How to access the data context's observable from inside a knockoutjs template - data-binding

I need to access the entire observable data context from a knockout template, not just it's value.
In the application I'm developing, I often have a lot of meta data that I use to help render views generically. In the past, I've made the view model properties complex - storing both the meta data and data as sub properties (with values in a value property):
ViewModel.AwesomeProperty = {
value: ko.observable('Awesome Value'),
label: 'My Awesome Label',
template: 'awesomeTemplate',
otherMetaData: 'etc'
I'm changing this meta data to become properties of the observables (as I believe Ryan Niemeyer described in one of his blog posts or sessions). I find it to be cleaner, more elegant, and generally more maintainable with less overhead (particularly when it comes to serialization). The equivalent to the above example would be as follows:
ViewModel.AwesomeProperty = ko.observable('Awesome Value');
ViewModel.AwesomeProperty.label = 'My Awesome Label';
ViewModel.AwesomeProperty.template = 'awesomeTemplate';
ViewModel.AwesomeProperty.otherMetaData = 'etc';
The side effect of doing this is that passing ViewModel.AwesomeProperty to a template sets the data context to the value of the observable (in this case 'Awesome Value'), making the metadata inaccessible from $data:
<script id="example" type="text/html">
<!-- This won't work anymore -->
<span data-bind="text: $data.label></span>
<div data-bind="template: {name: 'example', data: AwesomeProperty}"></div>
The workaround I have now is to wrap the data value in an anonymous object like so:
<script id="example" type="text/html">
<!-- Now it works again -->
<span data-bind="text: data.label></span>
<div data-bind="template: {name: 'example', data: {data:AwesomeProperty}}"></div>
But this is inelegant and not ideal. In a case where there's a lot of auto-generation, this is not only inconvenient, but is actually a major roadblock. I've considered making a custom binding to wrap the template binding, but I'm hoping there's a better solution.
Here's a real world example I've been working for cascading drop downs. This JSFiddle works, but that JSFiddle doesn't.
Thanks in advance.

The thing is that knockout will always use the value after unwrapping it. If it happens to be an observable, you'll lose those sub-properties. You'll have to rewrap your observable into another object so you don't lose it as you have already found.
A nice way you can wrap this up would be to create a function for subscribables (or any of the more derived types) which will do this rewrapping. You can either tack on all individual metadata onto this rewrapped object or pack them into their own separate object. Your code can be elegant again.
var buildSelection = function (choices, Parent) {
return _(ko.observable()).extend({
// add the metadata to a 'meta' object
meta: {
choices: choices,
availableChoices: ko.computed(function () {
if (!Parent) return choices;
if (!Parent()) return [];
return _(choices).where({ ParentID: Parent().ID });
ko.subscribable.fn.templateData = function (metaName) {
return {
// access the value through 'value'
value: this,
// access the metadata through 'meta'
meta: this[metaName || 'meta'] // meta property may be overridden
Then in your bindings, call this function to create the rewrapped object. Just remember to adjust your bindings in your template.
<script id="Selection" type="text/html">
<select data-bind="
options: meta.availableChoices,
optionsText: 'Value',
value: value,
optionsCaption: 'Select One',
enable: meta.availableChoices().length
<!-- ko template: { 'name': 'Selection', 'data': Level1.templateData() } --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko template: { 'name': 'Selection', 'data': Level2.templateData() } --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko template: { 'name': 'Selection', 'data': Level3.templateData() } --><!-- /ko -->
Updated fiddle


How to expose wrapped <input> in Vue?

