. Instead it shows all of the wp-content folder. I expect this to be ignored as I have specified this in the ignore file.
So.. root: /
Directory to include: /wp-content/themes/raison-winetrust/
I tried the following:
Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lajg1h89n2jwkr/Screenshot%202015-01-23%2013.53.48.png?dl=0
Any advice appreciated.
If you are only tracking that theme (not any of the other wordpress gubbins) why not initialise the git repo in the theme folder?
The other option is that you just do a git add of that folder and only add that folder when there are changes.

Ignore containing folder, but not a folder within

I'm cleaning up my development workflow and I was wondering if it is at all possible for Git to ignore a containing folder, but allow folders within?
Allow me to clarify.
I'm currently working on my website and I'm theming my new Wordpress blog - Obviously I have a local installation of Wordpress and a remote installation. I want to be able to ignore the main folders and only allow the themes folder. The structure is as follows.
I want to ignore absolutely everything except the themes and modules folder - how would I do this in my .gitignore?
How about this:
# Ignore everything in the top-most directory
# Except the wp-includes directory
# Exclude everything in the wp-includes directory
# Except the folders themes and modules

Unable to upload new theme to wordpress from dashboard

I installed wp to a server for the first time. The basic theme works and I can change the settings but I bought a new wordpress theme and was trying to upload it from the dashboard:
But it gives me an error each time:
These were suggestions I found online but didn't work:
So I tried to change the permissions of all of the folders to 755. And then I changed the permissions of the file update.php to 755 also but I still get the same error. I also tried editing the .htaccess of the folder 'AALimo' (folder which contains the wp dir) but that didn't work either. I'm not sure if I edited the .htaccess properly.
I just manually uploaded the theme into the theme directory using ftp instead of the theme uploader from dashboard and that worked.
I did it using C-Panel. I had to upload zip file in WordPress theme folder in public html. extract the zip file and you can install it easily .

wordpress change themes location

Usually all the wordpress themes are uploaded and saved over the server say http://example.com/wp-content/themes/ . I am developing a plug-in to change this path to something like http://xyz.com/themeFolder/ . So i have to develop such a functionality where my wordpress installation will be on one server and the themes and plug-ins folders will be on another server.
Any help, will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance to all the genius people out there :)
Since Version 2.6, you can move the wp-content directory, which holds your themes, plugins, and uploads, outside of the WordPress application directory.
Set WP_CONTENT_DIR to the full local path of this directory (no trailing slash), e.g.
define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/blog/wp-content' );
Set WP_CONTENT_URL to the full URI of this directory (no trailing slash), e.g.
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://example/blog/wp-content');
Do not forget to check THIS page as well.

Blank Page Encountered When Moved Wp-content Directory Outside

I'm trying to install Wordpress with clean subversion repositories, as in http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_With_Clean_Subversion_Repositories. I have followed every step accordingly until the second last step, where it says 'You should now be able to view the site via the root URL (http://example.com)', and indeed I can see my website on, say, http://example.com.
Once I go to the final step of changing the wp-config.php though, http://example.com draws a blank page. I am quite sure the wp-config.php is the problem, i.e. Wordpress doesn't know that it should retrieve my wp-content contents from outside the core Wordpress directory. My directory structure is as such:
, where core/ holds the files checked out with Subversion, custom/ holds my themes/ and plugins/ directory, and wp-config.php contains the below lines:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://example.com/custom');
I have tried other variations, like:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/custom');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://example.com/custom');
I have also tried hardcoding the local path, like:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/MYUSERNAME/example.com/custom');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://example.com/custom');
, but none of the above works. Then I renamed the custom/ folder to wp-content/, but again nothing. I even went into Dreamhost to prevent redirecting http://example.com to http://www.example.com and vice versa, but again to no avail. I don't believe core/ is the problem, because I can access the Dashboard via http://example.com/core/wp-login.php, and the Dashboard says it can't detect my themes, which confirms my suspicion that WP doesn't know to retrieve the files from the custom/ folder.
By now, I have run out of ideas as to where could the problem be. Can anyone experienced in this area please give me some advice? Thanks a million.
Ensure that your statements come BEFORE the call for wp-settings.php, which is usually around line 90. Wp-settings (or more accurately default-constants.php) checks if the paths and URLs have already been defined, so you want to make sure you define them beforehand.
If that isn't the issue then check if $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is returning the values you expect; you might have issues if working in a sub-directory.
