How to work with data stored in database? -

Good day everyone,
I have some questions, about how to do calculations of data stored in the database. Like, I have a table:
| ID | Item name | quantity of items | item price | date |
and for example i have stored 10000 records.
First that I need to do is to pick up items from a date interval, so I wont need the whole database for my calculations. And then I get items from that date interval, I have to add some tables, for example to calculate:
full price = quantity of items * item price
and store them in new table for each item. So the database for the items picked from the date interval should look like this:
| ID | Item name | quantity of items | item price | date | full price |
The point is that I don't know how to store that items which i picked with date interval. Like, do i have create some temporary table, or something?
This will be using an ASP.NET web application, and for calculations in the database I think I will use SQL queries. Maybe there is an easier way to do it? Thank you for your time to help me.

Like other people have said, you can perform these queries on the fly rather than store them.
However, to answer your question, a query like this should do the trick..
I haven't tested this so the syntax might be off a touch, though it will get you on the right track.
Ultimately you have to do an insert with a select
insert into itemFullPrice
select id, itemname, itemqty, itemprice, [date], itemqty*itemprice as fullprice from items where [date] between '2012/10/01' AND '2012/11/01'
again..don't shoot me if i have got the syntax a little off.. it's a busy day today :D

Having 10000 records, it'd not be a good idea to use temporary tables.
You'd better have another table, called ProductsPriceHistory, where you peridodically calculate and store, let's say, monthly reports.
This way, your reports would be faster and you wouldn't have to make calculations everytime you want to get your report.
Be aware this approach is OK if your date intervals are fixed, I mean, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.
If your date intervals are dynamic, ex. from 10/20/2011 to 10/25/2011, from 05/20/2011 to 08/13/2011, etc, this approach wouldn't work.
Another approach is to make calculations on ASP.Net.

Even with 10000 records, your best bet is to calculate something like this on the fly. This is what structured databases were designed to do.
For instance:
SELECT [quantity of items] * [item price] AS [full price]
, [MyTable].*
FROM [MyTable]
More complex calculations that involve JOINs to 3 or more tables and thousands of records might lend itself to storing values.

There are few approaches:
use sql query to calculate that on the fly - this way nothing is stored to the database
use same or another table to perform calculation
use calculated field
If you have low database load (few queries per minute, few thousands of rows per fetch) then use first aproach.
If calculation on the fly performs poorly (millions of records, x fetches per second...) try second or third aproach.
Third one is ok if your db supports calculated and persisted fields, say MSSQL Server.
Typically, as others said, you will perform calculation in your query. That is, as long as your project is simple enough.
First, when the table where you store all the items and their prices becomes attacked with insert/update/deletes from multiple clients, you don't want to block or be blocked by others. You have to understand that e.g. table X update will possibly block your select from table X until it is finished (look up page/row lock). This means that you are going to love parallel denormalized structure (table with product and the calculated stuff along with it). This is where e.g. reporting comes into play.
Second, when calculation is simple enough (a*b) and done over not-so-many records, then it's ok. When you have e.g. 10M records and you have to correlate each row with several other rows and do some aggregation over some groups, there is a chance that calculated/persisted field will save your time - you can gain up to 10-100 times faster result using this approach.

You should separate concerns in your application:
aspx pages for presentation
sql server for data persistency
some kind of intermediate "business" layer for extra logic like fullprice = p * q
E.g. if you are using Linq-2-sql for data retrieval, it is very simple to add a the fullprice to your entities. The same for entity framework. Also, if you want, you can already do the computation of p*q in the SQL select. Only if performance really becomes an issue, you can start thinking about temporary tables, views with clustered indexes etc.


Can DynamoDB be used for this simple problem?