I'm trying to create a reusable styled input field in Vue. To make it styled (e.g. with an icon inside) I need to wrap it in another html-element.
Lets call the example below StyledInput
<div class="hasIcon">
<input />
<i class="someIcon"></i>
If I want to use StyledInput it might look like so:
<styled-input #keyup.enter="doSomething">
But this would not work, due to the event listener being attached to the <div> instead of the <input>.
A workaround to that could be to emit all key-events from the input field:
<div class="hasIcon">
<input #keyup="$emit('keyup', $event) />
<i class="someIcon"></i>
But this will not scale well since it would have to be rewritten every time a developer uses an unmapped prop or event.
Is there a way to only make the inner element exposed to whomever uses it?
I'm not sure there is a Vue way to achieve this, because, as far as I'm aware there is no way to bind vue events dynamically, it is however possible to do this using vanilla javascript by passing all events as a prop then mapping them using addEventListener() to add your custom events:
Vue.component('my-input', {
template: "#my-input",
props: ['events'],
mounted() {
// get the input element
let input = document.getElementById('styled-input');
// map events => {
let key = Object.keys(event);
input.addEventListener(key, event[key]);
Then you can just pass through all events as a prop like so:
<my-input :events="events"></my-input>
View Model:
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
events: [{
focus: () => {
}, {
keyup: (e) => {
Heres the JSFiddle:
Of course, this means any developer would have to do things like map key codes etc, so you will lose some of the convenience Vue provides.
One thing I will just mention is that Vue components aren't necessarily intended to be infinitely reusable, they are supposed to provide specific functionality and encapsulate complex logic, so you would probably do better to implement the most likely use cases, and if the component doesn't fit you can extend it or write a new one for that particular event.
You can also use $attrs to pass props and events onto children elements:
<input v-bind="$attrs">
In Vue 3, you can specify a second script tag:
<script setup>
export default {
inheritAttrs: false,
You could use slots to achieve this. If your <styled-input> template looks like this:
<div class="hasIcon">
<i class="someIcon"></i>
Then you can use it like this:
<input #keyup.enter="doTheThing">
Or, in cases where you don't care about the input events, like this:
and the default slot content (a bare <input>) will be used. You can use CSS to style the <input> inside the component, but you can't add custom properties or classes to it, so this approach may or may not fit your requirements.

Access reactive-table row data in template/helper?

For Tabular:
“In your template and helpers, this is set to the document for the
current row”
Is there an equivalent of this for reactive-table? I need to access a rows data in my template/helper but am just struggling to find a way to access it, with tabular it was as easy as using this.
I'm using a template for a column called "Status" and in this there are different types of labels, depending on what the row data returns it will be a different type of label. The code below works for Tabular but I'm not really sure how to make this work for reactive-table?
<template name="ApplicationStatus">
<div class="row">
{{#if statusPending}}
<label class="label label-warning label-xs">"Pending</label>
{{#if statusConnected}}
<label class="label label-primary label-xs">Connected</label>
statusPending: function() {
if (this.applications.app_status === 'Pending')
return true;
return false;
statusConnected: function() {
if (this.applications.app_status === 'Connected')
return true;
return false;
I am currently adding it to my reactive-table by doing this:
{ tmpl: Template.ApplicationStatus, label: 'Status' }
Any info is greatly appreciated or if there's a better way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve I would love to hear that as well!
Try Template.instance().data instead of this.
Little explanation
I am not shure what happenes when you miss key definition, but accoriding to docs:
You can specify a template to use to render cells in a column, by
adding tmpl to the field options.
{ fields: [
{ key: 'name', label: 'Name', tmpl: Template.nameTmpl },
{ key: 'location', label: 'Location', tmpl: Template.locationTmpl }
] }
The template's context will be the full object, so it will have access
to all fields.
So inside helpers and event handlers you can get access to full row object via Template.instance().data.

Jsviews helpers don't update on observable update (Array) anymore

After Commit 48 (Beta Candidate) i can't get observable array logic anymore. I know it has changed. I've read the changelog and been playing with new commit for some time but couldn't get it working. Helpers just don't update anymore. Any help appreciated.
Here is a simple example. Clicking "add friend" should call friends_names again.. but it doesn't anymore:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="people"></div>
<script id="peopleTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
<button id="add">Add person</button><br />
{^{for people}}
Name: {{>name}},
Friends: <span data-link="html{:~friends_names(#data.friends)}"></span>
<button class="friend-add">add friend</button>
var data = {
people: [
name: "Adams",
friends: [
name: "Eugenia",
friends: [
peopleTmpl: "#peopleTemplate"
var friends_names = function(friends){
friends = friends || []
var names = []
for (var i=0, l=friends.length; i<l; i++) {
return '<b>' + names.join(', ') + '</b>';
$"#people", data);
$.observable(data).observeAll(function (ev, obj) { console.log('change', obj); });
$("#add").on("click", function() {
name: "Amos",
friends: []
$('#people').on('click', '.friend-add', function(e){
var name = 'Some anonymous friend' + Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);
var friends = $.view(this).data.friends;
name: name
I know nested template can be used (not sure if it will solve the problem) but in real application there is much more logic in helper, thus nested template won't help.
Yes, this is deliberate: See the commit note:
Data linking to arrays is simplified and more consistent. Now tags DO NOT automatically bind to arrays, and refresh when the array
updates. {^{myTag}} will now update when the to.array
property is update (property change) but not when the to.array
itself changes observably. (array change). A tag should opt in to
arraybinding either by deriving from the "for" tag - as in the
'range' sample:,
or by following the using onAfterLink and onDispose to add/remove
the onArrayChange handler, as in the {^{myWidget .../}} sample in
the JsViews unit tests. This change relates to
Here is a really simple fix. If you include the array.length as a parameter (even if your helper function doesn't use it) then JsViews will respond to changes in the array length (which is a property change, not an array change) and will trigger a refresh for your helper: ~friends_names(friends, friends.length)
{^{for people}}
Name: {{>name}},
Friends: <span data-link="html{:~friends_names(friends, friends.length)}"></span>
<button class="friend-add">add friend</button>

