CrystalReports Embedded reports in ASP.NET -

We currently have a set of crystal reports used for winforms projects embedded into a dll. This has been working well for us as the dll exposes a simple constructor for each report to pass needed parameters.
A property can then be retrieved which is the:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass object which you send to the report viewer to see the report.
I thought it would be easy to add this dll to an ASP.NET project and do the same. However it seems ASP.NET reports require a path to pick up the actual .rpt file.
From what I can find on the internet it says embedded reports are not supported in CR 2005 and CR 2008 basic but says nothing about CR 2008 Full Version (Which is what we have). Is there a way to do it with this version?
If not any work arounds?

From what I have managed to discover this is not possbile. I modified my report classes to have a constructor for web and a constructor for windows so the windows one can pick up the embedded reports and the web the standalone ones from bin. This is not ideal but there seems no other solution.


Import existing website on Visual Studio for mac

I'm working as frontend developer in a company which uses for its website. I usually work on mac and I need to setup my localhost to work on the website, but something's wrong with the project. They provided me the folder with all the files (aspx, aspx.cs, dll etc), and I'm supposed to build my own solution file. Visual Studio for macOS doesn't give me the possibility to create an empty website project (VS for pc does), or maybe I'm selecting the wrong entry. What am I supposed to do?
I tried to select Empty ASP.NET Web project, but It doesn't work, all the vars and methods from aspx pages are not detected in aspx.cs. Same with Web Form. I can't set up anything and the solution is not working.
Everyone at the company uses Windows and they can't help me.
What I have to do to import it in the right way?
I'd like to use VS Code if it's possible. This is the first time with
Thanks in advance
The main thing is that ASP.NET Web Forms is obsolete. I guess they stopped to support such type of solution a long time ago, only critical crushes. If you really want to use mac for ASP.NET Web Forms you should install Parallels VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio on board.

what kind of asp project was it created with

I am looking to make a change to a web site connected to an SQL server.
as far as I could look at the source files the web page is made in asp with VB (*.aspx, *.aspx.vb, *.ascx, *.ascx.vb - among the file extensions). the issue I am having is that I don't know how was the project created nor which versions were used.
was it a simple web site? or ASP.NET web application? which .netframework version? was it visual studio 2008 or 2010?
the code has no comments anywhere, so it doesn't help me at all.
I tried getting in contact with the previous developer, but he is no longer working in the company. besides the page was created some years ago.
is there a way to recreate the project? anywhere I can look and "guess" which versions I need?
any help is welcome!
Two options.
There is a *.vbproj file among others. This would be a VB.NET VS project file. You can access the project from the VS by opening the project file.
There is no *.vbproj file among others. This would be a VB.NET web site. You can access it by opening it as a "web site" from the VS menu.
The latest version of VS should be able to open any project created with any previous version, in a "worst" case the project would just be converted. I would not be worry about the version of the framework. Plus, if it is a web site, it could be difficult to determine which exact version of VS was used to create it.

Best way to integrate ASP.NET projects written in two different Visual Studio versions

I know this is a strange situation, but consider a situation where two programmers are working on one project. One programmer is working on a database driven website in ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2012, while other programmer is working on Visual Studio 2008 on another part of the same database driven ASP.NET website.
What in your opinion is the best way to integrate the two codes?
PS: Downvoters please explain in comments, before downvoting. :-)
Make the second developer update his VS copy to 2012. If you are working with two disparate versions of VS, you will very simply be unable to have either developer work on any part of the codebase that was built with (or upgraded to) the other version.
Once everyone's working on the same platform, and thus can load and build the same solution, project and source code files without error, "integrating" the two codebases becomes rather trivial. Of course, the conversion process may not be so trivial.
My first step would be to ensure that a reliable backup of the entire codebase has been taken; you can copy the flat files to a file store, or more reliably you can use a centralized VCS like Subversion to make sure a single authoritative copy of the codebase as-is exists and can be easily retrieved. Then, while the 2008 dev is updating his machine to 2012, have the 2012 developer pull the whole codebase and load whatever solution the 2008 dev had been working in, and run through the conversion wizard. This wizard will update the XML behind the project and solution files to support features of the new IDE version.
If you absolutely positively cannot get both devs onto the same IDE version, there's still hope. Have the 2012 developer open a new solution file in his copy, and pull in the 2008 projects. If VS asks to convert them, you're SOL; the other dev will HAVE to upgrade, or the 2012 dev will have to revert. But, if the IDE doesn't complain, the 2012 dev can save the new solution under a different name and work with the projects and their source code using that solution file, while the 2008 dev can continue to use the original one. Understand that as long as this state of affairs continues, the 2012 dev cannot use any features of C# 4.0/4.5, such as dynamic types, covariance/contravariance keywords, optional parameters/named arguments, async/await keywords, etc cannot be used in any source code that must remain usable by the 2008 dev. Language-wise, the 2012 developer is limited to C# 3.0, and the .NET Framework 3.5. This does not solve the problem of the 2008 dev not having access to code written from scratch by the 2012 dev in projects created by that IDE; he simply must upgrade to work in these parts of the codebase.

ASP.NET Crystal Reports without installation (DLLs only)?

This question has probably been asked before. If it has, please add the link below and close my question.
I'm writing an ASP.NET 2.0 website where I run a crystal report, export it, and display the export to the user (note: I am NOT using the viewer control). So all I need to be able to do is load the report, set its datasource, edit the formulas/parameters, and run to an export file. Problem is, these crystal reports were written in a newer version than the one I have (the reports are crystal 11, I'm on crystal for VS2005).
I'm wondering if I can just grab some crystal 11 DLLs and reference them in my website rather than referencing the GAC DLLs or installing crystal on the deployment server. Is this possible?
I've heard of one guy doing it here
When I tried, it started to complain about COM objects... Thanks!
(Edit: By the way, where are the legacy runtime downloads on SAP's website? I could only find the latest version...)

Load testing an ASP.NET web site

I want to load test an ASP.NET web service. I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and Visual Studio 2010.
Can either one of these products facilitate load testing? I can't seem to find anything and all Google returns is higher end editions of Visual Studio.
If not, what are some of the alternatives.
Or better yet, is there a product where I can feed it an IIS log and it will essentially replay it?
There is a free Microsoft load testing tool called WCAT. It is a command-line HTTP load generator that replays a test case script. To avoid creating the script manually, you can record your test case in Fiddler and then generate scrip using WCAT Fiddler Extension. This blog has a step-by-step instruction, which I tested, and it works.
On your question about replaying IIS log: check this source. It outlines how to generate WCAT script by querying IIS log using Log Parser. I did not test it though.
Is there a cheaper way to do load testing than upgrading to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
and also there was a tool called "MICROSOFT WEB APPLICATION STRESS TOOL" but i couldnt find its download apperantely MS removed it from its official page. check this forum for download link for usage
The Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition would also give you access to these tools. Unfortunately neither of the tools you mention include any load testing capability.
You may be able to get your licence for 2008 Professional edition changed to Test, but I doubt it now.
Here are a couple of other questions with answers that may help choose a tool.