I am trying to understand the limitations of DynamoDB/NoSQL, mostly as a learning exercise. I came across a problem that is fairly simple in a relational database, but I cannot figure out how to accomplish it in DynamoDB even with full control of rebuilding the tables and indexes.
Problem: Every day everyone in an office chooses one fruit for lunch. At the end of the week, I just want a list of everyone who ate both an apple and a banana.
Example Data
I thought employee name should be the PK, day of the week should be the SK.. and Fruit would be an attribute. But that doesn't seem to work, because you cant query against an attribute.
Is there a way to structure the data to make this work? Is there another tool like OpenSearch, HiveQL, GraphQL that can help me do what i am trying to do here?
When you say it's "fairly simple in a relational database", what you mean is it's simple to express, not exactly simple to compute. You're pushing a lot of list intersection work to the database. As your data set grows, the response time for your query will get slower and slower. At some point the database will no longer be able to give you the answer. And while it's consuming CPU (before timing out) you're negatively impacting the load on the relational database server for other users.
With DynamoDB you can't express queries that take unbounded effort to compute or that depend so much on total data set size for their performance characteristics. You have to design a query system up front that doesn't get exponentially slower as the data set grows.
The DynamoDB design then depends on what you know up front. For example, do you know it's always the intersection of an apple and banana? Then during insert of a new food note if the person ate both, and mark them as such on a user metadata item. Use that marker later during the query phase.
Sound like a nuisance? Well, if your data set isn't growing large and/or you don't need reliably fast query performance, then a relational database solves this problem well. Different databases for different purposes.
DynamoDB also supports SCAN and not only QUERY.
A simple design for the table is to have the PK to be the name of the person, and the attributes will be the numeric values of the fruits that you can increase every day.
WHERE Employee='Bob'
Then, at the end of the week, you can run a simple PartiQL query on the table:

MS SQL product list with filtering

I'm building an application in ASP.NET(VB) with a MS SQL database. It is a search tool for cars that has a list of every car and all of their attributes (colors, # of doors, gas milage, mfg. year, etc). This tool outputs the results in a gridview and the users has the ability to perform advanced searches and filtering. The filtering needs to be very fine-grained (range of gas milage, color(s), mfg year range, etc.) and I cannot seem to find the best way to do this filtering without a large SQL where statement that is going to greatly impact SQL performance and page load. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here, thank you for any help. I'm not sure what other details would be helpful.
This is not an OLTP database you're building--it's really an analytics database. There really isn't a way around the problem of having to filter. The question is whether the organization of the data will allow seeks most of the time, or will it require scans; and also whether the resulting JOINs can be done efficiently or not.
My recommendation is to go ahead and create the data normalized and all, as you are doing. Then, build a process that spins it into a data warehouse, denormalizing like crazy as needed, so that you can do filtering by WHERE clauses that have to do a lot less work.
For every single possible search result, you have a row in a table that doesn't require joining to other tables (or only a few fact tables).
You can reduce complexity a bit for some values such as gas mileage, by striping the mileage into bands of, say, 5 mpg. (10-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.)
As you need to add to the data and change it, your data-warehouse-loading process (that runs once a day perhaps) will keep the data warehouse up to date. If you want more frequent loading that doesn't keep clients offline, you can build the data warehouse to an alternate node, then swap them out. Let's say it takes 2 hours to build. You build for 2 hours to a new database, then swap to the new database, and all your data is only 2 hours old. Then you wipe out the old database and use the space to do it again.

Storing Weighted Graph Time Series in Cassandra

I am new to Cassandra, and I want to brainstorm storing time series of weighted graphs in Cassandra, where edge weight is incremented upon each time but also updated as a function of time. For example,
w_ij(t+1) = w_ij(t)*exp(-dt/tau) + 1
My first shot involves two CQL v3 tables:
First, I create a partition key by concatenating the id of the graph and the two nodes incident on the particular edge, e.g. G-V1-V2. I do this in order to be able to use the "ORDER BY" directive on the second component of the composite keys described below, which is type timestamp. Call this string the EID, for "edge id".
- a time series of edge updates
- PRIMARY KEY: EID, time, weight
- values of "last update time" and "last weight"
- COLUMNS: time, weight
Upon each tick, I fetch and update the time and weight values stored in TABLE 2. I use these values to compute the time delta and new weight. I then insert these values in TABLE 1.
Are there any terrible inefficiencies in this strategy? How should it be done? I already know that the update procedure for TABLE 2 is not idempotent and could result in inconsistencies, but I can accept that for the time being.
EDIT: One thing I might do is merge the two tables into a single time series table.
You should avoid any kind of read-before-write when it comes to Cassandra (and any other database where you can't do a compare-and-swap operation for the write).
First of all: Which queries and query-patterns does your application have?
Furthermore I would be interested how often a new weight for each edge will be calculated and stored. Every second, hour, day?
Would it be possible to hold the last weight of each edge in memory? So you could avoid the reading before writing? Possibly some sort of lazy-loading mechanism of this value would be feasible.
If your queries will allow this data model, I would try to build a solution with a single column family.
I would avoid reading before writing in Cassandra as it really isn't a great fit. Reads are expensive, considerably more so than writes, and to sustain performance you'll need a large number of nodes for a relatively small amount of queries. What you're suggesting doesn't really lend itself to be a good fit for Cassandra, as there doesn't appear to be any way to avoid reading before you write. Even if you use a single table you will still need to fetch the last update entries to perform your write. While it certainly could be done, I think there is better tools for the job. Having said that, this would be perfectly feasible if you could keep all data in table 2 in memory, and potentially utilise the row cache. As long as table 2 isn't so large that it can fit the majority of rows in memory, your reads will be significantly faster which may make up for the need to perform a read every write. This would be quite a challenge however and you would need to ensure only the "last update time" for each row is kept in memory, and disk is rarely needed to be touched.
Anyway, another design you may want to look at is an implementation where you not only use Cassandra but also a cache in front of Cassandra to store the last updated times. This could be run alongside Cassandra or on a separate node but could be an in memory store of the last update times only, and when you need to update a row you query the cache, and write your full row to Cassandra (you could even write the last update time if you wished). You could use something like Redis to perform this function, and that way you wouldn't need to worry about tombstones or forcing everything to be stored in memory and so on and so forth.

