Give anonymous access to a folder under wp-admin folder in WordPress - wordpress

I have a folder in wordpress which is located under the wp-admin folder and that folder contains the documents that can be downloaded from the user section.Now when the user downloads the words files using IE-9 and click on the open option from the IE save dialog it gives them a security warning. This problem is solved if I move the folder the root of the website. So I guess there is some access issue is there any way I can provide anonymous access to that folder. I really don't want to change the location of the folder as it will reqiure lots of changes to code and database.
FYI : This is issue comes only for word files , PDF files in the same folder work fine.

no you cannot access the folder without the username and password even when you try to grab the files of that folder using idm grabber or httrack you will need username and password


Wrong permissions when uploading file on WORDPRESS (Windows server 2012)

I've recently moved my WP site from godaddy to a physical sever using windows server 2012 R2.
But I'm having problem uploading files using the Admin panel, After uploading the file, I can see it physically on the server (wp-content\upload\2017\10)
But I can't see it on the website it self.
I can only see the file if I'm changing it permissions on the server it self.
I've changed the permissions to the folder, I gave full access to the relevant users. But still, it doesn't work for new files\pictures I'm uploading via the wp admin panel
I've notice that every time I come to change the folder permissions the permissions under CREATOR OWNER are always empty, Is it Related ?
Thank you very much for the help
When you upload a file, PHP sends the file to a temporary directory on your server's hard drive (usually C:\Windows\Temp) and then copies it over to the proper directory. Once the file has is initially put in the temporary directory, it gets the permissions of that directory. The problem is when Windows moves that file to the proper place, it keeps the temporary directory’s permissions, which can cause access problems.
The way to fix this is to change the temporary directory to a folder within your WordPress installation, usually wp-content/upgrade.
To do this, follow these directions:
Find your php.ini file.
Find the upload_tmp_dir line, and change it to the wp-content/upgrade folder.
Browse to this folder and verify that the permissions are set properly.
You should then have the ability to properly view all your images. You'll most likely need to select all the previous selected images, and change the owner of the files to the web folder owner. Then you should be good to go!
If you can’t upload an image at all, it’s probably because you need to give the IUSR account Read/Write/Modify permission on your wp-content folder. This will allow you to upload, and do the WordPress & plugin updates.
Once you have done that, all you need to do is give the IIS_IUSRS group Read permissions on your “C:\Windows\Temp” folder.
Make sure to notice that the two permission changes you make are not for the same user/group. Give IUSR permissions on your wp-content folder and IIS_IUSRS permissions on your Windows temp folder.
Note: If you have edited your php.ini file and change the upload temp directory then you will need to give IIS_IUSRS group read permissions on that folder instead.
That should do it, or at least it worked for me.
I find myself coming back to this question time after time when images I add to the Media Gallery don't have the correct permissions in the WordPress Uploads folder. Since I develop WordPress sites locally, it would be a pain to set permission on the Uploads folder every time I work on a new site.
To fix this, I created a folder "C:\Websites\Temp" without messing around with permissions or security settings, etc. Then in MAMP, I edited the php.ini template of the PHP version I was using for this site, php7.3.0.ini (File, Edit Tempate, PHP). I then set upload_tmp_dir to "C:\Websites\Temp":
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
upload_tmp_dir = c:\websites\temp
and voila, no more permission issues.
Well, a few years later, found this post. Tried it. Failed.
Other solution is to assign a specific user to the site in IIS and apply the right permisions to the folder containing the site.

Drupal Site configuration issues

Good day every one,
I am new in DRUPAL.
I am having problem with the drupal site.
I got the repository for the drupal site. I have successfully clone it and got every things and the database. I have uploaded the database to the local host server.
Now, I can see that initially the directory is like this
Then when i first open the site through local host the directory automatically becomes like this
The "file" directory contains the empty folder of css, images etc/
which I believe is downloaded from the database for the first time.
The site is giving many console error like missing images etc.
Instead of having the empty folder in file directory there must be images and css files and everything I do not know what is wrong becs the folder should not be empty there must be files and and image sand css files and should be downloaded from the database when I first open the site.
Please help me to locate the problem.
Thank you very much.
Usually, you will put on git drupal core, modules and theme files.., basically everything except the files uploaded by user (admin). Those files are usually located at:
So, since they are not on git repo you need to copy them to your local environment from the working site (i.e. over (S)FTP).
If your "file" is not "files" dir I'm talking about then it's something specific to your site - don't know nothing about it.

Windows server file permissions for Wordpress

I have wordpress on my windows server. Pictures and files are uploading but when i trying to access these files the server showing up with
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
When I searched for error i found some solutions about IIS but it didn't work. Can anyone cross with this permission error? And what is the solution.
When you upload a file, PHP sends the file to a temporary directory on your server's hard drive (usually C:\Windows\Temp) and then copies it over to the proper directory. Once the file has is initially put in the temporary directory, it gets the permissions of that directory. The problem is when Windows moves that file to the proper place, it keeps the temporary directory’s permissions, which can cause access problems.
The way to fix this is to change the temporary directory to a folder within your WordPress installation, usually wp-content/upgrade.
To do this, follow these directions:
Find your php.ini file.
Find the upload_tmp_dir line, and change it to the wp-content/upgrade folder.
Browse to this folder and verify that the permissions are set properly.
You should then have the ability to properly view all your images. You'll most likely need to select all the previous selected images, and change the owner of the files to the web folder owner. Then you should be good to go!

Folder permissions through a web page?

I want a folder on a site where logged-in active directory users can create sub folders and upload images under an "/Uploads" folder off the root. I am able to retrieve the username using System.DirectoryServices.
Is there a way to:
Restrict what is returned from the DirectoryInfo().GetDirectories based on their username
Set permissions on a subfolder of /Uploads (via a web page) to read/write.
You might want to look at this post on how to create folder dynamically at run time
And this post from stackoverflow shows bunch of ways to assign folder permissions. See which one applies
Good luck!

How to deny access to a specific "upload" folder under App_Data for specific users in mvc2?

I have a folder which users can upload their docs inside that.its call upload is located underneath app_data in solution explorer.I want the users to see just their own uploaded docs not others and restrict any direct access to other articles.
I also have an admin user which i want to be able to access all the docs uploaded and be able to download the file.
how could i :
1.restrict users
2.write code to download uploaded file
thanks in advance.
Well, what is the problem? Close this folder to access it using direct links (if you are using App_Data it's already done) and create httphandler that returns file data. In httphandler change look have the user have access to request file