Magic mode ignoring updates to custom object

Please see this pen for a demo of the issue (based on the slideshow from the tutorial). When clicking on "next" and "prev" arrows, you'll notice that the imgIndex mustache updates correctly, but the expression mustaches such as <p>{{ curImageCaption() }}</p> do not recognize when their values are changing.
That is, the object is mutated such that the mustache value would change if the expressions were re-evaluated, but ractive doesn't seem to realize that. Is there any way to get this to work, barring writing adaptors? Am I misunderstanding how magic mode works? The interesting thing is that even if I explicitly call ractive.update() inside the event handlers, ractive still doesn't respond.
After more fiddling, I came up with this hack that gets it working. The hack is to change, eg, <p>{{ curImageCaption() }}</p> to <p>{{ curImageCaption(imgIndex) }}</p> -- adding a simple primitive to the mustache expression which ractive understands how to watch correctly.
I think I see what's going on now, but having to explicitly add arguments to the mustache expression containing changing primitives defeats much of the purpose of having the separate domain object -- that is, now you are coding your domain object with ractive in mind, using changing primitives a sort of basic pub/sub mechanism for notifying ractive of changes.
Having to create a real pub/sub mechanism on my custom objects, which ractive then explicitly subscribes to, would be fine. The problem is, as I noted in the OP, even when ractive is notified of a change via ractive.update(), it still doesn't know it should recompute the mustaches unless I use the fake argument hack. So it's not clear what callback ractive should be registering to make everything work.
I don't understand the inner-working of ractive well enough to do this, but I suspect what's needed is the ability to directly work with the _deps stuff, and manually trigger recomputes for expressions. If this sounds right, an example of how to accomplish it would be appreciated.
UPDATE 2 -- A decent solution
Here is a proof of concept for a not-too-hacky workaround.
The idea is to use ECMA5 properties to decorate your custom domain object, providing properties that delegate to the existing methods you want to use but which don't work inside ractive templates. The properties, otoh, work just fine.
So instead of <p>{{ curImageCaption() }}</p> we simply write <p>{{ imageCaption }}</p>, and then we decorate our custom domain object like so:
Object.defineProperty(mySlideshow, "imageCaption", {
configurable: true,
get: function() { return this.curImageCaption() },
set: function() { }
This decoration, a bit verbose in my demo, can easily be slimmed down by creating a helper method which accepts an object mapping your new ractive-friendly property names to names of existing methods on your object, and takes care of the above boilerplate for you.
NOTE: One drawback of this method is that you do have to call ractive.update() manually in your event handlers. I'd like to know if there's a way of getting around that. And if there is not, how big of a performance hit does this cause? Does it defeat the whole purpose of ractive's surgical updates?
Update 3 -- A better decent solution?
This pen takes yet another approach, in which link our custom domain model with ractive via a generic dispatcher object (an object that implements notify()). I think this is my favorite of the approaches so far....
It's similar to the official ractive adaptors, but we are using DI to pass our unofficial ractive adapter to our domain object, rather than wrapping our object. At first glance it might seem we are "coding to ractive," but in fact this is only partially true. Even if we were using another framework, we'd need to use some notification mechanism to broadcast changes to our view model so that views could react to it. This DI approach seems to require less boilerplate than official ractive adaptors, though I don't understand them well enough to know this for sure. It is not as completely general a solution as the official adaptors either.
Code from pen for posterity
<div id='output'></div>
<script id='template' type='text/ractive'>
<div class='slideshow'>
<div class='main'>
<a class='prev' on-tap='prev'><span>«</span></a>
<div class='main-image' style='background-image: url({{ curImageSrc() }});'></div>
<a class='next' on-tap='next'><span>»</span></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p>{{ curImageCaption() }}</p>
<p>Image index: {{ imgIndex }} </p>
// Fix JS modular arithmetic to always return positive numbers
function mod(m, n) { return ((m%n)+n)%n; }
function SlideshowViewModel(imageData) {
var self = this;
self.imgIndex = 0; = function() { self.setLegalIndex(self.imgIndex+1); }
self.prev = function() { self.setLegalIndex(self.imgIndex-1); }
self.curImage = function() { return imageData[self.imgIndex]; }
self.curImageSrc = function() { return self.curImage().src; }
self.curImageCaption = function() { return self.curImage().caption; }
self.setLegalIndex = function(newIndex) { self.imgIndex = mod(newIndex, imageData.length); }
var mySlideshow = new SlideshowViewModel(
{ src: imgPath('problem.gif'), caption: 'Trying to work out a problem after the 5th hour' },
