Unity Container: create child container around every method call - unity-container

Can we use Unity interception/extensions/custom proxy to perform this?
// psuedo-code
using (var childContainer = new container.CreateChildContainer())
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
Currently the above code is implemented as a WCF behaviour. We now have classes that access this service layer directly rather then making WCF calls and need this behaviour. The interesting part is we need to create a child container inside the unity interception.

Yes. I don't see why you couldn't. However...
although the use of interception often loosens the need to have a clean and SOLID design, when you want to do this, you still need a SOLID design.
I've written about these kind of designs that enable this here, and what it comes down to is that you will have model the operations you want to wrap behind a design, such as an ICommandHandler<T> with a Handle(T) method. With such a design, you can create a decorator (or in Unity's case an interceptor) that wraps a real class with a class that adds a child container like this:
public class ChildContainerCommandHandlerDecorator<T>
: ICommandHandler<T>
private readonly ICommandHandler<T> decorated;
private readonly Container container;
public ChildContainerCommandHandlerDecorator(
ICommandHandler<T> decorated, Container container)
this.decorated = decorated;
this.container = container;
public void Handle(T command)
using (container.CreateChildContainer())
And a decorator that adds a transaction scope like this:
public class TransactionCommandHandlerDecorator<T>
: ICommandHandler<T>
private readonly ICommandHandler<T> decorated;
public TransactionCommandHandlerDecorator(
ICommandHandler<T> decorated)
this.decorated = decorated;
public void Handle(T command)
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
By wrapping real handlers in both decorators, you can extend handlers with this behavior. Of course, decorators is a concept that Unity is unable to handle, but you can easily rewrite this using interceptors when working with Unity, but again, good design is your only friend here.

No, I don't see a way you could do this. You could do the TransactionScope part, but the resolve/call part I just don't see working.
Well, I guess you could get it to work. You'd need a dummy instance of TMyService (or whatever object you're intercepting), and your interception behavior would need to do a bunch of reflection to figure out the type to grab, resolve it, and use reflection again to invoke the specific method. It could be done, but it would be hideously slow.
I'm not going to provide code for this, because I don't think it's a good idea. What scenario are you trying to implement with this - there's probably an easier way to accomplish it.


Is interception worth the overhead it creates?

I'm in the middle of a significant effort to introduce NHibernate into our code base. I figured I would have to use some kind of a DI container, so I can inject dependencies into the entities I load from the database. I chose Unity as that container.
I'm considering using Unity's interception mechanism to add a transaction aspect to my code, so I can do e.g. the following:
class SomeService
public void DoSomething(CustomerId id)
Customer c = CustomerRepository.LoadCustomer(id);
and the [Transaction] handler will take care of creating a session and a transaction, committing the transaction (or rolling back on exception), etc.
I'm concerned that using this kind of interception will bind me to using Unity pretty much everywhere in the code. If I introduce aspects in this manner, then I must never, ever call new SomeService(), or I will get a service that doesn't have transactions. While this is acceptable in production code, it seems too much overhead in tests. For example, I would have to convert this:
void TestMethod()
MockDependency dependency = new MockDependency();
var service = SomeService(dependency);
into this:
void TestMethod()
unityContainer.RegisterType<IDependency, MockDependency>();
MockDependency dependency = unityContainer.Resolve<MockDependency>();
var service = unityContainer.Resolve<SomeService>();
This adds 2 lines for each mock object that I'm using, which leads to quite a bit of code (our tests use a lot of stateful mocks, so it is not uncommon for a test class to have 5-8 mock objects, and sometimes more.)
I don't think standalone injection would help here: I have to set up injection for every class that I use in the tests, because it's possible for aspects to be added to a class after the test is written.
Now, if I drop the use of interception I'll end up with:
class SomeService
public void DoSomething(CustomerId id)
() => {
Customer c = CustomerRepository.LoadCustomer(id);
which is admittedly not as nice, but doesn't seem that bad either.
I can even set up my own poor man's interception:
class SomeService
public void DoSomething(CustomerId id)
() => {
Customer c = CustomerRepository.LoadCustomer(id);
and then my interceptor can process the attributes for the class, but I can still instantiate the class using new and not worry about losing functionality.
Is there a better way of using Unity interception, that doesn't force me to always use it for instantiating my objects?
If you want to use AOP but are concerned abut Unity then I would recommend you check out PostSharp. That implements AOP as a post-compile check but has no changes on how you use the code at runtime.
They have a free community edition that has a good feature set, as well as professional and enterprise versions that have significantly enhanced feature sets.

Can I control multiple instances of movieclips in a loaded swf at once?

