How to know the number of users for a particular wordpress plugin - wordpress

By checking the WordPress stats we get the idea that how many times a WordPress plugin is downloaded. But this is not the number of how many users for that plugin, right. Same user will download the plugin when a new version releases.
So do we have any tools or stats to get the total number of unique users for a WordPress plugin??

I did a research on the matter. And the answer is no.
Quotes from Otto comments in this 2010
about the stats charts in every plugin's page.
[...] the download count includes direct downloads as well
There is no “raw count” anywhere on that version number chart. The raw count is not data that will be made available.
For your own plugin, you can use tracking as #PeterVanDerDoes points out.
Curiously, the plugin I used as example in the research, WordPress SEO by Yoast, is the same that does this kind of tracking. And here's a nice discussion about it.
I'll reproduce the relevant part of the plugin development official guidelines:
7. No "phoning home" without user's informed consent. This seemingly simple rule actually covers several different aspects:
No unauthorized collection of user data. For example, sending the admin's email address back to your own servers without permission of the user is not allowed; but asking the user for an email address and collecting if they choose to submit it is fine. All actions taken in this respect MUST be of the user's doing, not automatically done by the plugin.
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made clear in the plugin's admin screens or description. The point is that the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
In general, things like banner or text link advertising should not be anywhere in a plugin, including on its settings screen. Advertising on settings screens is generally ineffective anyway, as ideally users rarely visit these screens, and the advertising is low quality because the advertising systems cannot see the page content to determine good ads. So they're best just left off entirely. Putting links back to your own site or to your social-network of choice is fine. If the plugin does include advertising from a third party service, then it must default to completely disabled, in order to prevent tracking information from being collected from the user without their consent. This is the method commonly known as "opt-in".
Note that if you do include what we consider to be "advertising spam", or attempt to game somebody else's advertising system, then we will not only remove your plugin, but also report your code to the advertising system's abuse mechanism as well. We do not react kindly to spam. Don't try it.

The only way I can think of that you could track something like this is by having the plugin phone-home with some stats to your own server.
Just make sure users can select to opt-out of tracking.


How to decrease POST and GET queue in high load time?

I have created a wordpress website to collect student's attendance. To do so, I've installed a plugin and all data are sent to google sheet.
The problem is that when all students enter and tried to submit their attendance, around hundred users go live at one moment which leads to a very high load to my website, and mostly they get error 503 or sometimes 500.
To solve this problem, some solutions cross my mind:
Of course, I can upgrade my server and hardware resources. However, I'm using a shared hosting and it is very costly to do.
I installed another plugin, and tried to handle the situation with two different and separate plugins in one page, however, as I know, they both use one GET and POST function which is the core of wordpress and it does't matter if I use different plugin simultaneously, they need to wait. Am I right?
I created two mirror page for my attendance to direct users to each page randomly, hopefully it reduces the page load. However, for form submitting the scenario is still the same since the forms in different pages also use same POST and GET.
Please give me some advice if there is any other solution. For now, I just inserted a google form as an alternative. However, I guess there is maybe another possible solution to handle inside the site not using external form provider.
Here is the site: Attendance website
Can you use 'Disconnected' architecture?
Ideally, all the attendance should be sent to a high performance queue and then your app can read it at its own pace.

Getting Strange Google Analytics URL Data

I recently opened up my google analytics and looked at the behavior panel all pages in depth for the first time and I noticed some strange pages such as:
I removed the client value and some other fields and replaced with REMOVED for anonymity purposes but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's malware.
I have a site that uses wordpress in the cloud and I have scanned with wordfence saying that my site is clean.
Was wondering if I should look deeper, or if this behavioral page is normal.
Amobee and Flashtalking are both advertising platforms, so it looks somebody has configured advertising tags incorrectly. Probably those clicks should be routed through the respective platforms (e.g. to record data for bid management or something like that) and instead they go directly to your page with redirect Urls appended. If you do paid advertising then you should check with the people who configured this for you.

WordPress Permissions Roles Manager?

I´m currently developing the Intranet for the company I am working for. The site is currently based on SharePoint, but I have to migrate it to Wordpress. And that´s my first developer experience with Wordpress, you just should know. Creating the theme, content and working with the WP Admin area works very well, but where I´m feeling defenseless is the permissions topic.
Generally, the whole page content is managed by the Marketing department. So, for me it is ok that they have access to WP Admin and I would use one of the predefined roles available.
But there will be also an area for the departments where specified users per department should be able to
edit the pre created page content
add subpages and edit its content (it would be nice if it can be defined which page templates can be selected by the user)
add posts for a pre created category (that should not be changeable by the user)
edit its profile and password
A whole access to WP Admin should be therefore prevented.
I read much information about roles, capabilities and reviewed forums and blogs presenting potential plugins. But to be honest, I´ve lost the overview and I´m totally scared about what´s the right way to do such like this the professional way.
Is there anybody who was already in such a situation or knows a good resource where to read more?
Thanks a lot.
PressPermit is the tool I choosed. It covers all needs described in my question.
Note: To use all features, you need to buy a support subscription currently available for $55 a year for one site.
However, a very powerful tool and in comparison to Advanced Access Manager I tried before, it really supports permissions also for multiple roles.
If you are thinking about, use the screencasts to see if the tool cover your needs. Unfortunately, there is no trial available, but you can request an evolution wordpress installation which was setup within one day in my case. This service costs $5.

How to create an audio streaming site in the style of Lynda or other video-training sites?

I would like to make a streaming store like,, or other video-training websites - where the customer can buy and/or subscribe to my digital library, but the customer can only stream the content, no downloading. Is this something I should do in WordPress, Shopify, or something else? A key aspect would be the customer being able to go back-and-forth between buying an individual stream and a monthly subscription without losing their purchased streams.
The content will be self-created audio files. As far as the audio-player, I was thinking about using and privatizing the audio on Then embed the audio onto the site to prevent pirating and rely on a third-party site to host the audio content rather than burdening the hosting provider. Or is there a better solution?
Thanks for any feedback!
You CAN use Wordpress, but there will need to be more involved then just setting up a basic website. You'll need to provide the user with a unique URL to stream the content from.
Other than building a custom platform, you can use something like to create user profiles. And only allow paid users to access certain content.
Shopify will only help with taking orders. Not giving users account access to login.
You could use shopify, then build out a user login side using something like Heroku. We had a similar goal to build a marketplace for live music bookings - basically the difference here being that the artists were the users, not the customers. We used Collections as profiles and Products as bookable packages. We simply embedded youtube vids and made sure to turn off recommendations in the youtube embed code. We currently make this information public, but it could be behind a login (the basic login/account that shopify provide) in your instance. It would be a little bit manual: e.g. they 'purchase' the subscription, then they create a login at checkout, whereby they're then able to access the videos/audio.
Have a play with our marketplace as an example of what I mean:

Can I find out how many people are using my WP plugin?

I'm wondering is it allowed and also what's the best way to track how many users are currently using and running your WordPress plugin?
It's not really allowed without user permission, best bet is to check your plugin stats for active versions and download counts.
No "phoning home" without user's informed consent. This seemingly
simple rule actually covers several different aspects:
No unauthorized collection of user data. For example, sending the admin's email address back to your own servers without permission of
the user is not allowed; but asking the user for an email address and
collecting if they choose to submit it is fine. All actions taken in
this respect MUST be of the user's doing, not automatically done by
the plugin.
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is
loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made
clear in the plugin's admin screens or description. The point is that
the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
Source: Detailed Plugin Guidelines -
Why not just check how many people have downloaded your WP plugin?
You could make a callback to your server, but many users won't like it.