{ src: imgPath('css.gif'), caption: 'Trying to fix someone else\'s CSS' },
{ src: imgPath('ie.gif'), caption: 'Testing interface on Internet Explorer' },
{ src: imgPath('w3c.gif'), caption: 'Trying to code to W3C standards' },
{ src: imgPath('build.gif'), caption: 'Visiting the guy that wrote the build scripts' },
{ src: imgPath('test.gif'), caption: 'I don\'t need to test that. What can possibly go wrong?' }
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: '#output',
template: '#template',
data: mySlideshow,
magic: true
ractive.on( 'next', function(event) {;
ractive.on( 'prev', function(event) {;
function imgPath(name) { return '' + name; }
I'll try and explain what's going on under the hood before presenting a possible solution:
Wrapping objects in magic mode
In magic mode, when Ractive encounters an unwrapped data descriptor of an object, it wraps it by replacing it with an accessor descriptor - the get()/set() functions. (More info on MDN, for those interested.) So when you do self.imgIndex = 1, you're actually triggering the set() function, which knows how to notify all the dependants of the imgIndex property.
The key word here is 'encounters'. The only way Ractive knows that it needs to wrap imgIndex is if we do ractive.get('imgIndex'). This happens internally because we have an {{imgIndex}} mustache.
So that's why the index property updates.
Dependency tracking with computed values
Within an ordinary template, you can have what basically amount to computed values, using the get() method:
<p>{{ curImageCaption() }}</p>
ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'body',
template: template,
data: {
images: images,
imgIndex: 0,
curImageCaption: function () {
var imgIndex = this.get( 'imgIndex' );
return this.get( 'images' )[ imgIndex ].caption;
Here, because we're calling ractive.get() inside the curImageCaption function, Ractive knows that it needs to rerun the function each time either images or imgIndex changes.
What you're in effect asking is a reasonable question: why doesn't retrieving the value of self.imgIndex in magic mode work the same as doing ractive.get('imgIndex')?
The answer comes in two parts: Firstly, I hadn't thought of adding that feature, and secondly, it turns out it doesn't work! Or rather, it's extremely fragile. I changed magic mode so that the get() accessor captured the dependency the same way ractive.get() does - but self.imgIndex is only an accessor descriptor (as opposed to a data descriptor) if Ractive has already encountered it. So it worked when we had <p>Image index: {{ imgIndex }} </p> at the top of the template, but not when it's at the bottom!
Normally the prescription would be fairly simple: use ractive.get() to make the dependency on self.imgIndex explicit inside curImageSrc() and curImageCaption(). But because you're using a custom viewmodel object, that's not ideal because it effectively means hard-coding keypaths.
A solution - creating a custom adaptor
Here's what I'd recommend - making an adaptor that works with the custom viewmodel object:
Ractive.adaptors.slides = {
filter: function ( object ) {
return object instanceof SlideshowViewModel;
wrap: function ( ractive, slides, keypath, prefix ) {
var originalNext, originalPrev;
// intercept next() and prev()
originalNext =; = function () { slides );
ractive.update( keypath );
originalPrev = slides.prev;
slides.prev = function () { slides );
ractive.update( keypath );
return {
get: function () {
return {
current: slides.curImage(),
index: slides.imgIndex
teardown: function () { = originalNext;
slides.prev = originalPrev;
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: '#output',
template: '#template',
data: mySlideshow,
adaptors: [ 'slides' ]
This is a very simple adaptor, and it could probably be improved, but you get the gist - we're intercepting calls to next() and prev(), and letting Ractive know (via ractive.update()) that it needs to do some dirty checking. Note that we're presenting a facade (via the get() method of the wrapper), so the template looks slightly different - see this pen.
Hope this helps.
Maybe this is an academic exercise, and I'm new to Ractive, but it seems the problem lies in the template not having a context to the current image.
EDITED: Use current Image as a context block instead of looping through collection.
<div class='slideshow'>
<div class='main'>
<a class='prev' on-tap='prev'><span>«</span></a>
<div class='main-image' style='background-image: url({{ src }});'></div>
<a class='next' on-tap='next'><span>»</span></a>
<div class='caption'>
<p>{{ caption }}</p>
<p>Image index: {{ imgIndex }} </p>
function SlideshowViewModel(imageData) {
self.curImage = imageData[self.imgIndex]
self.setLegalIndex = function(newIndex) {
self.imgIndex = mod(newIndex,imageData.length);
self.curImage = imageData[self.imgIndex]
This is using your original pen with just the key modifications. Here is new pen.
I would still move the buttons into an outer part of the template so the display in the middle could be made into a partial:
<div class='main'>
<a class='prev' on-tap='prev'><span>«</span></a>
<a class='next' on-tap='next'><span>»</span></a>
and encapsulate in Ractive.extend, but if ViewModel works for you...