I am loading an swf created in flash professional cs5 via the loader class into a flex 4.1 application. The flash file contains multiple movieclips that are exported for actionscript and those movieclips exist in many instances throughout the movie.
Iterating through everything, comparing class types seems to be the most easy but also the most redundant way to solve this. Is there any way of using the class name as a kind of global selector to access the clips?
I could also make the sub-clips in the flash listen for an event on which they perform an action, but I am not really sure what might be best.
In cases like these, I find that a good way to solve the problem is to create a statically accessable class that manages instances of other classes that are registered with it on instantiation. As an example...
public class GlobalStopper{
private static var clips:Array = [];
public static function add(mc:MovieClip):void{
public static function stop():void{
var mc:MovieClip;
for(var i:int = 0, ilen:int = clips.length ; i < ilen ; i++){
mc = clips[i] as MovieClip;
if (mc) mc.stop();
public class GloballyStoppableMovieClip extends MovieClip{
public function GloballyStoppableMovieClip(){
Any and all instances of GloballyStoppableMovieClip are instantly registered with the GlobalStopper, so calling
...will stop all registered movieclips.
You can add in any other functions you want. Furthermore, instead of having add accept MovieClip instances, you could have it accept IStoppable or IPlayable objects that implement public functions stop() and play() that your movieclip subclass (or non-movieclip object that also might need to stop and play!) then implements.
But as for jQuery-like selectors? Not really the way I'd handle this particular issue.
i guess typing it out did the trick. i used the event solution:
in the root timeline i placed a function like this:
function cause():void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("do stuff",true));
and in the library clip's main timeline goes:
DisplayObject(root).addEventListener("do stuff", function (e:Event=null) {
... whatever ...
this is dirty but you get the idea.

Using IOC Container for multiple concrete types

I want to implement IOC in my application but i am confused, in my application i have multiple concrete classes which implement an interface. Consider this scenario:-
I have an Inteface ICommand and following concrete types which implement this interface:-
Basically user performs all this action in UI and then List is passed to the service layer where each command is executed.
So in GUI layer I will write
ICommand command1 = new AddAddress();
ICommand command2 = new RemoveContact();
In command manger
List<ICommand> listOfCommands = List<ICommand>();
Then finally will pass listOfCommands to service layer.
Now as per my understanding of IOC is only one concrete class is mapped to the interface. And we use this syntax to get our concrete type from StructureMap container.
ICommand command = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICommand>();
How should i implement IOC in this scenario?
In this scenario you're better off making your commands into value objects, i.e. not created by the IoC container:
class AddAddressCommand {
public AddAddressCommand(string address) {
Address = address;
public string Address { get; private set; }
When you create a command, you really do want a specific implementation, and you want to parameterise it precisely, both concerns that will work against the services of the IoC container. This will become even more relevant if you decide at some point to serialize the command objects.
Instead, make the service-layer components that execute the commands into IoC-provided components:
class AddAddressHandler : IHandler<AddAddressCommand> {
public AddAddressHandler(ISomeDependency someDependency) { ... }
public void Handle(AddAddressCommand command) {
// Execution logic using dependencies goes here
In your case, the component that accepts the list of commands to execute will need to resolve the appropriate handler for each command and dispatch the command object to it.
There's some discussion of how to do this with Windsor here: http://devlicious.com/blogs/krzysztof_kozmic/archive/2010/03/11/advanced-castle-windsor-generic-typed-factories-auto-release-and-more.aspx - the community supporting your IoC container of choice will be able to help you with its configuration.
As mentioned by Mark, StructureMap will allow you to set up and call named instances of an interface:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
You can still add a default instance for that particular interface, of course:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
When you call ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISomeInterface>(); the default instance (the one initialized with Use instead of Add) is the one that will be returned.
So in your case, the set up would look something like:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
// names are arbitrary
These would be called as pointed out by Mark:
Hope this helps.
Most IOC containers allow you to register "named instances" of interfaces, allowing you to register several implementations of ICommand, each with its own unique name. In StructureMap, you request them like this:
Have a look at this question to see how you setup the container in StructureMap.

