Preventing access to Dynamic Data tables programmatically -

I have an admin section for many databases set up using Dynamic Data. When the user logs in, they are presented with a list of databases that they have access to modify (this list is kept in a separate database that is tied to the person's login information and also lists the tables they are allowed to see). Upon clicking on the database, a list of tables is then shown in a second gridview on the same default.aspx page for the Dynamic Data site.
I have found a way to limit the tables shown to the ones corresponding to the database entries of allowed tables, however, upon viewing the table entries, any foreign key associations to tables they do not have access to show up with the dynamic data hyperlinks that take you over to those tables directly.
Soooo, if you are still with me, thank you. My thought was to do a check in the global.asax file where the metamodels are bound and just not scaffold the tables that are supposed to be inaccessible. Can this be done programmatically? I would post some code but I'm not really sure what would be needed. Here is where I'm thinking I can make an edit:
foreach (var table in metaModel.Value.Tables)
var tablePermission = authorizedTables.Any(p => p == table.Name);
if (tablePermission) continue;
//Next lines are possible ways in?
var canThisBeSetSomehow = table.Attributes.OfType<ScaffoldTableAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
table.Scaffold = false;
Assume that "authorizedTables" is a string[] that holds my table names in the above scenario. Is there a way to take the metamodel and edit it so that the remaining tables are inaccessible on a per user basis?


How to programmatically link newly created records to a record from another table

Thanks in advance for your advice!
I’m creating a database to track orders placed by customers.
An ‘Orders’ table stores general details about an order like the customer’s name, order date, and delivery-required date.
A separate ‘Order_Items’ table stores the specific items that the customer has ordered.
The is a one-to-many relationship between the ‘Orders’ table and ‘Order_Items’ table, i.e. one ‘Order’ can have many ‘Order_Items’, but each ‘Order_Item’ must be associated with only one ‘Order’.
Current State
Currently, I have a page where the user creates a new ‘Order’ record. The user is then taken to another page where they can create as many ‘Order_Item’ records as are needed for the order.
Desired State
What I would like to achieve is: When a user creates new ‘Order_Item’ records, it automatically allocates the current ‘Order’ record as the foreign key for the new ‘Order_Item’ record.
What I've Tried So Far
Manual Action By The User: One way of establishing the link between an 'Order' and all of its 'Order_Items' would be to add a drop-down widget which which effectively asks the user something like "Which order number do all of these items belong to"? The user's action would then establish the link between the two tables and associate one 'Order' with many 'Order_Items'. However, my goal is for this step to be handled programatically instead.
Official Documentation: I’ve referred to the offical documentation which was useful, but as I'm still learning I don’t really know exactly what to search for. The prefetch feature appeared promising but does not actually establish a link; it just loads associated records more efficiently.
App Maker Tutorials: I found an App Maker tutorial which creates an HR App where a user can create a list of ‘Departments’, then create a list of ‘Employees’, and then link an ‘Employee’ to a ‘Department’. However, in the example app this connection is established manually by the user. In my desired state I would like the link to be established programatically.
Manual Save Mode:
I’ve also tried switching to manual save mode so that the user has to create a draft ‘Orders’ record and then several draft ‘Order Items’ records and then save them all at once. However, I haven’t managed to make this work. I’m not sure whether the failure of this approach is because 1) I’m try to create draft records on more than one table, 2) I’m just not doing it correctly, or 3) I thought I read somewhere that draft records are deprecated.
Other Ideas
I'm very new to this field and am may be wrong, but I have a feeling I may need to use some scripting to establish the link. For example, maybe I could use a global variable to remember which 'Order' the user creates. Then, for each 'Order_Item' I could use the onBeforeCreate event to trigger a script that establishes the link between the 'Order_Item' and the 'Order' that was remembered from the previously established global variable.
Updated Question
Thanks Markus and Morfinismo for your answers. I have been using both answers with some success.
Morfinismo: I've successfully used the code you directed me to on existing records but cannot seem to get it to work for newly created records.
For example:
widget.datasource.createItem(); // This creates a new record
var managerRecord = app.datasources.Manager.item; // This sets the Manager of the currently selected parent record as a variable successfully.
var teamRecord = app.datasources.Teams.item; // This attempts to set the Manager of the currently selected record as a variable. However, the record that was created in line 1 is not selected. Therefore, App Maker does not seem to know which record this line of code relates to and returns the error Cannot set property ‘Manager’ of null.
// Assign the manager to the team.
teamRecord.Manager = managerRecord; // This successfully assigns the manager but only in cases where the previous line of code was successful (i.e. existing records and not newly created ones).
Do you have any suggestions or comments on how to apply this code to records that are created by the initial line of code in line 1?
I have found the easiest way to create related items for situations such as yours is to actually import a form with the datasource set to Parent: Child (relation) or Parent: Child (relation) (create). So in your case the datasource would need to be set to Order: Order_Items (relation).
You can get this accomplished in two different ways using the form widget wizard:
Option 1:
If your page datasource is set to Order_Items, drag your form on your page.
In the datasource selection section, your datasource in the form widget should default to `Inherited: Order_Items'. Click the 'Advanced' button in the bottom left corner, then from the datasources category find Order as your datasource, then select relations in the next field, and then Order_Items in the next field, choose 'Insert only' or 'Edit' form and then the appropriate fields you want in the form.
Now every item that gets created in that form will automatically be a child record of the currently selected record in your Order datasource.
Option 2:
If your page datasource is set to Order, drag your form on your page.
In the datasource selection section, your datasource in the form widget should default to Inherited: Order. Scroll down in your datasource selection section until you find Order: Order_Items (relation), then choose 'Insert only' or 'Edit' form and then the appropriate fields you want in the form.
Now every item that gets created in that form will automatically be a child record of the currently selected record in your Order datasource.
In your Order model, make sure that the security setting is set appropriately that a user is allowed to create relations of Order_Items in Order. That is the simplest approach in my opinion since you don't have to hard code the parent into your form or client/server scripts. It is automatically based on the currently selected parent, and is essentially doing the same thing that #Morfinismo explained in the client script section.
The comment I placed under your question included a link to the official documentation that explains what you need. Anyways, your question is not clear enough to determine whether you are creating the records via client script or server script, hence this is a very general answer.
To manage relations via client script:
var managerRecord = app.datasources.Manager.item;
var teamRecord = app.datasources.Teams.item;
// Assign the manager to the team.
teamRecord.Manager = managerRecord;
// Changes are saved automatically if the datasource in auto-save mode
// Add a team member to a Manager's team.
// Note: Retrieve Members on the client before proceeding, such as by using prefetch option in datasource - datasources Team -> Members)
var engineerRecord = app.datasources.TeamMember.item;
To manage relations via server script:
// Get the record for the Team to modify.
var teamRecord = app.models.Teams.getRecord("team1");
// Assign a manager to the Team.
var managerRecord = app.models.EmployeeDB.getRecord("manager1");
teamRecord.Manager = managerRecord;
// Note: The new association is not saved yet
// Assign a team member to the Team.
var engineerRecord = app.models.EmployeeDB.getRecord("engineer1");
// Save both changes to the database.
The above information is taken directly from the official documentation, which like I said, I referred to in the comment I placed under your question.