How do I access one 'sibling' variable in a meteor template helper when I am in the context of another?

How do I access one 'sibling' variable in a meteor template helper, when I am in the context of another? I want to determine whether the user that is logged in and viewing the page is the same user that posted the ride offering, so that I can hide or show the "bid" button accordingly.
For example, here is my template (html) file:
<!-- client/views/ride_offers.html -->
<template name="RideOfferPage">
{{#with CurrentRideOffer}}
{{> RideOffer}}
<template name="RideOffer">
<div class="post">
<div class="post-content">
<p>Details, Author: {{author}}, From: {{origin}}, To: {{destination}}, between {{earliest}} and {{latest}} for {{nseats}} person(s). Asking ${{price}}.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" >Bid</button><p>
And here is my JavaScript file:
CurrentRideOffer: function() {
return RideOffers.findOne(Session.get('CurrentOfferId'));
UserIsOwner: function() {
return RideOffers.find({_id: Session.get('CurrentOfferId'), userId: Meteor.userId()}).count() > 0;
In the "RideOffer" template, I am able access the variables author, origin, ..., price. But I am unable to access the boolean UserIsOwner. I am, however, able to access the boolean UserIsOwner in the "RideOfferPage" template.
Does anyone know how I can access the boolean UserIsOwner in the "RideOffer" template?
Put the userIsOwner function outside the helper as an anonymous function and then call it from both templates.
CurrentRideOffer: function() {
return RideOffers.findOne(Session.get('CurrentOfferId'));
UserIsOwner: checkUserIsOwner()
UserIsOwner: checkUserIsOwner()
checkUserIsOwner= function() {
return RideOffers.find({_id: Session.get('CurrentOfferId'), userId: Meteor.userId()}).count() > 0;
There are several ways to do what you're asking.
In your particular example you are not asking about siblings, but about parents, since the RideOfferPage template renders the RideOffer template. You can access variables in the parent data context (but not helpers) like so:
<template name="RideOffer">
<div class="post">
<div class="post-content">
other stuff
In other cases, you may have a template being rendered as a sibling of this one. In that case, you can't actually know what the sibling is until the template is actually on the page; however, you can find it in the rendered callback: = function() {
var current = this.firstNode;
var next = $(currentItem).next(); // or .prev()
if (next.length) {
nextData = Spark.getDataContext(next[0]);
// Do something with nextData
Finally, you can get the parent context of any rendered DOM element by repeatedly iterating through its parents. This isn't super efficient but I've used it in places where there is extensive drag and drop with DOMFragments moving around on the page: = {
"click .something": function(e) {
var target =;
var context = Spark.getDataContext(target);
var parentContext = context;
while (parentContext === context) {
parentContext = Spark.getDataContext(target = target.parentNode);
// Do something with parentContext
I'm curious to know if there is a better way to do the last thing, which may potentially have to iterate through many DOM elements. In any case, you may want to check out my meteor-autocomplete package for this and other cool tricks.