Reindexing a large SQL Server database to Lucene

We have a web service method which accepts some data and puts it in Lucene index. We use it to index new and updated entries from our web app.
These entries are stored in a large SQL Server table (20M rows and growing), and I need a way to be able to reindex the whole table in case if current index gets deleted or corrupted. I'm not sure what's the optimal way to retrieve chunks of data from a large table. Currently, we use the fact that the table has PK which is autoincrement, so we get chunks of 1000 rows until it starts to return nothing. Kind of like (in pseudo language):
i = 0
while (true)
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM mytable WHERE pk between i and i + 1000
.... if result is empty 20 times in a row, break ....
.... otherwise send result to web service to reindex ....
i = i + 1000
This way, we don't need to SELECT COUNT(*) which would be a big performance killer, and we just move up the pk values until we stop getting any results. This has it's con: if we have a hole greater than 20,000 values somewhere in the table, it will stop indexing assuming it reached the end, but that's a tradeoff we have to live for now.
Can anyone suggest a more efficient way of getting data from a table to index? I would assume we are not the first ones facing this problem - search engines are widely used nowadays :)
For what we do with Lucene, we rarely need to reindex everything. I can't remember coming across any case when all index would be corrupted (Lucene is actually quite safe/good at this), but it has been many times when individual items needed to be reindexed because of one reason or another. I'd say the most frequent reindexing patterns would be:
reindex items by given id (or set of ids)
reindex items by given period of time
The latter, of course, requires separate db index on the relevant date field(s) which should be a bit costly for 20M+ records but we decided to go for it (our biggest deployment had up to 10M records) as disk space is cheap these days anyway.
EDIT: added few explanations as per question author's comment.
If the source data structure changes, requiring reindexing of all records, our approach is to roll out new code which ensures all new data is correct (basically forms correct Lucene Document from this moment). Then after we can reindex things in batches (either manually or by hand), by providing relevant period ranges. This, to certain extent, also applies to Lucene version changes, too.
Why is a COUNT(*) a performance killer? What about MAX(id)? I'm thinking that a index would provide the information needed for those queries. You do have an index on your primary key, right?
I actually just figured it out - I can use IDENT_CURRENT(table_name) to get the last generated id, and use that instead of MAX() or Count() - this method should blow the other two away :)

SQL Server Table Structure, StartDate and EndDate

I have a Tariffs table for international dialing Codes
with StartDate and EndDate
I'm using Application to import excel offers to this table , Each offer contain about 10000 row, so it is a large table (about 3 millions row)
what is the faster scenario in SQL Server 2008 to create a stored-procedure or trigger to change the previous endDate for same tariff same prefix same destination and new rate on insert a new row,
and how to undo saving offer of 10000 rows and get back the table and update records to the previous state
Thank you,
The information in your question seems a bit jumbled, partially because of the ideas within it but also unhelpful grammer/whitespace (sorry to be so blunt but these things are helpful) but I'll try my best to answer.
In general, assume that a trigger is slower than a stored proc. They also add a higher level of complexity than many other things, like procs, so always be sure you really need one before using one.
But, I don't understand why you'd need a trigger if you're only inserting into one table. Triggers are usually used to implement a complex chain of logic. If it's a straight insert or update then keep simple and use a proc.
If it's just an insert, then the quickest way of all is a bulk insert.
Since you want to keep the previous state, my advice would be to create an archive/audit table (basically a duplicate, with possibly some extra fields like WhenInserted etc), on insert move (i.e. insert in the new table and then delete from the original) the existing rows into the archive and then you can do a bulk insert for the new rows.
But you use the word "change", so it's difficult to know what you really want. Hope that helps.