How to sort a table for which its datasource is a relation

I have a Page with a Table for which its datasource is a relation and needs to be sorted based on fields from another model:
Datasource = Indicators
Datasource = Indicators [one] : MetadataText [many] (relation)
The Table needs to be sorted based on a field from another Model called MetadataField, which has a one to many relation with MetadataText.
I have the datasource of MetadataField sorted. But the content in the Table appears in random order. When I first access the application, the Table is sorted by the order that the records were loaded. After view some records, the sorting of the records changes and keeps changing.
I am using Google Drive tables.
You can easily sort related records by one of the fields that belong to the related record itself, but only once (you'll received those records sorted from server).
But it seems, that you want to sort related records by their related record. App Maker will not be your friend in this case... but javascript will be! Since App Maker loads all related records you can safely sort them on client using javascript:
indicatorsDatasource.load(function() {
indicatorsDatasource.items.forEach(function(indicator) {
indicator.MetadataTexts.sort(function(a, b) {
return /* here goes your sorting logic */;
It will work in O(n * m * log(m)) in case you have n Indicators on the page and every indicator has m associated MetadataTexts. If you want to let users to sort related records by clicking table's header, you'll need to implement that logic on your own. So... all this hassle leads us to alternative solution! What if we decouple related records and introduce separated datasource for them? Having that you'll be able to use full power of App Maker's tables (sorting/paging) with almost no effort. You can take a look at implementation sample in Project Tracker template ViewProject page.