Unity: what and when to register

My current implementation of some ASP.NET web application registers all repository classes and some helper service classes in my wrapper around unity container:
public class MyUnityContainer : UnityContainer
public MyUnityContainer ()
string strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
_context = new MyDataClassesDataContext(strConnectionString);
.RegisterInstance(typeof(CMCoreDataClassesDataContext), _context, new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager())
// Register Repository classes
.RegisterType<IBlockedRegistrationRepository, BlockedRegistrationRepository>()
.RegisterType<ICmOptionRepository, CmOptionRepository>()
.RegisterType<ICommandExecutionLogRepository, CommandExecutionLogRepository>()
public static T GetContainer<T>(IDictionary items) where T : class, IUnityContainer, new()
T container;
lock (Lock)
if (items.Contains(UnityKey) == false)
container = new T();
items.Add(UnityKey, container);
container = items[UnityKey] as T;
return container;
Here is an example how container is instantiated (I create a new instance of the container per each request, but only one instance per request):
using (IUnityContainer container = MyUnityContainer.GetContainer<McaUnityContainer>(HttpContext.Current.Items))
{ ... }
Everything is working fine, but what one thing is confusing me a lot: now I have almost 50 classes been registered each time when container is created. Not all classes are actually used for each request...
Is not it a performance overhead to ALWAYS register everything in container?
Probably I shouldn't instantiate a new container instance for each request (and use something like containers pool)?
What is a best practice recommendations for this case?
Thanks a lot.
Any thoughts are welcome!
In our internal framework, we have a static instance of the Unity container that hangs off the Global.asax file, and gets instantiated (and filled with registrations) on Application Start.
On each request, we use Container.CreateChildContainer() to get a request-specific container that gets a very few request-specific registrations (even fewer if you use Unity 2.0 with HierarchicalLifetimeManager). The request-specific container is what gets used during the request.
Edited to add: Not to say this is necessarily a best practice. It certainly avoids any registration overhead though, except for app startup where I have bigger fish to fry from an overhead perspective.
I register everything needed by the web application in Application_Start. I have a RequestLifetimeManager like this and a SessionLifeTimeManager, to make request-specific and session-specific dependencies to be created only when needed: didn't yet see performance or memory issues related to this approach. Our policy is to create a child container when the context is different, for instance in web services or background tasks.

Singleton Class in Flex

I have a doubt,.... How would you create a Singleton class in Flex...
Is there any convention like the class name should eb Singleton or it should extend any other class.
How many Singleton class can a project have?
Can anyone say the real time usage of a Singleton class?
I am planning to keep my components label texts in a Singleton class... Is it a good approach.
Can of worms asking about singletons!
There are a few different options about creating singletons mainly due to AS3 not having private constructors. Here's the pattern we use.
package com.foo.bar {
public class Blah {
private static var instance : Blah;
public function Blah( enforcer : SingletonEnforcer ) {}
public static function getInstance() : Blah {
if (!instance) {
instance = new Blah( new SingletonEnforcer() );
return instance;
class SingletonEnforcer{}
Note that the SingletonEnforcer class is internal so can only be used by the Blah class (effectively). No-one can directly instantiate the class, they have to go through the getInstance() function.
hope I'm not hitting dead horses here :)
(edit: ahh, I'm just repeating phils link)
Gregors singleton implementation does not protect against invoking the constructor with a null value, as in:
var b:Blah = new Blah(null);
You will still have only 1 instance, but invoking the constructor is still possible with the consequences that follows.
If you absolutely must enforce the singleton, the constructor should make sure that the enforcer parameter isn't null.
public function Blah( enforcer : SingletonEnforcer ) {
throw new Error("whoops!");
You should also be concerned about ApplicationDomain when loading swf files. External swf files that uses the same definitions, may have multiple singleton instances (1 in each separate applicationdomain) if you do not specify that the swf file must be loaded into the existing applicationdomain.
This means that Blah.getInstance() in AAA.swf is not the same instance as Blah.getinstance() in BBB.swf, if AAA.swf loads BBB.swf without a LoaderContext instance that tells the plugin to load BBB.swf into the same ApplicationDomain as AAA.swf
First you can reference a previous question to find out how to create a singleton class. You can find more info from a Yakov Fain presentation as well.
Second question, your project can technology have as may singleton class as you see fit but it will only create 1 instance of each. For example, in the cairngorm architecture you have 3 main singletons: controller, service and model. The number of actual class can very depending on your project.
Finally, A real world solutions would be. You have 2 components that need to talk to each other but you don't want them to know the other exists. Meaning sometimes the components are there and sometimes they are not...so you need them to be loosely coupled. you can uses singletons to pass the data from one component to the other with out "talking" to them directly.
Using singletons is a good approach if you need to pass data around your application from component to component and would like to decouple them from each other.
package com.foo.bar
public class MySingleton
private static var _instance:MySingleton = new MySingleton;
private var _myName:String;
public static function get instance():MySingleton
return _instance;
public function set myName(value:String):void
_myName = value;
public function get myName():String
return _myName;
Notice the absence of a constructor here.
Hello you could check out the following of a Flex Singleton Class example on http://www.how-to-code.com/flex/flex-design-patterns/flex-singleton-class.html