How to add/save temporary table on form

We created special form to creating purchase prices for vendors.
New form has almost the same fields as original (so we used PriceDiscTable), but the record/datasoruce was set as temporary table. After user filled mandatory fields will click button, (extra logic behind) and record will inster to database (real priceDiscTable).
The idea was to grand access to trade prices for users that not necessarily has access to purchase prices. In theory everything was ok, but when user with no access to PriceDiscTable open new form, error was shown "Not enougt right to use table 'Price agreements'".
We try set the AllowCheck to false in formDatasource but this only allow us to open the form, but user still cannot add or modify records.
Is there any way to force system to allow user to write data in the temporary table?
Disabling security key or grand access to real table is not an option.
Duplicate table and create with same fields is nuisance (if we use same table we can use data() method to assign fields)
I think that creating a new temporary table with [almost] the same fields would be the best solution.
If the only reason you oppose to this approach is that you wouldn't be able to use data() to copy data from one table to another you can use buf2BufByName() as described here:
You can use RunAs to impersonate another user...perhaps a system user. I don't entirely follow what you are trying to do, but it sounds like this solution would work for you if you know exactly what your custom code is doing and is capable of.
See Classes\AifOutboundProcessingService\runAsWrapper to see an example.
You will not be able to display the PriceDiscTable without giving the user at least "view" access or editing Classes\FormRun to somehow bypass the security key, which is kernel level so it's also not possible.
I agree with 10p where you should create a temp table and then create a custom method handler combined with buf2bufbyname() or buf2buf().
Another option you can screw around with, if you REALLY want to use .data() is using a Common as the datasource. You could add the fields you want on the grid with the common, then you can pass a common back/forth. This has a good amount of form setup to get this working, but it could produce what you want eventually I think.
static void Job8(Args _args)
Common common;
salesTable salesTable;
common = new DictTable(366).makeRecord();
select firstonly common where common.RecId == 5637145357;;
info(strfmt("%1 - %2", salesTable.SalesId, salesTable.SalesName));

How to use ASP.NET Membership for User Defined Permissions

I have a simple ASP.NET MVC 3 application. I have the database I designed for the application, which corresponds to a domain model (in an App.Domain assembly).
I auto-generated the Application Services Membership tables and added them to the application database. Membership creation is working fine.
I created a 'Permission' table which has a composite PK made up of UserId (from the auto-generated aspnet_Users table) and ContentId (from the Content table holding the application content).
The idea is to allow users to allocate permissions to other users for the content they create.
My plan is to then place logic in the Controllers that goes something like:
Collapse | Copy Code
Guid currentUser = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
int[] accessible = (from p in context.Permissions
where p.UserId == currentUser
select p.ContentId).toArray();
Then to get the content for the current user, something like this:
Collapse | Copy Code
IEnumerable<content> content = context.Content
.Where(x => x.PublicAccess < 3
|| accessible.Contains(x.ContentId));</content>
If I have made any sense, can anyone tell me if this is a normal way to handle user defined permissions.
Also, this code doesn't work because it won't cast the linq to an int[]. Any help with that?
Typically permissions are handled by the role subystem. You do something like this:
if (User.IsInRole("RoleName")) {
You can combine this with dynamically assigned content permissions by looking up what roles or users are assigned to the content, and checking if the user is in that role, or if the users is specifically allowed.
Role based permission scales better than assigning users to specific pages. As the number of pages grow, assigning users to pages becomes a nightmare. So you typically assign roles to pages, then assign users to roles.
Your code seems to want to do a lot of work, returning lots of different content items. Typically, you know what item you want to control access to. So you might do something like:
var roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser()
var content = from p in context.Permissions where p.ContentID == contentID
&& roles.Any(x => p.Roles.Contains(x)) select p;
But, there are so many ways to do this, you will have decide what works best for you.
I don't understand your last bit about not casting to an int[]. I assume .toArray() is a typo, it should be .ToArray(). And if ContentID is an int, .ToArray should create an int[].

ASP.NET user browse selected/restricted raw data from sql-server

In an ASP.NET WebForms application I would like to allow the end-user to browse selected raw data in an sql-server database.
However, I would like to restrict access for the user to only view some of the data based on the username.
I'm not sure how to do this in a way that is possible for the user to understand, since SQL is not necessarily known to the user.
What options do I have here?
As a basis for this I have considered creating one sql function per table in question. That function should return the data that the user is allowed to view, e.g.,
CREATE FUNCTION ufn_RawData_Employee(#username nvarchar(256))
AS ( SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE [#username is allowed to view the given Employee] )
In a webpage the end-user might then type an SQL-like statement like
SELECT Name, HireDate FROM ((Employee))
where (([TableName])) then could be replaced by ufn_RawData_[TableName]([UserName]) before calling the database.
(For security reasons such calls could then be performed by a sql user whose only permissions are SELECT permissions to these functions.)
However, this approach might be too difficult for the end-user. I would like to know if an easier/user-friendlier solution exists for the end-user to browse selected raw data?
If you are only showing the user data from one table, or one view (which would probably be more useful) then yes you could store the name of that view in a table and retrieve it with a function. You could then display the data in pages, and make sure your standard select scripts have a built in search function if necessary.
There is no need for the user to write SQL if they are only getting data from one table or view. If you need to provide multiple potential tables/ views, then let them choose from a drop down, but it doesn't sound worthwhile to allow them to write their own SQL queries.
